Top 54 Quotes About Errol Flynn
#1. Errol Flynn and I are the only ones left who do any good old hell raising.
Humphrey Bogart
#2. I worked with a man named Patty Crane who was Errol Flynn's stand-in back in the '30s in Hollywood.
David James Elliott
#3. Whenever I think about the budgetary problems, I think about the problems of Errol Flynn ... reconciling net income with gross habits.
Malcolm Rifkind
#4. I had a very big crush on Errol Flynn during 'Captain Blood.' I thought he was absolutely smashing for three solid years, but he never guessed. Then he had one on me but nothing came of it. I'm not going to regret that; it could have ruined my life.
Olivia De Havilland
#5. From David Niven's autobiography, Bring on the Empty Horses. Director Mike Curtiz to David Niven & Errol Flynn: You lousy bums, you and your stinking language, you think I know fuck nothing, well let me tell you - I know FUCK ALL!
David Niven
#6. You can count on Errol Flynn, he'll always let you down.
David Niven
#7. Even as a kid, I was more enchanted watching Bette Davis than Errol Flynn.
Richard LaGravenese
#8. I'd like to travel around, be an international playboy. They have all that money; they could really do it right. Look at (Errol) Flynn.
Bobby Fischer
#9. To this day, people are still talking about the Coral Casino's parties of the '30s, '40s, '50s - complete with antidotes of Errol Flynn's swan dives, Marlon Brando's secret cigar smoking spots, and Ester Williams' Aquacades.
Ty Warner
#10. How's that? Do I look like Errol Flynn?" "You are a dashing motherfucker," she told him. She
Joe Hill
#11. Had a big trial. It was like an Errol Flynn movie.
Jeannie Walker
#12. In an interview Errol Flynn said that his hobby was acting but he doesn't have time for it.
Jack Paar
#13. I'm sure I was a great disappointment to many women because I wasn't Errol Flynn. But I'm me. I think that's got some merit.
Orlando Bloom
#14. I fell in love with Errol Flynn and Tyrone Power and Basil Rathbone and Hitchcock and Orson Welles and John Huston.
John Logan
#15. A lot of people ... kind of make heroes that are separate from us, people who are, you know, like ... John Wayne and Errol Flynn and, you know, Denzel Washington ... people who are different, who are larger than life.
Walter Mosley
#16. Well, there were definitely elements of my rise in radio that had to do with my being black. But going back as far as Walter Winchell, Army Archerd and Hedda Hopper, legendary wags would grab a radio microphone and talk about what Errol Flynn and other stars were up to.
Wendy Williams
#17. I felt like an impostor, taking all that money for reciting ten or twelve lines of nonsense a day.
Errol Flynn
#18. It is habit for me to discount myself before somebody else does it for me. Better to get in the first lick
Errol Flynn
#19. Someone, I don't know who- it might have even been me- said, Any man at the age of twenty-five who is not a Communist has no heart: any man who is still is at the age of thirty-five has no head.
Errol Flynn
#21. If they say I am inconsistent let them say it, for it is true, because inconsistency is a part of living
Errol Flynn
#22. I intend to live the first half of my life. I don't care about the rest.
Errol Flynn
#23. They've great respect for the dead in Hollywood, but none for the living.
Errol Flynn
#24. You can never trust a human being to behave as you would have expected in a given circumstance
Errol Flynn
#25. I've had a hell of a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it.
Errol Flynn
#26. Any man who has $10,000 left when he dies is a failure.
Errol Flynn
#27. I had now made about 45 pictures, but what had I become? I knew all too well: a phallic symbol. All over the world I was, as a name and personality, equated with sex.
Errol Flynn
#28. Man's indecency to man all over the world rules out the idea of humanity as an actuality. It is a dream of young idealists. In practice a misnomer
Errol Flynn
#29. By instinct I'm an adventurer; by choice I'd like to be a writer; by pure, unadulterated luck, I'm an actor.
Errol Flynn
#30. I portray myself as wicked, hoping I will not be regarded as wicked. But I may be wicked in the biblical sense
Errol Flynn
#31. I like the Whisky old an the women young
Errol Flynn
#32. I am on the side of the underdog except when I am on the side of the rich
Errol Flynn
#33. If there is anyone to whom I owe money, I'm prepared to forget it if they are.
Errol Flynn
#34. I allow myself to be understood as a colorful fragment in a drab world.
Errol Flynn
#35. I always see about six scuffles a night when I come to San Francisco. That's one of the town's charms.
Errol Flynn
#36. My father was never anti-anything in our house.
Errol Flynn
#37. I've made six or seven good films. The others, not so good.
Errol Flynn
#38. I like my whisky old and my women young.
Errol Flynn
#39. I can't imagine anything more stressful than monogamy.
Errol Flynn
#40. My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.
Errol Flynn
#42. It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper.
Errol Flynn
#43. Any man who dies with more than $10000 to his name is a failure.
Errol Flynn
#44. It is a mistake to think you cant be hurt if you don't care
Errol Flynn
#45. There is nothing like lying flat on your back on the deck, alone except for the helmsman aft at the wheel, silence except for the lapping of the sea against the side of the ship. At that time you can be equal to Ulysses and brother to him.
Errol Flynn
#46. I am convinced of the validity of contradiction. There are many worlds. Each is true, at its time, in its own fashion
Errol Flynn
#47. Women won't let me stay single and I won't let me stay married.
Errol Flynn
#48. In those days the typical Hollywood mother ran around looking like Eleanor Roosevelt, wearing a hat with a feather in it to attract attention. I never wore a hat and I never looked like Eleanor Roosevelt.
Florence Aadland
#49. You once liked the blissful mobility, but then you wonder, who's the real you? And who's the chap on the screen? You know, I catch myself acting out my life like a goddamn script.
Errol Flynn
#50. I crave the indulgence of my senses but this is countered by an interior desire that is even keener than my senses to know the meaning of things
Errol Flynn
#51. I am not biased against the rich because they are rich, but the most lively people are those without money who would like to have some
Errol Flynn
#52. My dream of happiness: a quiet spot by the Jamaican seashore ... hearing the wind sob with the beauty and the tragedy of everything. Sitting under an almond tree, with the leaf spread over me like an umbrella.
Errol Flynn
#53. The rest of my life will be devoted to women and litigation
Errol Flynn
#54. The public has always expected me to be a playboy, and a decent chap never lets his public down.
Errol Flynn
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