Top 32 Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast

#1. The fourth cat stepped forward; Yellowfang didn't know his name. He was a skinny gray tom, and he studied Brokentail carefully before he spoke. I give you a life for truth. Without it, kin is set against kin, Clan against Clan. Hold fast to truth in all your dealings and let it guide your words.

Erin Hunter

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #6948
#2. Then he explained that only one criterion mattered when picking a job - fast growth. When companies grow quickly, there are more things to do than there are people to do them. When companies grow more slowly or stop growing, there is less to do and too many people to not be doing them.

Sheryl Sandberg

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #1737840
#3. When the world moves forward too fast for some people, they try to pull us all back with their fear.

Libba Bray

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #10834
#4. Directing television is really hard - it's so fast. You shoot an hour show in seven days.

Steve Buscemi

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #10804
#5. The war years count double. Things and people not actively in use age twice as fast.

Arnold Bennett

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #10594
#6. The editors are committed to nothing save this: to keep common sense as fast as they can, to belabor sham as agreeably as possible, to give civilized entertainment.

H.L. Mencken

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #10145
#7. In the world of technology,In the world of Internet , information,teachings knowledge are spreading so fast but sad no one want to apply or follow because everyone is busy to share.

Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #10139
#8. Life is like watching Fast and the Furious 6. Its not easy, most of the time its just dumb and pointless, everything is fake, there is a lot of noise, but if you close your eyes and picture yourself in an open field or a quiet forest, you can maybe make it to the end without killing yourself

Jon Lajoie

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #9973
#9. Go Fast! Go Hard! Finish! And Win the Day!

Eric Thomas

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #9961
#10. Over the past decade, child care costs have risen twice as fast as the median income of families with children.

Sheryl Sandberg

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #9956
#11. Super-fast, he reels me into his arms, holding me in a tight embrace. "I can't lose you, Sadie. I just can't. Every day I die a little more inside.

Siobhan Davis

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #9793
#12. Attain complete emptiness,
Hold fast to stillness.
Understanding the ordinary:
Mind opens.
Mind opening leads to compassion,
Compassion to nobility,
Nobility to heavenliness,
Heavenliness to TAO.
TAO endures.
Your body dies.
There is no danger.


Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #8995
#13. Technology moves so fast and social media moves so fast because everyone wants the new thing, but also, everyone wants to be where their parents are not. Once the mom got a Facebook and a Twitter and an Instagram, I don't want to be there anymore.

Ansel Elgort

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #8592
#14. Love yourself down to the bone, down to the roof of your mouth. Leave no stone unturned, no cell unwanted. Love down to the blood no matter how fast it boils.

Meggie Royer

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #8259
#15. Holiness grows so fast where there is kindness. The world is lost for want of sweetness and kindness. Do not forget we need each other.

Mother Teresa

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #8069
#16. Life itself is vanishing fast. Make haste for eternity.

Robert E. Murray

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #7437
#17. Such a slender moon, going up and up, Waxing so fast from night to night, And swelling like an orange flower-bud, bright, Fated, methought, to round as to a golden cup, And hold to my two lips life's best of wine.

Jean Ingelow

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #728
#18. Be generous with your time and money - it has an amazingly fast payback. Be in the moment with everyone you love - and this frequently means tuning out work completely. And drive slow in parking lots.

Scott Weiss

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #6835
#19. Scully was doing the driving, which she preferred. Mulder knew only two speeds: fast and faster.

Les Martin

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #5479
#20. The key to getting the record is running fast because someone else did not take it too crazy at the beginning, so it leaves me with a lot of energy to close.

Bernard Lagat

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #4122
#21. Teaching someone to be funny is like teaching someone to be fast. They're already fast. You're just making them faster.

Ali Farahnakian

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #3980
#22. The Green Arrow stuff that I've responded to from the past is the Mike Grell stuff. I've liked a lot of other stuff, but I think for me, the direction and the mood and the tone that I really want is something much darker and more aggressive and really fast-paced action.

Jeff Lemire

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #3843
#23. The atmosphere of our time is fast being cleared of the fumes and deadly gases that arose during the carboniferous age of theology.

John Burroughs

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #3829
#24. There is a material advancement; we desire it. There is, also, a moral grandeur; we hold fast to it.

Victor Hugo

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #3731
#25. Please keep in mind that no matter how strong, fast or coordinated you are, there is always someone stronger, faster and more coordinated.

Helio Gracie

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #3685
#26. The gloom encroaches upon my mind, and my heart flutters like a bird held fast in a fist.

Hannah Kent

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #3644
#27. Well, then, happy news! Hakuna matata and all that," Ian said cheerily. "We'll rest and have a fine dining moment while we wait." He looked around at the various airport fast-food choices. "Well, er, we'll rest...

Peter Lerangis

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #2828
#28. I saw this bloke chatting up a cheetah. He was trying to pull a fast one.

Tim Vine

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #2164
#29. If you think you're always in control, then you're not going fast enough.

Mario Andretti

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #1997
#30. My theater is slow and calm, yet my life is fast and hectic, going in all directions.

Robert Wilson

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #1692
#31. This very easy divorce had become very difficult. I thought I was in the express lane and it was all fast tracks from there. Think again.

Brenda Perlin

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #1039
#32. A hungry man can be a fast learner. When you come to a table with nothing but need, you are grateful for things you might have pushed aside before. And when you kneel, hungry & broken at His table, you receive a grace from Him you might, at some other time, have completely missed.

Mike Yankoski

Quotes About Doing Things Too Fast #876

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