Top 16 Quotes About Cashless Society

#1. Is there a number or mark planned for the hand or forehead in a new cashless society? YES, and I have seen the machines that are now ready to put it into operation.

Ralph Nader

Quotes About Cashless Society #292863
#2. I believe that free money is as addictive as cocaine

Dennis Prager

Quotes About Cashless Society #34208
#3. He would wordlessly light up his pungent antiasthma cigarettes in the middle of class and debate openly with his mathematics and literature teachers about inaccuracies he's caught them in.

Jon Lee Anderson

Quotes About Cashless Society #306915
#4. The more cashless our society becomes, the more our moral compass slips.

Dan Ariely

Quotes About Cashless Society #378021
#5. An' there never yet was speculation but in the long run, it meant smash. Ye run so hard that ye fall ower yoursel

Neil M. Gunn

Quotes About Cashless Society #577714
#6. And only men could have invented the idea of a king.

David Vann

Quotes About Cashless Society #701927
#7. I have to have music playing constantly. It creates the tone and mood for anything you are doing. I specifically love rock, and Jimi Hendrix is one of my favorite artists. My favorite song is 'Red House,' because it's heavy on the blues.

Marisa Miller

Quotes About Cashless Society #924813
#8. Neuroscientists have found that the prospect of making money stimulates the same primitive reward circuits in the brain that cocaine does.

Atul Gawande

Quotes About Cashless Society #997239
#9. It [love about acting] is all about role playing - the same thing you do when you're a kid, when you play with dolls or toys and make up stories. I never grew out of it.

Morgan Freeman

Quotes About Cashless Society #1039059
#10. I loved playing computer games. I used to be one of the top World of War-crafters in the world for a couple of years.

Robert Kazinsky

Quotes About Cashless Society #1318513
#11. When you're not sure your anger is justified, the thing to do is ask yourself exactly where it's coming from.

Lynn Coady

Quotes About Cashless Society #1384220
#12. So if there is a government grant offered for anything, like starting a business or going to school, they cannot discriminate because of your age.

Matthew Lesko

Quotes About Cashless Society #1671547
#13. Speech is the birthright of every child. It is the deaf child's one fair chance to keep in touch with his fellows.

Helen Keller

Quotes About Cashless Society #1685104
#14. When you write about justice, you better forget who is going to be hurt.

M.F. Moonzajer

Quotes About Cashless Society #1685484
#15. You crush me with the things you do, I do for anything too ... each moment the more I love you.

Dave Matthews

Quotes About Cashless Society #1690610
#16. And Watt's need of semantic succour was at times so great that he would set to trying names on things, and on himself, almost as a woman hats.

Samuel Beckett

Quotes About Cashless Society #1847681

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