Top 41 Quotes About Empty Promises
#1. MURRY: Resolutions are a complete waste of time. They're just this meaningless ritual, empty promises we make and break within hours of each other.
Hillary DePiano
#2. Accursed, blasted, heartless things [books]! Full of empty promises, full of false lures, always making you hungry, never satisfying you, never!
Cornelia Funke
#3. Reality Tv had become the preferred drug of choice for the George Clooney obsessed housewives strung out on empty promises and splintered dreams
Saira Viola
#4. Leave the company of the people who are given you empty promises
Sunday Adelaja
#5. Never give us what we really want. Cut the dream into pieces and scatter them like ashes. Dole out the empty promises. Package our aspirations and sell them to us, cheaply made enough to fall apart.
Scott Westerfeld
#6. He made no empty promises, nor the craven excuse that his hands were tied by more powerful forces in the world than himself.
Mario Puzo
#7. Voters - here's the real challenge: we don't need empty promises made by politicians whose only goal in life is to get elected or re-elected. We need leaders with attributes that qualify them to lead us through the difficult challenges we're facing.
Lee Ellis
#8. If you ask people to do things and they usually don't get around to them, stop asking yourself, "What's the matter with people these days?" Instead, ask yourself, "What's the matter with me? What am I doing or failing to do that causes people to give me empty promises?"
Ed Bliss
#9. President Ronald Reagan used to speak of the Soviet constitution, and he noted that it purported to grant wonderful rights of all sorts to people. But those rights were empty promises, because that system did not have an independent judiciary to uphold the rule of law and enforce those rights.
John Roberts
#10. Resolutions are most often empty promises for those who have an abundance of dreams, but refuse to wake up and live them.
Steve Maraboli
#11. Maybe all the broken dreams and empty promises the world offered are just reflections of what is within us. Maybe one day we will learn to accept ourselves for all the faults sleeping beneath the footprints we leave behind.
Robert M. Drake
#12. Since Don Quixote de la Mancha is a crazy fool and a madman, and since Sancho Panza, his squire, knows it, yet, for all that, serves and follows him, and hangs on these empty promises of his, there can be no doubt that he is more of a madman and a fool than his master.
Miguel De Cervantes
#13. Soldiers' bellies are not satisfied with empty promises and hopes.
Peter The Great
#14. There comes a day that we become tired of hearing empty promises and insincere apologies; not just from others, but also from ourselves.
Steve Maraboli
#15. You can walk through the grocery store and, while the brightly colored packaging and empty promises are still mesmerizing, you can see the products for what they are.
Michael Moss
#16. Autocracy cannot do without its twin agents: a hangman and a priest, the first to suppress popular resistance by force, the second to sweeten and embellish the lot of the oppressed with empty promises of a heavenly kingdom.
Vladimir Lenin
#17. I don't fall for words, I fall for action because words always carry empty promises but one step at a time is the beginning of fulfilment. Don't say just do it! Don't announce just show it! Don't gloat just prove it!
Euginia Herlihy
#18. Political campaigns are the graveyard of real ideas and the birthplace of empty promises.
Teresa Heinz
#19. When the federal government invests in education, it should support quality education and career readiness rather than institutions that make empty promises.
Sherrod Brown
#20. And you are not coming back here," She insisted,"So dont give me any empty promises.
Rick Riordan
#21. Empty promises can kill a good woman. She may still breathe, but inside her heart will be dead. I'm
Emily Minton
#23. No sense of satisfaction, but my uncle's death had taught me that revenge is far less sweet than it promises to be. An empty meal, however long you take over it.
Mark Lawrence
#24. The food industry has led us to believe that its products are going to make us healthy, happy, sexy, and young. These promises are as empty as the food and drinks they're trying to sell us. The truth is we've never been fatter or in worse health.
James Colquhoun
#25. Promises to get beyond partisanship are the most perfunctory sort of campaign rhetoric, almost as empty as the partisanship itself.
Thomas Frank
#26. Was she strong enough to allow both of them to be themselves? Bahama had instilled in her an honoring of promises, but she could not keep her promise unless she was willing to allow Nik to be Nik, not a projection of someone who could fill in all her empty spaces, heal all her wounds.
Madeleine L'Engle
#27. The world promises you so much...and leaves you empty. God's promises are for real and forever.
Beth Moore Jones
#28. Barack Obama's campaign of empty self-contradictory promises has apparently hoodwinked the state of Wyoming ...
Charles Foster Johnson
#29. But we danced, under wigs and between unfinished walls, through broken promises and around empty cupboards.
Sherman Alexie
#30. Unmet promises are rarely empty; rather, they're filled with the unspoken things people don't want to do or can't do.
Steve Toutonghi
#31. Could it be as simple as that? Could love be not grand gestures or empty vows, not promises meant to be broken, but instead a paper trail of forgiveness? A line of crumbs made of memories, to lead you back to the person who was waiting?
Jodi Picoult
#32. Tremendous pride was exhibited in fascism, as everyone knows who has seen the pictures of the strutting Mussolini and psychopathic Hitler; but fascism is a development in people who are empty, anxious and despairing, and therefore seize on megalomaniac promises.
Rollo May
#33. Silence is not empty or immaterial, and it is not needed to chain tame things. It often guards powers strong enough to shatter everything.
Emmi Itaranta
#34. words are empty if you're too cowardly to actually make your promises come true.
Alex Ashmore
#35. Promises to love without putting those words into action are just empty proposals. It's not tangible until it is actually seen. Love is action.
Annie Lobert
#36. Oh, the others will talk and plan and make oaths and promises, but there are precious few fuckers who will do.
Ian McGuire
#37. Could love be not grand gestures or empty vows, not promises meant to be broken, but instead a paper trail of forgiveness?
Jodi Picoult
#38. The most significant thing is public participation. That assures the Afghan public that our promises are not empty.
Ashraf Ghani
#39. You don't need a foreign policy expert to tell you empty threats and hollow promises don't work. Ask any parent of a rebellious teenager. If you don't make good on the threats, you're asking for worse behavior next time.
Kathleen Troia McFarland
#40. Promises are empty words if you're not keeping them.
Mike Ditka
#41. All promises are empty - until they are fulfilled.
Amy Dickinson
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