Top 40 Quotes About England And Scotland
#1. The natural barriers between England and Scotland were not sufficient to prevent the extension of the Saxon settlements and kingdoms across the border.
Goldwin Smith
#2. The war between England and Scotland was in its eighth year and there had been no raid for ten days: it had seemed possible to get married in peace.
Dorothy Dunnett
#3. Perhaps if England and Scotland together had one team we could at least beat the Germans.
John Prescott
#4. America, like England and Scotland, had never really been a gay nation. Rather, it had been heavily and noisily jocular, with a substratum of worry and insecurity, in the image of its patron saint, Lincoln of the rollicking stories and tragic heart.
Sinclair Lewis
#5. We who represent the Unionist Party in England and Scotland have supported, and we mean to support to the end, the loyal minority [in Ireland]. We support them not because we are intolerant, but because their claims are just.
Bonar Law
#6. Windmills are going to be the death of Scotland and even England if they don't do something about them. They are ruining the countryside.
Donald Trump
#7. I want there to be another independence referendum at some stage. I want Scotland to be independent, but I wouldn't choose to have it happen because England votes to come out of the E.U.
Nicola Sturgeon
#8. England have the best fans in the world and Scotlands fans are second to none
Kevin Keegan
#9. I love England. I live and work here. My children have grown up here. I see no conflict between this and praying that my countrymen in Scotland never have to live another day under Conservative rule from London.
John Niven
#10. Scotland and England may sometimes be rivals, but by geography, we are also neighbours. By history, allies. By economics, partners. And by fate and fortune, comrades, friends and family.
Douglas Alexander
#11. You have sensible women here [in England] but then, they are very devils
censorious, uncharitable, sarcastic
the women in Scotland have twice
thrice their freedom, with all their virtue
and are very conversable and agreeable
their educations are more finished.
Fanny Burney
#12. The noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England!
Samuel Johnson
#14. Gardington was made over to me once, by the Crown. It's one of their standard good-conduct prizes for espionage.'
Philippa said, rather blankly, 'I thought you were spying at that time for Scotland.'
'Well, I wasn't spying for England,' Lymond said.
Dorothy Dunnett
#15. I was delighted that by campaigning throughout England, Scotland and Wales, addressing in all 39 public meetings, I had contributed to the victory of the Conservative Party at this general election.
Edward Heath
#16. Scotland is a great country and many wonderful things have come out of this country, however England gets the glory.
Joseph Hume
#17. I believe that the Union Flag should change now to reflect the four nations of the United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
Ian Lucas
#18. Scotland is the only case in the world where the poor part of a territory wants to separate from the rich part. If independence came, one option is to keep the pound as its currency, so that all economic decisions will continue to be taken by the Bank of England.
Philip Kerr
#19. It is time we in Scotland put England in its proper place and instead of our leaning on England and taking inspiration from her, we should lean and turn to Europe, for it is there our future prosperity lies.
Hugh MacDiarmid
#20. Daniel was just nineteen now and already friends with half of England, not to mention all of Scotland and probably most of Wales.
Jennifer Ashley
#21. Oats. A grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.
Samuel Johnson
#22. In my end lies my beginning" Who said that? Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542-1587).
Danny Saunders
#23. Ah sortay jist laugh whin some cats say that racism's an English thing and we're aw Jock Tamson's bairn up here ... it's likesay pure shite man, gadges talkin through their erses.
Irvine Welsh
#24. Most of the songs came from Europe and Africa and now they were coming back to us. Many of [Bob] Dylan's best songs came from Scotland, Ireland or England. It was a sort of cultural exchange.
John Lennon
#25. I met Jack Bruce, one of my heroes, in a studio while doing some recording. England had just beat Scotland in a big football match and I saw Jack trying to break into this refrigerator in the lounge, drunk out of his brain, and I didn't know what to say.
Andy Partridge
#26. Scotland: That garret of the earth - that knuckle-end of England - that land of Calvin, oatcakes, and sulfur.
Sydney Smith
#27. Remember I've seen a video tape of a Scotland-England match and I've seen him miss a chance from five yards. It was against England and he couldn't score. So what does that say?
Berti Vogts
#28. Something I notice speaking to writers from south of Hadrian's Wall is that the culture is different. At base, I think Scotland values its creative industries differently from England.
Sara Sheridan
#29. I know there's some kind of history to mountain music-like it came from Ireland or England or Scotland and we kept up the tradition.
Loretta Lynn
#31. Well, I was born in Scotland and spent the first six years of my life there. Then I went to Newcastle-On-Tyne in northeast England, close to Scotland.
Mark Knopfler
#32. The second half was easy to sum up - and absolute shambles!
(on England losing to Denmark 4-1)
Alan Hansen
#33. In Scotland football hooliganism has been met by banning alcohol from grounds but in England this solution has been circumnavigated
Wallace Mercer
#34. In my day England, Scotland, Wales had 80 drama schools. There are none left. So there's no training, no discipline.
Peter O'Toole
#35. England may as well dam up the waters of the Nile with bulrushes as to fetter the step of Freedom, more proud and firm in this youthful land than where she treads the sequestered glens of Scotland, or couches herself among the magnificent mountains of Switzerland.
Lydia M. Child
#36. Witches were burned and killed in Scotland and England for centuries before what happened in Salem.
Janet Montgomery
#37. If you put a frog in boiling water, it'll jump straight out. If you put it in cold water and gradually bring it to the boil, it'll sit right there until it dies. Scotland has been sitting in England's gradually boiling water for so long that many people are used to it.
John Niven
#38. After secondary school, the big thing to do was apply for uni in England or Scotland and then just stay there.
Adrian McKinty
#39. American companies based in Scotland employ large numbers of people - in fact, we are the best performing part of the U.K., outside London and the southeast of England when it comes to attracting foreign direct investment.
Nicola Sturgeon
#40. I'm William Wallace, and the rest of you will be spared. Go back to England and tell them ... Scotland is free!
William Wallace
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