Top 42 Quotes About Greatness In Your Life

#1. Greatness in your body is strength.
Greatness in your mind is wisdom.
Greatness in your heart is faith.
Greatness in your soul is love.
Greatness in your life is God.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #779555
#2. Believe in yourself and you can achieve greatness in your life.

Judy Blume

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #198017
#3. No matter who you are, no matter what greatness you've achieved in your life or what gifts you've given to the rest of humanity, if you criticize Israel, you must expect to become persona non grata. You should expect an utter onslaught of attacks ...

Susan Abulhawa

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1165460
#4. Every study of high achieving men and women proves that greatness in life is only possible when you become outstanding at your chosen field.

Brian Tracy

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1855211
#5. Although to our automatic brain, change always means potential danger. In order to calm that brain, it means embracing change so to turn on the light in our mind and open the door to our true potential.

Charles F. Glassman

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1266186
#6. Your place in life is not fixed by heredity.

Wallace D. Wattles

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1303625
#7. Greatness is finding your natural talent, fueling it with passion, planting it in well-nourished soil, and toiling in the garden until it breaks through the earth and reaches for the stars.

Janet Autherine

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1347599
#8. Erase the victim mentality. Remember you are capable of achieving greatness. If only you'd believe in your abilities to overcome. You are victorious. Celebrate the victory.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1348792
#9. Despite what you think you know, sometimes your plans may be interrupted. Because you were designed for a purpose. You are on a mission to achieve greatness. No matter what obstacles lie in your path, you will reach your destination. Remember God's grace is sufficient.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1470454
#10. You have All it takes to be Great, See the unseen, Give the Good in your hand now to Activate that Great Grace for Greatness.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1475382
#11. What if the only thing standing in the way of your greatness was that you just had to go after everything obsessively, persistently, and as though your life depended on it?

Grant Cardone

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1480739
#12. The pursuit of greatness means that laziness has no place in your life.

Pat Conroy

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1492971
#13. You are the guardian and custodian of your heart, remember this always!

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1493492
#14. When you do great things, Expect greater things. None of your works are done in vain. You will achieve what you set forth to accomplish!

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1506348
#15. Don't just accept whatever comes your way in life. You were born to win; you were born for greatness; you were created to be a champion in life.

Joel Osteen

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1517528
#16. Your future will definitely head to the same direction with your thoughts; this is why planning your thought is so important.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1540522
#17. Always set your mind to think thoughts of victory even before the battle begins, this way you will experience limitless possibilities.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1567854
#18. You don't achieve greatness in life being surrounded by mediocre people with mediocre values. Choose your company wisely.

Amy Chan

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1572994
#19. Wrong thinking will take your life the wrong way, channeling your thoughts to the right direction will cause you to soar in life.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1586611
#20. Might I give counsel to any man, I would say to him, try to frequent the company of your betters. In books and in life, that is the most wholesome society; learn to admire rightly; the great pleasure of life is that. Note what great men admire.

William Makepeace Thackeray

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1612129
#21. Many great people over the centuries have depended on their faith- it is a sign of great strength to need Jesus in your life.

Bear Grylls

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1713932
#22. There is always a struggle, a striving for something bigger than yourself in all forms of art. And even if you don't achieve greatness, even if you fail, which we all must, everything you do in your work is somehow connected with your attitude toward life ...

Rex Harrison

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1749570
#23. They can't denied who I am.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #597128
#24. Adivce from a horse
Take life's hurdels in stride.
Loosen the reins.
Be free sprited.
Keep the burrs from under your saddle.
Carry your friends when they need it.
Keep stable.
Gallop to greatness.

Ilan Shamir

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #43118
#25. If you did not care at all what anyone else thought about you, what would you do differently or change in your life?

Brian Tracy

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #82922
#26. How far you go in life and in your career is dependent on how far you can think good thoughts!

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #89860
#27. Thank You, Lord, that You are with me in everything that I face. No matter what comes against me, You are greater and more powerful. I ask You to be with me in the things I face today. I praise You and Your greatness in the midst of all that seems large and looming in my life.

Stormie O'martian

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #89977
#28. Believe you are great and you will be great.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #212262
#29. Open wide your heart and accept all the experiences of life. Don't let any moment go half-lived. Live with greatness even in moments of sadness and pain. It is no shame to trip and fall as you walk the path of life. Just get up and continue on your way.

Ilchi Lee

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #357818
#30. Greatness is not so much a certain size as a certain quality in your life.

Phillips Brooks

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #407012
#31. Your success and significance in life is tied to the unleashing of the greatness in you.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #537872
#32. The level of happiness you experience through your interactions depends on the quality of your walk in love.

Mensah Oteh

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #543280
#33. If becoming your most extraordinary self doesn't inspire you,
if claiming your greatness doesn't get you moving in the morning,
if you don't think you are worthy of going after your best life,
then dedicate this year to someone else and make it your best for them.

Debbie Ford

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #1099089
#34. Our thoughts create our lifestyle, if you live healthy, it means you think healthy thoughts and if you think unhealthy thoughts, it will reflect in your health and lifestyle too.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #632819
#35. I would tell my 14 year old self to never ever, ever put all of your money in one bank account. And love the ones who love you back. You're going to want to quit ... DON'T! Oh, and get everything in writing.

Brandi L. Bates

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #646669
#36. You can use songs, scriptures and godly pictures to chart your thought-course in the right direction.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #771073
#37. A 20/20 mindset eradicates any source of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. It produces a balanced life in which you are living your purpose and being fueled with your passion. You are connected directly to the source of greatness. Success is then a graceful gift.

Farshad Asl

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #776379
#38. If you want to be great, see greatness in others and appreciate it with your whole heart.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #824608
#39. The closer you get to excellence in your life, the more friends you'll lose. People love you when you are average, because it makes them comfortable. But when you pursue greatness, it makes people uncomfortable. Be prepared to lose some people on your journey.

Tony Gaskins Jr.

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #842035
#40. There will never be "the right time" in your life to do a great thing.
You must create that time and greatness will follow.

JohnA Passaro

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #933523
#41. If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you.

Alan Armstrong

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #968270
#42. Choose your thoughts, carve them in your mind and fix your gaze on them always.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Greatness In Your Life #988016

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