Top 61 Quotes About Herold

#1. There is, of course, nothing wrong in a program that aims to please everybody, except that as a rule it is a prelude to dictatorship.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #1472212
#2. Don't ever slam a door, you might want to go back.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1180438
#3. Babies are a great way to start people.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1216007
#4. Napoleon, who had an aversion to the moral laxity of the eighteenth century, which he blamed on the domination of society by women, was determined to reform family life on Roman, or perhaps rather on Corsican, principles. It was with him, not with Queen Victoria, that Victorian morality originated.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #1267261
#5. A lot of men think that if they smile for a second, somebody will take advantage of them, and they are right.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1273102
#6. If you don't have an assistant, you are one!

Cameron Herold

Quotes About Herold #1275325
#7. The chief trouble with jazz is that there is not enough of it; some of it we have to listen to twice.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1320987
#8. If I had my life to live over, I would perhaps have more actual troubles but I'd have fewer imaginary ones.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1335379
#9. Babies are such a nice way to start people.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1351138
#10. About the time we get old enough to be as wicked as we want to be, we don't want to be so very wicked after all.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1372740
#11. Comic-strip artists do not make good husbands, and God knows they do not make good comic strips.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1380093
#12. Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1391137
#13. Be kind and considerate to others, depending somewhat upon who they are.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1391847
#14. Golf may be a hussy, but I love her.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1408932
#15. This is the greatest paradox: the emotions cannot be trusted; yet it is the emotions that tell us the greatest truths.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1456279
#16. Interruptions are the spice of life.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1460572
#17. The brighter you are, the more you have to learn.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1112671
#18. Meredith,' interposed Celia, 'makes one of his women, Emilia in England, say that poetry is like talking on tiptoe; like animals in cages, always going to one end and back again.

Harold Frederic

Quotes About Herold #1499176
#19. If I had my life to live over, I'd pick more daisies.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1499242
#20. A woman's hair net tangled in a man's spectacles on top of the bedroom dresser.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1524683
#21. Be kind to dumb people.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1540547
#22. Work is the greatest thing in the world. So we should save some of it for tomorrow.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1590702
#23. Women give us solace, but if it were not for women we would never need solace.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1638115
#24. The English soldier was probably the worst-treated soldier in Europe, and judging from the English casualty rates during the Napoleonic wars, English generals were more lavish with their soldiers' lives than were their French and German colleagues.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #1658138
#25. I wish I were either rich enough or poor enough to do a lot of things that are impossible in my present comfortable circumstances.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1689580
#26. It is a good thing that life is not as serious as it seems to a waiter.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1702930
#27. The mind of man has no defense To equal plain, old common sense. This homely virtue don't despise, If you would be happy as well as wise.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1718495
#28. A humorist is a person who feels bad, but who feels good about it.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1720541
#29. The beggar is the only person in the universe not obliged to study appearance.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1834612
#30. Gentlemen prefer blondes, but take what they can get.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1841975
#31. Historians are lenient to those who succeed and stern to those who fail; in this, and this alone, they display strong political sense.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #1855097
#32. Conversation: The slowest form of human communication.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #572432
#33. A provisional government was appointed on April 1 (it consisted mainly of Talleyrand's whist partners), and the following day the Senate, on Talleyrand's urging, declared Napoleon deposed.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #23274
#34. Why resist temptation? There will always be more.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #47703
#35. Golf is not sacred, and there is no use getting so gosh-darned solemn about it.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #103273
#36. The Allies had made war on Napoleon as a tyrant and an oppressor of nations; yet once they had got him out of the way, they did him the favor of representing him as the torchbearer of the French Revolution. They did him the further favor of repeating his mistakes and besting him at them.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #170274
#37. Just as Napoleon was the sole authority in the state, so the husband and father was to exercise authority over his family. Unfortunately the only possible result of despotism on either level is hypocrisy.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #192984
#38. Those who mistake their good luck for their merit are inevitably bound for disaster.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #195812
#39. The war against Napoleon was won not by England but by Russia, Austria, and Prussia; but England won the last battle and she won the peace.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #322456
#40. Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs

Cameron Herold

Quotes About Herold #401973
#41. Very few people look the part and are it too.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #424576
#42. Both my nine- and seven-year-olds have a stockbroker already.

Cameron Herold

Quotes About Herold #477777
#43. An honourable agreement among men as to their conduct toward women, and it was devised by women.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #484388
#44. The popular image [in England] of Bonaparte as a blood-stained tyrant and bandit was admittedly exaggerated, but instinct told even the most radical among the English that if liberty, equality, and justice were ever to come to their shores, it certainly was not Napoleon who would bring them there.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #486171
#45. Methods of locomotion have improved greatly in recent years, but places to go remain about the same.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #517061
#46. Poverty must have many satisfactions, else there would not be so many poor people.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #548279
#47. Moralizing and morals are two entirely different things and are always found in entirely different people

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #3854
#48. There's one thing about baldness, it's neat.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #680219
#49. Intellectuals should never marry; they won't enjoy it; and besides, they should not reproduce themselves.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #697107
#50. It takes a lot of things to prove you are smart, but only one thing to prove you are ignorant

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #748676
#51. I do not believe in doing for pleasure things I do not like to do.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #753569
#52. There is nobody as irritating as somebody with less intelligence and more sense than we have.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #769979
#53. if you're communicating with others only to tell them how you want things done, you're not communicating effectively.

Cameron Herold

Quotes About Herold #774754
#54. There is something distinctive about living in New York; over eight million other people are doing it.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #812777
#55. Start building a network of fellow entrepreneurs that understand your passion and don't make you feel guilty about always chasing it.

Cameron Herold

Quotes About Herold #837738
#56. [Reviewing a production of Uncle Tom's Cabin] The dogs were poorly supported by the cast.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #889881
#57. Madame Tallien shared honors with Josephine Beauharnais in being mistress to Barras, an ex-nobleman and ex-terrorist whose appetite for beautiful women, beautiful young men, and money was the only wholesome trait in his character.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #972022
#58. Some people have nothing but experience.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1033421
#59. Nobody ever looked up and saw a good shot.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1064086
#60. I had, out of my sixty teachers, a scant half dozen who couldn't have been supplanted by phonographs.

Don Herold

Quotes About Herold #1101755
#61. Napoleon loved only himself, but, unlike Hitler, he hated nobody.

J. Christopher Herold

Quotes About Herold #1111372

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