Top 37 Quotes About Born Leaders
#1. Some are born leaders, some achieve leadership, and some have leadership thrust upon them. Which of these are you, or would you rather not bother?
Maurice Flanagan
#2. He who has learned how to obey will know how to command.
#4. MAHARAJA-Leaders are not born but are made with ultimate qualities of courage, wisdom, sacrifice and benevolence.
Bhargava Kodavanti
#5. Legends are born in solitude. Idiots are born in packs.
Abhijit Naskar
#6. I am reminded how hollow the label of leadership sometimes is and how heroic followership can be.
Warren G. Bennis
#7. Leaders would be born in this movement, unlikely heroes whose impact on food production would change a nation, and possibly the world.
~Seeds of Transition
Carolyn Holland
#8. I felt my country should do more for its children. Its children are not born gangsters. In fact, they have in them the potential to be heroes because most of the kids who are in these gangs are leaders, very charismatic and good organizers.
Azim Khamisa
#9. To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#10. Few leaders are born. We learn to be leaders. We learn by working with other people and working through our philosophy.
Frances Hesselbein
#11. It is the people who innovate that inspire, and innovation is not born of the status quo.
Michele Jennae
#12. The led must not be compelled; they must be able to choose their own leader.
Albert Einstein
#13. You gotta be hungry for it. You've got to put everything you got on it. EVERYTHING! Every second. You have to be the first one in line. That's how leaders are born.
Ray Lewis
#14. Leaders aren't born, they are made. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal which is worthwhile.
Vince Lombardi Jr.
#15. True leaders are born when you find something to die for
Myles Munroe
#16. Leadership is the sum total of who you are. Leaders are developed not simply born and
we can all develop ourselves to be able to guide others. Anyone who follows their internal
compass can become an authentic leader.
Bill George
#17. Leaders being born vs. made is a bit of a separate issue. The research on this issue is fairly conclusive: 50/50. We have innate predispositions that affect who we are and what we do (nature) but we can learn and develop and grow (nurture).
Dave Ulrich
#18. Leaders are not born, but made as a result of hard work
Sunday Adelaja
#19. Effective leaders are made, not born. They learn from trial and error, and from experience.
Colin Powell
#21. Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.
Vince Lombardi
#22. Not everyone is born a great leader, but anyone can foster core leadership competencies for themselves and become actionable, effective leaders.
Ravinder Tulsiani
#23. Too many companies believe people are interchangeable. Truly gifted people never are. They have unique talents. Such people cannot be forced into roles they are not suited for, nor should they be. Effective leaders allow great people to do the work they were born to do.
Warren G. Bennis
#24. I don't think leaders are born. Well, they're born; everybody's born, but I think leadership can be enhanced, they can be developed, and I think that it's important we do that, particularly with our youngsters.
Pat Williams
#25. You have to understand that to have a revolution when you are 18 years old is completely different from normal political leaders who were born in a democracy and will die in a democracy and never to have experienced that change. I have seen that change.
Jose Manuel Barroso
#26. It is said that great leaders are born, not made. The saying is true to this degree, that no man can persuade people to do what he wants them to do, unless he genuinely likes people, and believes that what he wants them to do is to their own advantage.
Bruce Barton
#28. Military leaders aren't made. They are born. To be a good leader, you have to have something in your character to cause people to follow you.
Jimmy Johnson
#30. I think these movies are as much for people of that time as for people who weren't born. For people who weren't born, they see how leaders must act under a crisis situation, not trying to be re-elected or not trying to check polls, that they go from their gut check.
Kevin Costner
#31. Both the United States and the Soviet Union had been born in revolution. Both embraced ideologies with global aspirations: what worked at home, their leaders assumed, would also do so for the rest of the world.
John Lewis Gaddis
#32. Leaders are made, not born. You learn to become a leader by doing what other excellent leaders have done before you. You become proficient in your job or skill, and then you become proficient at understanding the motivations and behaviors of other people.
Brian Tracy
#33. I've written extensively on Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth and seen up close how those women, who were born when the country hoped for a male heir, made their way as leaders.
Kate Williams
#34. The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That's nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders
are made rather than born.
Warren G. Bennis
#35. A leader isn't born after 9 months' conception. When talents are discovered, skills are mastered & values are developed, a leader is born.
Israelmore Ayivor
#36. Children exist in the world as well as in the family. From the moment they are born, they depend on a host of other 'grown-ups - grandparents, neighbors, teachers, ministers, employers, political leaders, and untold others who touch their lives directly and indirectly.
Hillary Clinton
#37. Leaders are not born or made - they are self made
Stephen Covey
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