Top 24 Quotes About Economic Injustice

#1. Many white Americans of good will have never connected bigotry with economic exploitation. They have deplored prejudice but tolerated or ignored economic injustice.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Quotes About Economic Injustice #177501
#2. It is shameful that millions of Americans are suffering the economic injustice of working a full-time job and earning a wage that leaves them below the poverty line.

Bill Pascrell

Quotes About Economic Injustice #487699
#3. I believe that those who believe in the power of human rights must find new ways to address economic injustice - and on a scale commensurate with the millions of people around the world that are mired in poverty.

Pamela Yates

Quotes About Economic Injustice #998700
#4. I worked up a daily fury about some economic injustice because there were so many of them.

Sylvia Porter

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1200269
#5. Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1261759
#6. Dave Eggers is a prince among men when it comes to writing deeply felt, socially conscious books that meld reportage with fiction. While A Hologram for the King is fiction ... it's a strike against the current state of global economic injustice.

Elissa Schappell

Quotes About Economic Injustice #62875
#7. Real chains that we need to shed are the burdens of racial discrimination, economic disparity, religious dogmas, intolerance and social injustice, which still weigh heavily on our shoulders.

Balroop Singh

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1831677
#8. God does not shout; He whispers, and in that whisper is the way." Chyna Shepard in "Intensity

Dean Koontz

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1700556
#9. Well, Marx is having a comeback. I hear him mentioned a lot in terms of the global financial situation and the general sense of injustice out there. A lot of economic experts in America refer to him without actually using the M word, but he's around.

David Byrne

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1474622
#10. Somewhere in our Darkest Nights we made up a story about a Man who will never let us down.

Grant Morrison

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1362696
#11. In the professional world of leadership ambition and potential are the most excessive commodities.

Noel DeJesus

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1136769
#12. Belief cannot be reckoned with in terms of science, for science and faith are mutually exclusive.

Rudolf Virchow

Quotes About Economic Injustice #1135567
#13. God is the synthetic personality of the whole people, taken from its beginning to its end. It has never happened that all, or even many, peoples have had one common god, but each has always had its own.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Quotes About Economic Injustice #998729
#14. The economic dependence of women is perhaps the greatest injustice that has been done to us, and has worked the greatest injury to the race.

Nellie L. McClung

Quotes About Economic Injustice #973604
#15. Every social injustice is not only cruel, but it is economic waste.

William Feather

Quotes About Economic Injustice #963946
#16. Cruelty to animals is an enormous injustice; so is expecting those on the lowest rung of the economic ladder to do the dangerous, soul-numbing work of slaughtering sentient beings on our behalf.

Victoria Moran

Quotes About Economic Injustice #706740
#17. It is part of my faith as a Muslim to try to help those who are suffering from poverty or economic or political injustice.

Cat Stevens

Quotes About Economic Injustice #601692
#18. For a long time I did not want to do television because I did not want to get stuck playing the same person. I wanted the ongoing challenge of a variety of roles.

Kathy Bates

Quotes About Economic Injustice #505936
#19. Experience has shown how deeply the seeds of war are planted by economic rivalry and social injustice.

Harry Truman

Quotes About Economic Injustice #447206
#20. I love watching Edie Falco; she's so layered, and her work is so great.

Judy Greer

Quotes About Economic Injustice #329062
#21. But woman brings disorder into society through passion.

Honore De Balzac

Quotes About Economic Injustice #270948
#22. It's no accident that the countries that have enjoyed an economic take off have been those that educated girls and then gave them the autonomy to move to the cities to find work

Sheryl WuDunn

Quotes About Economic Injustice #181491
#23. Every day I spend in Hollywood, I start to realize how many films are made with no heart and no love. They just do it for the paycheck, and I cannot imagine making a film that way.

Fede Alvarez

Quotes About Economic Injustice #118192
#24. You can't change where you from. You can't take a person out of their zone and expect them to be somebody else now that they in the record industry. It's gonna take years. Years of travelling. Years of meeting people. Years of seeing the world.

Kendrick Lamar

Quotes About Economic Injustice #81656

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