Top 17 Quotes About Bible Devotion

#1. I had a very supportive family environment that gave me room to explore and discover things about myself.

Brad Pitt

Quotes About Bible Devotion #758674
#2. I'm afraid." Olivia to Caleb
"Afraid of what?" Caleb.
"Of how vulnerable you make me." Olivia.
"I make you vulnerable because you love me. That's the price you pay for love, baby girl." Caleb.

Tarryn Fisher

Quotes About Bible Devotion #1875554
#3. I really enjoy what I'm doing.

Greta Van Susteren

Quotes About Bible Devotion #1797951
#4. We approach people the same way we approach our cars. We take the poor kid to a doctor and ask, What's wrong with him, how much will it cost, and when can I pick him up?

James Hillman

Quotes About Bible Devotion #1647772
#5. Anything that dims my vision of Christ, or takes away my taste for Bible study, or cramps my prayer life, or makes Christian work difficult, is wrong for me, and I must, as a Christian, turn away from it.

J. Wilbur Chapman

Quotes About Bible Devotion #1587581
#6. This is the history of the world with perhaps a stronger dash of hypocrisy than usual to soothe our feelings.

Gregg Jones

Quotes About Bible Devotion #1257372
#7. What do I win?" she whispered in his ear.
He grinned. "What would you like?"
"You." So simple. So perfect.
"I am yours," he said, kissing her. "As you are mine."
She laughed. "Always."
And it was the truth.

Sarah MacLean

Quotes About Bible Devotion #1225393
#8. It can't rain all the time.

James O'Barr

Quotes About Bible Devotion #971176
#9. You are my creator, but I am your master; Obey!

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Quotes About Bible Devotion #958160
#10. You were placed there by God for a reason, which is to possess the land for the glory of the KING!

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About Bible Devotion #39789
#11. I believe deeply that every one of us has an individual talent or trait that can be used to make a difference in some way.

Jeff Orlowski

Quotes About Bible Devotion #651132
#12. A comedy that is ironic, sometimes bitter, in some cases even dramatic, tragic: This is what Italian comedy is.

Mario Monicelli

Quotes About Bible Devotion #634641
#13. The answer is always "No" until you ask. - Ref James 4:2

Charles S. Stamper

Quotes About Bible Devotion #521108
#14. pretty please, with a cherry on top of me!

Gena Showalter

Quotes About Bible Devotion #418230
#15. Southern culture has fostered a type of imagination that has been influenced by Christianity of a not too unorthodox kind and by a strong devotion to the Bible, which has kept our minds attached to the concrete and the living symbol.

Flannery O'Connor

Quotes About Bible Devotion #411650
#16. Our soul's problem, however, is not its neediness; it's our fallenness. Our need was meant to point us to God. Instead, we fasten our minds and bodies and wills on other sources of ultimate devotion, which the Bible calls idolatry.

John Ortberg

Quotes About Bible Devotion #186370
#17. Fill your heart with truth so that the wisdom of Christ will flow fluently from you like a living river moving into the seeking hearts of the thirsty.

Calvin W. Allison

Quotes About Bible Devotion #113505

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