Top 32 Quotes About Hosni Mubarak

#1. Hosni Mubarak ... his constitution is not democratic, but he is democratic. We can voice our opinions now. The press is free.

Naguib Mahfouz

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #965392
#2. Move over to Egypt. Once again, the [Barack] Obama administration, encouraged by Republicans, toppled [Hosni] Mubarak who had been a reliable ally of the United States, of Israel, and in its place, [Mohamed] Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood came in, a terrorist organization.

Ted Cruz

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1022019
#3. The danger of leaving overwhelming wealth and power in the grasp of a small minority is a lesson that leaders such as ousted Tunisian president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali and deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak have learned a little too late, as the demonstrations across the Arab world indicate.

Graydon Carter

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1099742
#4. There was an insurgency under President Hosni Mubarak in the 1990s. Egyptian police and soldiers fought weekly battles with Islamists in the sugarcane fields and thick reeds along the Nile in rural southern villages like Minya, Sohag, Enna and Assiout.

Richard Engel

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1102783
#5. Egypt under Hosni Mubarak had deteriorated to the status of a failed state. We must wipe the slate clean and start again.

Mohamed ElBaradei

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1549153
#6. I believe that the majority of Egyptian people know who is Hosni Mubarak and it pains me what has been expressed by some people from my own country.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1616510
#7. The real crime of Hosni Mubarak is that he ruled for 30 years and left behind an Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood is the single strongest player.

Elliott Abrams

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1631152
#8. The system he (President Hosni Mubarak) is recommending would make it virtually impossible for truly independent parties to participate. Sham democracy should be exposed for what it truly is.

Madeleine Albright

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1855285
#9. The situation is not about Hosni Mubarak, but the reality is now about Egypt, its present, the future of its sons, all Egyptians are in the same trench, therefore, we should continue our national dialogue That have already started in the spirit of groups but not enemies.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #172845
#10. Sharon is capable of making peace.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1351078
#11. My aim was never to seek a force and take power.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1879493
#12. An honest observer of the evolution of conditions in Egypt would discover that terrorism is an alien phenomenon, strange to our values and heritage.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1407166
#13. The true victory is the victory for democracy and pluralism.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1426306
#14. Egypt firmly and strongly condemns such attacks on civilians and soldiers that led to the deaths of a large number of innocent victims.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1449316
#15. We shall continue to work for a Middle East that is free of strife and violence, living in harmony without the threat of terrorism or the dangers of weapons of mass destruction.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1484340
#16. What is wrong with strengthening the opposition? You lose nothing, ... But let them abide by the rules.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1602612
#17. I am telling you that I am very grateful and am so proud of you for being a symbolic generation that is calling for change to the better, that is dreaming for a better future, and is making the future.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1671869
#18. For the welfare of the whole world and the new world order.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1706270
#19. We are meeting here to put an end to this cycle [of violence], to put things back in order and to put the wheel of peace on the right track. The task is very great, but our hopes are greater.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1788694
#20. I am telling you, as a president of the country, I do not find it a mistake to listen to you and to respond to your requests and demands. But it is shameful and I will not, nor will ever accept to hear foreign dictations, whatever the source might be or whatever the context it came in.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1806391
#21. The secrecy that shrouded the vote counting by the special election committee cast doubts on the results and lacks transparency.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1299735
#22. Any political system can commit mistakes and any state can commit mistakes. What is most important is to acknowledge these mistakes and put them right as soon as possible and put those behind them into account, bring them to account.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #1249905
#23. The people gave me the responsibility of building the future of this nation. And I did it with honor.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #936886
#24. Egypt is going through difficult times and we cannot allow it to carry on.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #785890
#25. When it is over, if it is over, this war will have horrible consequences. Instead of having one Bin Laden, we will have 100 Bin Ladens.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #780052
#26. If there is one Osama bin Laden now, there will be 100 bin Ladens afterwards.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #771638
#27. Citizens, the priority now is to recover trust between the Egyptian - amongst the Egyptians and to have trust and confidence in our economy and international reputation and the fact that the change that we have embarked on will carry on and there's no going back to the old days.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #712328
#28. I would like to tell you as the president of the republic, I am not embarrassed to listen to the Youth of my country and to respond to them.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #474322
#29. Saudi Arabia has lost one of its dutiful sons, a leader among the most dear of its leaders and men.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #176328
#30. Iraq should commit itself to implement the U.N. resolutions, and the Iraqi leadership should put the interests of its people into consideration.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #145950
#31. If there is one bin Laden now, there will be 100 bin Ladens afterward.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #87996
#32. I have this to say to the people: go the polls and vote for the candidate of your choice ... This is your responsibility; do not neglect it.

Hosni Mubarak

Quotes About Hosni Mubarak #22507

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