Top 39 Quotes About Being Told The Truth

#1. The American people know something is wrong as far as energy is concerned. They don't think they are being told the truth.

T. Boone Pickens

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1109879
#2. Words are reflections. What we speak comes back to us. I prefer being told the truth, so I tell the truth. Within reason.

Marjorie M. Liu

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1146198
#3. I've always operated under the notion that audiences don't always know when they're being lied to, but that they always know when they're being told the truth.

Sean Penn

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1004209
#4. Instead of assuming everything you're being told is the truth, ask plenty of questions.

Barbara Corcoran

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #916027
#5. As a rule, so-called "positional" sacrifices are considered more difficult, and therefore more praise-worthy, than those which are based exclusively on an exact calculation of tactical possibilities.

Alexander Alekhine

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1741569
#6. Generalizations, like brooms, ought not to stand in a corner forever; they ought to sweep as a matter of course.

John Lukacs

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #936621
#7. And, of course, the fact that Maurice Strong, a Canadian, was in charge made it important for us to pull up our socks and become leaders in this field. Now, here is a field we should be a leader in!

Brian Mulroney

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #939544
#8. Billions of women must be out there on this seven-billion-person planet being told that they are not reliable witnesses to their own lives, that the truth is not their property, now or ever.

Rebecca Solnit

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1016494
#9. Let truth be told. The more we allow water to be controlled, bottled and sold - the more we sell the security of our sons, daughters and souls. He who controls the water, controls us all. Water is the true gold.

Suzy Kassem

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1017891
#10. We all must pay a price for following our own paths. But ... it's not always fair to ask others to pay that price.

C.C. Hunter

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1046042
#11. See how brave they are, whispered the memory of her father's voice. She'd been very young when he'd said this. Bright and still. Those stars are the kind of soldiers who stand and fight.

Marie Rutkoski

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1069744
#12. My father once told me that respect for truth comes close to being the basis for all morality. 'Something cannot emerge from nothing,' he said. This is profound thinking if you understand how unstable 'the truth' can be.

Frank Herbert

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1141313
#13. I don't really care what people say about me. I'm fine with lies and rumors. It's the truth I don't want being told.

Katja Millay

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1182161
#14. The idealists dream and the dream is told, and the practical men listen and ponder and bring back the truth and apply it to human life, and progress and growth and higher human ideals come into being and so the world moves ever on.

Anna Howard Shaw

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1230364
#15. I tell you, it was kind of two-fold. I fortunately had a lot of support. My coach was amazing - he told me to focus on being prepared and that is what I did. Every athlete is nervous - any athlete who tells you they're not nervous isn't telling you the truth. I was as prepared as I could be.

Carl Lewis

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1316305
#16. Paradox
/pera,daks/ noun
1. Being told to wake up and come back to reality by your family and friends, while being dragged to church to hear a lesson on Jonah and the whale, followed by a sermon on believing in things you can't see without faith.

Shannon L. Alder

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1321919
#17. But the lies she told were woven into the fabric of her being, her life; so that to live with her and love her was to become slowly enmeshed by them, to wrestle her for the truth, to struggle to maintain foothold on reality.

Robert Galbraith

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1401408
#18. Geoff told me once that part of being gay is the journey to accept who you are. It's often not an easy journey, but once you make it, you're stronger and happier because of it.

Andrew Grey

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1403194
#19. It's very hard not to let fame affect you because you are continually being told how good you are. After a while you begin to think there must be some truth in it because all those people can't be wrong.

Jack Wild

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1466548
#20. Old stories have a habit of being told and retold and changed. Each subsequent storyteller puts his or her mark upon it. Whatever truth the story once had is buried in bias and embellishment. The reasons do not matter as much as the story itself.

Erin Morgenstern

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1650683
#21. Wins are the most important measure for goalies, I think. Certainly it's a great accomplishment.

Curtis Joseph

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #1692208
#22. So, that's what I'm doing until I meet a friend here. I was hoping that the kid who told the truth could become a friend of mine, but I think he was just being a good guy by telling.

Stephen Chbosky

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #335577
#23. We're always pitching ideas and being told "no thank you." No offense taken, because I would so much rather be told the truth that they're not interested and be able to find the right show for that network down the line.

J.J. Abrams

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #18535
#24. Big Business and Politics are twins, they are the monsters who kill everything, corrupt everything.

Anais Nin

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #74899
#25. Don't you wonder sometimes why so much gets heaped on certain people?" I almost told the truth. That truth being, "I wouldn't dare." I wouldn't dare dwell on a thing like that. I try to look forward in my life. Because what's behind me is a little hard to take.

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #81519
#26. Money doesn't buy happiness. But happiness isn't everything.

Jean Seberg

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #124326
#27. The living world had disappeared. Darkness fell around us, black, weightless, and absolute. We were in the Fold.

Leigh Bardugo

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #233427
#28. If people treat you like shit, you treat them like shit right back. They won't like it, but they'll respect it. It's a lonely road. Although, truth be told, I enjoyed being alone. Life was much clearer.


Quotes About Being Told The Truth #235812
#29. Pleasure is continually disappointed, reduced, deflated, in favor of strong, noble values: Truth, Death, Progress, Struggle, Joy, etc. Its victorious rival is Desire: we are always being told about Desire, never about Pleasure.

Roland Barthes

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #283653
#30. There are two kinds of doubt: one that fully lives into the questions, and one that uses the questions as weapons against fully living.

Ann Voskamp

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #330465
#31. It is when people are told their own thoughts that they think they are being insulted.

Isak Dinesen

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #896422
#32. All art is but dirtying the paper delicately.

John Ruskin

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #379991
#33. Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead." Scottish Proverb

Change Your Life Publishing

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #397062
#34. Being perfect is about being able to look your friend in the eye and know that you didn't let them down, because you told them the truth.

Heidi Ayarbe

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #459195
#35. But I remember being told that the truth does not depend on being believed.

Kevin Powers

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #623578
#36. I'm a bit uncomfortable, truth be told, with being seen as an expert, because there is always so much more to learn. I see myself as a perpetual student of the goddess.

Patricia Monaghan

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #685821
#37. My dad's era believed that there was something noble in being a good guy - the kind of guy that lived straight and narrow, told the truth, and stood up for what he believed was right.

Dean Norris

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #687538
#38. We are oftener deceived by being told some truth than no truth.

Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #713221
#39. The truth doesn't mind being told every once in a while.

Alysha Speer

Quotes About Being Told The Truth #844806

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