Top 29 Quotes About Candle Wax

#1. Had you but seen it, I promise you, your high-minded principles would have melted like candle wax. Never would you have wished such beauty away.

Jennifer Donnelly

Quotes About Candle Wax #29659
#2. I observed a man sourcing candle wax from South America and selling it to Japan. I thought: 'That's unbelievable. Talking on the phone in his office, that man made money moving candle wax from one country to another.' It really interested me.

Ivan Glasenberg

Quotes About Candle Wax #389463
#3. I promise to keep her secure. Then I took two large wads a candle wax, kneaded them into earplugs, and stuff them into my ears. Annabeth nodded sarcastically, letting me know the air plugs are a real fashion statement. I made a face at her ...

Rick Riordan

Quotes About Candle Wax #968840
#4. As my father talked, tears dripped down the side of his face like candle wax. The sight shocked me; until that moment, I had assumed men were as incapable of crying as they were of having babies.

Wally Lamb

Quotes About Candle Wax #1143165
#5. Because any Dom knows that the submissive is the one in control. He might wield the crop or the candle wax or the rope, but she holds the reins. Nothing happens without her consent.

Blue Kincaid

Quotes About Candle Wax #1241068
#6. But I couldn't get the image out of my head of the beast strapped to the table, Father humming while the candle wax slowly dripped, and Montgomery assisting. I felt betrayed, as though the boy I'd idolized was nothing more than a fantasy.

Megan Shepherd

Quotes About Candle Wax #1459603
#7. It was high time that she left behind these silly daydreams, before she became odd and ended up locked in some attic, collecting bits of string and candle wax and muttering.

Laura Kinsale

Quotes About Candle Wax #1878550
#8. It just seems to me there's enough pain in the world - and not nearly enough pleasure. I guess once you've had enough kidney stones, hot candle wax on the nipples seems less appealing.

Katherine Center

Quotes About Candle Wax #14313
#9. No matter what sort of difficulties you must endure and no matter hiw painful your experiences, you must not lose hope. Losing faith is the only thing that can truely distroy you. To conquer yourself and your weaknesses are a greater triumph than to conquer thousands in battle.

Colleen Houck

Quotes About Candle Wax #773021
#10. People should fact check. People shouldn't have to go through that and shouldn't answer to innuendos.

Bill Cosby

Quotes About Candle Wax #1831955
#11. In recent years we've seen an explosion of creative programming, and I think it represents a third golden age of television because the creators have more control over the story. The audience doesn't care about the platform. They care about the content.

Kevin Spacey

Quotes About Candle Wax #851241
#12. Invoked or not invoked, the god is present.

Desiderius Erasmus

Quotes About Candle Wax #908508
#13. Several do math on their fingers. Then they raise their hands as one. "Can we see it?" "No." "Not even open the first door?" "No." "Have you seen it?" "I have not." "So how do you know it's really there?" "You have to believe the story." "How much is it worth, Monsieur? Could

Anthony Doerr

Quotes About Candle Wax #1245854
#14. My life is now nothing more than a flickering candle. The wax is melting and the flame is a small, quivering spark. Soon it'll simply vanish, and I'll finally collapse into the black hole of eternal peace.

Margaret McHeyzer

Quotes About Candle Wax #1472240
#15. I love pitting people against each other. My whole life is based on that. It brings out the best in people and the worst in people. If the worst comes out, you don't want them working for you.

Donald Trump

Quotes About Candle Wax #1668189
#16. Stop judging how everyone else treats their faith and study your own, George had counseled.

Robyn Carr

Quotes About Candle Wax #1712357
#17. Month by month things are losing their hardness; even my body now lets the light through; my spine is soft like wax near the flame of the candle. I dream; I dream.

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Candle Wax #1778113
#18. Like the moth whose feet are caught in the molten wax of a candle, Rouget rapidly used up his remaining energy.

Honore De Balzac

Quotes About Candle Wax #1825375
#19. ALS is like a lit candle: it melts your nerves and leaves your body a pile of wax.

Mitch Albom

Quotes About Candle Wax #721497
#20. Be able to blow out a dinner candle without sending wax flying across the table.

Marilyn Vos Savant

Quotes About Candle Wax #698638
#21. As a passionate sports fan, as well as an athlete, I am excited to be a part of CBS Sports Network's historic sports-focused program hosted entirely by women, especially at a time when the influence of women in sports has evolved to where it is today.

Swin Cash

Quotes About Candle Wax #674545
#22. My body is but wax and wick for flame. When the candle burns out, the light shines elsewhere.

Normandi Ellis

Quotes About Candle Wax #648940
#23. First, the thoughts are chosen,
then the prayers are spoken.
The candles are lit,
then the plea is submitted.
But soon after you move away,
there is wax;
melting, adulterating and braiding-
a new constellation up on your blanks.

Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Quotes About Candle Wax #592083
#24. Divide and Conquer.

Gaius Julius Caesar

Quotes About Candle Wax #528861
#25. Life," he said softly, "is more than flesh. Your body is a candle, your soul the flame. The longer I burn the candle..." He did not finish.
"A candle unused is nothing but wax and wick," I said."I would rather light the flame, knowing it will go out than sit forever in darkness.

S. Jae-Jones

Quotes About Candle Wax #470093
#26. I doubt you've been idle these last twenty-four hours, so tell me what I need to know and who I might have to kill to protect her.

Vanessa Kelly

Quotes About Candle Wax #353469
#27. Knowing what you know, be serene also, like a mountain; and do not be distressed by misfortune. Knowledge without serenity is an unlit candle; together they are honey-comb; honey without wax is a noble thing; wax without honey is only fit for burning.


Quotes About Candle Wax #299137
#28. Reeve shakes his head and exhales loudly. "That's not what I'm saying and you know it!" He looks away. "Can you just ... can you go get dressed and come with me and we'll talk about it later? My mom's expecting you.

Jenny Han

Quotes About Candle Wax #283169
#29. If you devote yourself to God, then He in turn will continually stay with you, as an eternal candle flame stays with a wick, feeding off the overflow of wax; yet reshaping into something better.

Anthony Liccione

Quotes About Candle Wax #9490

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