Top 22 Quotes About Golf And Death

#1. I'm just 'bout that action boss.

Marshawn Lynch

Quotes About Golf And Death #880801
#2. Remember you have to be comfortable. Golf is not a life or death situation. It's just a game and should be treated as such. Stay loose.

Chi Chi Rodriguez

Quotes About Golf And Death #1787188
#3. I've learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

Andy Rooney

Quotes About Golf And Death #1642844
#4. I have wrinkles. I am not tortured by them. I am no one special and so what if I have wrinkles? One day I will be no one special and be dead.

A.S. King

Quotes About Golf And Death #1575520
#5. The only way to enjoy golf is to be a masochist. Go out and beat yourself to death.

Howard Keel

Quotes About Golf And Death #1512020
#6. Seve was one of the most talented and exciting golfers to ever play the game. His creativity and inventiveness on the golf course may never be surpassed. His death came much too soon.

Tiger Woods

Quotes About Golf And Death #1330537
#7. I shot a wild elephant in Africa thirty yards from me, and it didn't hit the ground until it was right at my feet. I wasn't a bit scared. But a four foot putt scares me to death.

Sam Snead

Quotes About Golf And Death #1056556
#8. 'From Here to Eternity' happens to be fourteen-carat entertainment. The main trouble is that it is too entertaining for a film in which love affairs flounder, one sweet guy is beaten to death, and a man of high principles is mistaken for a saboteur and killed on a golf course.

Manny Farber

Quotes About Golf And Death #1050766
#9. Know what Freud wrote in his diary when he was 77? "What do women want? My God, what do they want?" Fifty years this giant brain spends analyzing women. And he still can't find out what they want. So this makes him the world's greatest expert on female psychology?

Clare Boothe Luce

Quotes About Golf And Death #1023295
#10. I like playing a bit of golf. But, if people went around beating people to
death with golf clubs, I'd say, 'Ban golf. I'll take up tennis'

Stephen Merchant

Quotes About Golf And Death #1004373
#11. Cassandra's grandmother smiled then, only it wasn't a happy smile. Cassandra thought she knew how it felt to smile like that. She often did so herself when her mother promised her something she really wanted but knew might not happen.

Kate Morton

Quotes About Golf And Death #979545
#12. Golf is such a wonderful game. I love it to death.

Charlie Sifford

Quotes About Golf And Death #33011
#13. You see in such a world as this, an idealist -or perhaps it's only a sentimentalist-must be stoned to death. He makes the others so uncomfortable. He haunts them at their golf.

Ford Madox Ford

Quotes About Golf And Death #880166
#14. It is not a matter of life and death. It is not that important. But it is a reflection of life, and so the game is an enigma wrapped in a mystery impaled on a conundrum.

Peter Alliss

Quotes About Golf And Death #804063
#15. Retirement is an illusion. Not a reward but a mantrap. The bankrupt underside of success. A shortcut to death. Golf courses are too much like cemeteries.

Saul Bellow

Quotes About Golf And Death #560215
#16. Golf is a game to be played between cricket and death.

Colin Ingleby-Mackenzie

Quotes About Golf And Death #531162
#17. I go to the first tee scared to death every day. The peaks do not seem to last as long as the valleys in this game.

J. C. Snead

Quotes About Golf And Death #426215
#18. I don't fear death, but I sure don't like those three-footers for par.

Chi Chi Rodriguez

Quotes About Golf And Death #311541
#19. If a lot of people gripped a knife and fork the way they do a golf club, they'd starve to death.

Sam Snead

Quotes About Golf And Death #281518
#20. Not too many professions out there that value forgetfulness. Prostitution, maybe. Politics, of course.

Jonathan Nolan

Quotes About Golf And Death #270674
#21. Non-violence is not inaction. It is not discussion. It is not for the timid or weak ... Non-violence is hard work.

Cesar Chavez

Quotes About Golf And Death #104120
#22. The older I get, the more I want to do. It beats death, decay or golf in unfortunate trousers. Peace and quiet depress me.

Simon Schama

Quotes About Golf And Death #37589

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