Top 53 Quotes About Crewe

#1. Perhaps I have not really a good temper at all, but if you have everything you want and everyone is kind to you, how can you help but be good-tempered? Perhaps I'm a HIDEOUS child, and no one will ever know, just beecause I never have any trials. (Sara Crewe, A Little Princess)

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Quotes About Crewe #1151994
#2. Most Bolton students were scions of the city's wealthiest families. My crewe stuck out like hooker at church. We werent part of their pampered, priveliged world, and many of our classmates were quick to remind us of that fact. Taunting the "boat kids" was practically a varsity sport.

Kathy Reichs

Quotes About Crewe #559021
#3. And, like Christmas, Armand has brought gifts. But he is no fat, sweet Santa Claus who rewards the nice; he is the Lord of Misrule, the Abbot of Unreason in charge of scandalous fun.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1058324
#4. But worries are for people who can't pull grown men apart with their bare hands.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1876779
#5. I'm pretty durable, but concrete and I have faced off before. While I didn't die, I wouldn't say I won, either.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1085685
#6. As parties go, the food is good but the hosts are complete assholes.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1164303
#7. You see? This is why you don't get mixed up in people's lives. Because the living are messy and complicated, and things end up going to hell one way or another, every time.

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1190622
#8. You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn't change its nature. This isn't Beauty and the Beast where my kiss would transform the monster to a prince. If anything, it's Shrek, and his kiss brings out the ogre in me.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1204570
#9. Turns out I'm only 'mom-special'. Special like a snowflake is special. Special like a school kid on honor roll.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1241416
#10. Sometimes bad things need to be reminded they're not the only ones who can bite.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1270859
#11. I eye the three of them, considering. They'll need a lesson in discretion before I go. Not a lethal lesson. Mom wouldn't like that.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1359442
#12. Like any fatherless child, I've wondered about the man responsible for the glory that is me. Needless to say, it's disappointing to learn he's the kind who'd probably eat his young.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1426758
#13. I'm pretty sure Jo couldn't talk about the weather without somehow including a threat. Forecast today: cloudy with a chance I'll kick your ass.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1450485
#14. Samson's tapping feet come closer, but again he pauses and knocks on a door. I don't mind. The pauses make it better. They make me wonder whether he's going to come to me, like the anticipation before a kiss. Will he or won't he?

But this is not a love story.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1456794
#15. I hear myself laughing, screeching, cackling. The world is red hot and pulsing. On fire [...] I stroll down the corridor and the flickering fluorescents celebrate my passing, humming in praise. I spin, bow and hum along. Bloody footprints trail; bloody fingers smear the walls.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1465158
#16. They studied the phenomenon at Harvard." "They studied soul-stealing at Harvard?" "What else do you think they do in business school? In any case, it's called the Ikea effect." "As in furniture?

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1571880
#17. I nod and wave to my enemies like Miss America, pausing to blow kisses at the worst of them as I work my way across the cafeteria with a plate loaded with horridly healthy food.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1575077
#18. I suppressed the urge to raise my hand and let them film my middle finger.

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1660108
#19. Molding the Minds of the Future

Robert E.O. Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1668267
#20. A loyal demon? Who knew," Jo jeers, and I want to hit her.
"No," Armand's voice lashes out. "It's predictably selfish.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1677105
#21. It's illegal, you know," he murmurs. "Stealing."
I clear my throat. "Stealing?"
"My heart. I could have you arrested."
I snort. "For that tiny thing? I'd get a misdemeanor at most.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1739724
#22. What a foolish thing, the human heart, being both fragile and reckless. No wonder we spend such an inordinate amount of time in pain.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1763535
#23. Crush! Kill! And above all - cackle!

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1776742
#24. Death is my art form--when I fight, I'm a ballerina. Graceful. Chi lacks my grace, but makes up for it in energy and enthusiasm. His fighting style is like breakdancing--strong and frenetic with some really sweet moves. Jo's is . . .the Macarena. Ugly but gets the job done.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1784205
#25. What do you say to your best friend when you stand at the gates of the gates of hell? Nothing. If it's your best friend, she already knows.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1804592
#26. Naivety is cured with time. Stupidity is terminal.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1824827
#27. You're my best friend?' I'm horrified.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1829711
#28. He moves and my eyes snap open, freezing him in place. "You're right. I am like you." I breathe, then shake my head very slowly, holding his eyes. "But that doesn't help you any.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #358981
#29. Those of us who live with twisted bits like to think we can overcome them.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #23109
#30. And, lastly, there's a small pack of wide-eyed innocents in awe of my Beacon-ness who follow me around expecting me to perform a miracle any minute. Sometimes I screw up my face like I'm trying. Or constipated.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #77435
#31. Rotten boys with their rotten eyes with their ridiculous rotten eyelashes. They suck a girl in, a pair of Venus fly-traps. No, Venus eye-traps.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #83890
#32. They say curiosity killed the cat but I am unconcerned. I am smarter, though slightly less evil, than any cat.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #132025
#33. I hadn't wanted to shoot him. I was doing whatever I could think of to get him to leave. It had worked. Every was safe. So why did I feel so awful?

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #148101
#34. I had the feeling deep in my gut that there'd been lines I should have spoken, gestures I should have made, that would have made things better. But looking back, I didn't know what they were. As a friend, I was pretty much useless, apparently.

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #168923
#35. Stupid Crusaders with their stupid rules. For a homicidal group, they're appallingly restrictive.
No, Meda, you can't leave campus.
No, Meda, you know we have a curfew.
No, Meda, you can't eat that guy.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #203165
#36. You learn a lot when you know no one else is going to do things for you.

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #212860
#37. This is what we do. We make tea and read books and watch people die.

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #233319
#38. They claim revenge is a dish best served cold, but I've found it to be equally delicious hot - not unlike fried chicken.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #270433
#39. You said you'd cooperate."
I knew I'd regret my promise, just not quite this soon. "You don't wear pink!"
"Yeah, well, no one thinks I'm in league with the devil."
She shoves it into my chest. I narrow my eyes. "I do.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #298207
#40. You don't have to be a doormat to be good. Even good people are allowed self-defense.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #299869
#41. Forget them, Meda. Forget her." He reaches up and puts his hand on the side of my face, tugging it toward him. "I like you as you are. Good, evil, whatever. All I care about is that you're alive. Please, Meda.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1024658
#42. Jo turns towards me. Her voice is calm but now I see her eyes blaze in a holy hazel fire. She doesn't want to die, but she will, for what she believes in. I need new friends.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #393302
#43. For a guy who claimed not to be a stalker he sure knows the tricks of the trade.
Give up the Ghost

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #456461
#44. Ah well, no rest for the wicked and all that. I'll just have to kill him myself.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #569234
#45. My hands twitch and wiggle.
Jo sees them, shakes her head and mouths, "Sit on your hands."
She can't be serious. As if my butt would stop my hands even if it could. Does she not realize it's in league with the rest of me?

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #648804
#46. Oooooh, don't make her mad!" the leader gasps around his laughter.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #667590
#47. Your death, strange human. I mean, your injury. No murder, just a little maiming. So I can leave. Maiming's not so bad.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #710480
#48. What was the point in being human, in having brains that could develop vaccines and organize people across a continent, if all we did was behave like animals? This world, where all that matters was being in the strongest, biggest pack - it wasn't a world I wanted to save.

Megan Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #747764
#49. Chi's faith means nothing, because it has nothing to do with me. Chi's faith is blind. He doesn't see me. But Jo does.

Jo always has.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #885949
#50. But I am not sick, or crazy, or broken.
I am Meda Melange, demon-saint monster girl. I make full-grown men scream in terror. I break bones and drain blood. I turn nightmares into reality.
I am the most powerful creature on earth. I do not wear a leash.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #893621
#51. They fight with a bloodthirstiness I wouldn't expect outside a maximum-security prison or suburban PTA meeting.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #975910
#52. I suppose it should bother me to be so hated but, without it, I wouldn't have the delight of torturing them with my presence. What can I say? My cheerful spirit can't help but spot silver linings.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #995084
#53. My teeth rip skin; my jaws snap bones. I am fast, lightning-fast, snuff - oh-was-that-your-life? - oh-was-that-your-life? - fast.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About Crewe #1022655

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