Top 100 Quotes About Genevieve
#1. I don't blame you," Genevieve said. "Sunnyvale isn't exactly Paris.
Juliet Blackwell
#2. I think we're losing sight of what our ultimate goal is here, said Genevieve. But we feared that if she was washed out, people would look right past the flyer.
Joshua Ferris
#3. The old man stared at me with his bright green eyes. You're Gin Blanco, Genevieve Snow, and the Spider all rolled into one. You can do whatever you want to, sweetheart.
Jennifer Estep
#4. What I really want to say is Peter will always pick Lara Jean over Genevieve.
Jenny Han
#5. A film like Genevieve to my contemporaries is not a film made years ago, but last week or last year. They see me as I was then, not as I am now.
Kenneth More
#6. Until Genevieve I had tended towards the more dramatic type of role.
Dinah Sheridan
#7. I thought Genevieve was someone I would know forever. Those people in your life that you just always know, no matter what. But it's not that way. Here we are, three years later, and we're worse than strangers.
Jenny Han
#8. They will never believe that an ordinary girl could do such an extraordinary thing,' Genevieve worried. 'What would I tell them?
'Tell them there is no such thing as an ordinary girl, said Bloom.
Doreen Cronin
#9. He found himself playing the love-sick fool vying for a crumb of attention or approval from Genevieve. Anything to make her smile. Make her happy. He'd give her the damn moon if that was what it took.
Maya Banks
#10. Viscerally, what Genevieve felt, and it wasn't at all amusing.
Loretta Chase
#11. While making Genevieve, I learned there could be a lot more to a film than just acting in it.
Dinah Sheridan
#12. I'm jus a shadow on the floor wi' out ye, Genevieve.
Amy A. Bartol
#13. Genevieve burst into laughter and hugged him fiercely, because otherwise she would cry. Not because she was unhappy but because joy crowded every inch of her heart and soul. She was about to burst with it.
Maya Banks
#14. Don't settle, Genevieve. Don't let strangers grope you on dance floors. Don't allow college boys to fondle you in doorways. Don't waver in uncertainty about your own desires....Know what you want. Endeavor to seize it, and keep it when you do.
Juliette Cross
#15. I think the photographer is in love with the deaf woman, Genevieve says finally. Mercedes fingers the lip of her mug. How can you tell? He touches her the way we touch the books.
Lindsey Drager
#16. It's all in your head," Genevieve said.
I know," said Alyss, and despite the traumas of the past , the uncertainty of the future, she wouldn't have given up this moment for anything.
"Isn't it wonderful?
Frank Beddor
#17. Words, Genevieve." He smiled with such sadness, my heart cracked. "They mean nothing next to your actions. It is what we do that defines who we are and where our devotion truly lies.
Juliette Cross
#18. Let not our trials of this day be our final sentence. For our difficulties of today is definitely shared by another in our world. Therefore, be encouraged and don't give up because tomorrow a new dawn will surely shine, and once we have life we have the most precious gift-Genevieve Sarpong.
Genevieve Sarpong
#19. She gazes over at baby Genevieve, who is now asleep in Kevin's arms, and thinks, I really don't have any words of advice at all. The world is an endlessly confounding place.
Elin Hilderbrand
#20. Peter is loyal to her first, me second. It's first Genevieve, then me. That is the deal. That's always been the deal. And I'm sick of it.
Jenny Han
#21. I had felt guilty but honored. Genevieve liked me best. We were close,closer than with anyone else. The bracelets were proof. How cheaply I was bought then, with just a bracelet made out of string.
Jenny Han
#22. He doesn't know it, but when Peter talks about Genevieve, he gets a certain softness in his face. It's tenderness mixed with impatience. And something else. Love. Peter can protest all he wants, but I know he still loves her.
Jenny Han
#23. Genevieve hunched her shoulders against the storm of sound and fury and struggled to imagine a worse sort of hell. Widdershins, of course, seemed perfectly happy, but Widdershins was weird.
Ari Marmell
#24. So I regard my part in Genevieve as a real challenge.
Dinah Sheridan
#25. You want me to paint you?' Genna spoke up raising an eyebrow of displeasure.
'All of me.' James bowed his head to Genevieve and whispered the words slowly.
Tan Redding
#26. Kendrick walked over to her purposefully, hauled her up into his arms and gave her a mock frown. "I hunger, wench."
Genevieve put her arms around his neck. "Well? What are you going to hunt us for dinner?"
"I'll slay a few steaks from the freezer."
"You're so brave.
Lynn Kurland
#27. Great feats come to those who persevere despite the obstacles life hands them.For as long as there is a will there is always a way-Genevieve Sarpong.
Genevieve Sarpong
#28. Life is short, but it is wide. Genevieve Whitman taught me that.
Rebecca Wells
#29. I became a librarian at the Sainte-Genevieve Library in Paris. I made this gesture to rid myself of a certain milieu, a certain attitude, to have a clean conscience, but also to make a living. I was twenty-five. I had been told that one must make a living, and I believed it.
Marcel Duchamp
#30. I tell you Dain is a splendid catch. I advise you to set your hooks and reel him in."
Jessica took a long swallow of her cognac. "This is not a trout, Genevieve. This is a great, hungry shark."
"Then use a harpoon.
Loretta Chase
#31. And you couldn't control who you loved, even if you wanted to. That had been Genevieve's problem with Ethan Carter Wate. It had been Uncle Macon's problem with Lila, Link's with Ridley. Probably even Ridley's with Link.
Love was how all these knots started to unravel in the first place.
Kami Garcia
#32. Genevieve's stomach gave an unpleasant flop. There was no mistaking that feeling. She was jealous. Damn it.
Rosalie Lario
#33. Genevieve has a secret admirer waiting for her outside reported Annabelle.
We think he's a prince Grace added.
Or maybe a cutthroat finished Charlotte.
Karyn Monk
#34. I want to be with you, Demetria. Go on dates, have sex and pointless arguments, figure out why you like to eat rabbit food, be the person you call first when you've had a bad day, come over and hold your hair when you're sick. How much clearer can I make this?
Genevieve Dewey
#35. It's not good enough to just keep producing technology with no notion of whether it's going to be useful. You have to create stuff that people really want, rather than create stuff just because you can.
Genevieve Bell
#36. Hence? My habit of reading more than I socialized made me use odd, awkward words without thinking.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#37. It took strength to be quiet. It took strength to be kind. It took strength to let other people's cruelty bounce right off of you.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#38. I walked into her arms and we hugged like hugging was breathing and we'd been holding our breath for a long, long time.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#39. I don't like to intellectualize about my acting. I don't sit around and study the pages of a script over and over again.
Genevieve Bujold
#40. Apparently Lord Wyndham did regularly donate books to various museums around London. They were usually ones which he had collected earlier, but which were no longer of interest to him or his associates. Irene twitched at the very notion. Give books away? How very frivolous, she finally said.
Genevieve Cogman
#41. Yes, life was made up of these instances in time. Big moments hidden inside little decisions.
Genevieve Dewey
#42. Focusing upon the positive by counting your blessings, or using positive affirmations in the fertile time before you fall asleep is an invitation to both your subconscious mind and your pre-conscious mind to use your dreams as a way to show you insights, solutions and new creative ideas.
Genevieve Gerard
#43. When we have opened ourselves to give forgiveness or to accept forgiveness we have opened ourselves to touch the Divine.
Genevieve Gerard
#44. I will always have a soft spot for 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon,' which I discovered just at the age when I was beginning to enjoy the darkness in fairy tales but still wanted a story where the good guys win.
Genevieve Valentine
#45. The girls were wild for dancing, and nothing else. No hearts beat underneath those thin, bright dresses. They laughed like glass.
Genevieve Valentine
#46. But Luke would never be friends with a girl, even if they were into the same things - like locking me in closets with brutish boys from school, or setting the books I was reading on fire.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#47. The power within you which enables you to form a thought-picture is the starting point of all there is.
Genevieve Behrend
#48. Belgium always seems to get invaded, fall prey to meteorites or get infested by alien fungus or something . . .
Genevieve Cogman
#49. and the deepest, most fundamental part of her life involved a love of books. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to shut the rest of the world out, and have nothing to worry about, except the next page of whatever she was reading.
Genevieve Cogman
#50. Just as thoughts, send out vibrations to which there is a creative and attractive power, gratitude stimulates the field of etheric energy that surrounds you on a subtle level to bring into your life more of what brings you joy.
Genevieve Gerard
#51. For your sake I have braved the glen, and had to do with goblin merchant men. Eat me, drink me, love me. Hero, Wolf, make much of me. With clasping arms and cautioning lips, with tingling cheeks and fingertips, cooing all together.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#52. As we increase in our awareness and our integration of Self the process of integration grows and expands as we begin to incorporate the fullness of our nature, that of our spiritual nature or our Soul.
#53. Kyle, you are a mellow dude ... You can't be with an agitator. And that's what she is. An agitator. She's a Jackson Pollock and you're a Thomas Kinkade.
Genevieve Dewey
#54. If you see a better world, you're morally obligated to create it
Genevieve Bell
#55. Sunshine, if I ever disappear, please tell people that I ran after the Devil, trying to get my soul back.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#56. I had been to the South many times and I thought I knew what the South was, but not until you live with people and live through their lives do you know what it's really about.
Genevieve Gorder
#57. Women were tricky creatures under the best of circumstances. This was not the best of circumstances.
Genevieve Dewey
#58. On a deep almost preconscious level we know, not with our minds but deep in our hearts the truth of the words, love never ends.
Genevieve Gerard
#60. When East meets West, amazing design happens. L'Alahambra rug is a marriage of the clean line and simplicity of Western graphic design meets the complexity and beauty of Eastern pattern.
Genevieve Gorder
#61. Once upon a time I thought I could change stories, make them go the way I wanted, instead of where they actually went.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#62. Let us remember that telling the people we love that we love them and appreciate them is a gift that lasts longer than any shiny bauble you can give.
Genevieve Gerard
#63. Then she set it aside.
(She set everything aside. There was some hollow place inside her that few and grew.)
Genevieve Valentine
#64. And the relationships that happen become so intense, deep, involved and complex and really hard to say goodbye to. The hardest part of the show is saying goodbye when it's all done. It really breaks you.
Genevieve Gorder
#65. I thought of myself so little that I began to worry that I'd been the only thing keeping myself in existence ... and now that I wasn't the center of my attention I'd disappear, poof into thin air, and no one would ever know.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#66. Today's devices blurt out the absolute truth as they know it. A smart device in the future might know when NOT to blurt out the truth.
Genevieve Bell
#67. Our town was small enough that I never developed a healthy fear of strangers. To me, they were exciting things, gift-wrapped and full of possibilities, the sweet smell of somewhere else wafting from them like perfume.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#69. Your life is not your own, Vi,' she said. 'Don't you know that? It belongs to the people who love you. So you need to take better care of it.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#70. I had the idea for the show like a year and a half, two years ago. And it was all about the things that I didn't like about TV. I was trying to create a positive solution for it. And it actually worked.
Genevieve Gorder
#71. Just because the bully was always nice to you, never stole your lunch money, didn't make him any less of a bully, did it?
Genevieve Dewey
#73. I think we typically, as Northerners, stereotype what the South is in so many negative ways. We kind of forget all the beautiful things that they contribute to make this country a country.
Genevieve Gorder
#74. Leaf once told me that there was absolutely no difference between the Orphans' fairy tales and the nose on my face, because both were only as real as I thought they were.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#75. Like a path frequently traveled becomes clear and well-marked in the forest, so too does the path to your Soul become more clearly marked in your consciousness.
Genevieve Gerard
#76. I think taking design out of the studio and really having a relationship with the people that you're making it for really convinced me of how powerful a thing design is. It's not just an aesthetic decoration.
Genevieve Gorder
#77. In visualizing, or making a mental picture you are not endeavoring to change the laws of nature. You are fulfilling them.
Genevieve Behrend
#78. Chocolates and cakes are the biggest problem I have. That is why I punish myself at the gym because I know I can't stop myself from eating what I want. I call it eating your cake and having it.
Genevieve Nnaji
#79. Like I said, TLC has enough of my life. I have to keep some of it for myself.
Genevieve Gorder
#80. No matter what I've Done. And I've done a lot. He's never been afraid of me. Never hated me. You've got to love a person for that. Unconditional Devotion is Blue-moon rare.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#85. you will never get rich if you spend your time complaining about money and being angry or jealous of those with money. You will never get a loving partner if you complain you're fat, stupid and ugly.
Genevieve Davis
#86. She smelled like vanilla spice, or pumpkin pie, or something sweet yet sinful.
Genevieve Dewey
#87. I live in my mind, such that whatever destroys me shall be a creature of my own invention.
Genevieve Ross
#88. We have to report this."
Kai sighed deeply in relief. "I was afraid you were going to say that we had to investigate it ourselves."
"Don't be ridiculous," Irene said briskly. "We may collect fiction, but we are not required to imitate the stupider parts of it.
Genevieve Cogman
#89. There's truths and then there's truths, Violet. And some damn truths shouldn't be spoken out loud, or the Devil will hear, and then he'll come for you. Amen.
April Genevieve Tucholke
#90. Then the howling started. It was either hellhounds or teenagers, and she suspected the former.
Genevieve Cogman
#92. I confess it, I love the camera. When it's not on me, I'm not quite alive.
Genevieve Bujold
#93. It is in the consideration of Love as the director of your behavior, that all the laws of any religion are fulfilled.
Genevieve Gerard
#94. Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success.
Genevieve Behrend
#95. Every conversation they had anymore it felt like instead of unraveling the mystery, it just further entangled all of them into a twisted never-ending knot.
Genevieve Dewey
#96. Family," she whispered. "So many people go through their lives with blinders on. They become self-involved and only want to think about their wants and their desires. They don't leave room for anything else, and then, too late, they realize how important their families were.
Julie Garwood
#97. ..all of us who are sealed to the Library are people who have chosen this way of life because we love books. None of us wanted to save worlds. I mean, not that we object to saving worlds..." She shrugged, picking up her teacup again "We want books. We love books. We live with books.
Genevieve Cogman
#98. I'm so used to talk-show hosts just giving you a sound bite and not really being interested.
Genevieve Gorder
#99. Design can have such a positive impact on the way people live and on their relationships and moods.
Genevieve Gorder
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