Top 35 Quotes About Attainments
#1. Always bear in mind that boys are naturally wiser than you. Regard them as intellectual beings, who have access to certain sources of knowledge of which you are deprived, and seek to derive all the benefit you can from their peculiar attainments and experience.
John Farrar
#2. I am persuaded that love and humility are the highest attainments in the school of Christ and the brightest evidences that He is indeed our Master.
John Newton
#3. During the century after Newton, it was still possible for a man of unusual attainments to master all fields of scientific knowledge. But by 1800, this had become entirely impracticable.
Isaac Asimov
#4. Such knowledge is probably gained in several ways. One process undoubtedly operates through social comparison of success and failure experiences. Children repeatedly observe their own behavior and the attainments of others
Albert Bandura
#5. All great people glorify their history and look back upon their early attainments with a spiritualized vision.
Kelly Miller
#6. There are positively no mental, physical or moral attainments too lofty for the Negro to accomplish if granted a fair and equal opportunity.
Major Taylor
#7. It is in general more profitable to reckon up our defeats than to boast of our attainments.
Thomas Carlyle
#8. The adequacy of performance attainments depends upon the personal standards against which they are judged
Albert Bandura
#9. To pray is to take notice of the wonder, to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings, the divine margin in all attainments.
Abraham Joshua Heschel
#10. Intellectuals tend to be arrogant. Intelligence, like money, is a good servant but a bad master. When practicing pranayama, the yogi [makes] himself humble and without pride in his intellectual attainments.
B.K.S. Iyengar
#11. To some men popularity is always suspicious. Enjoying none themselves, they are prone to suspect the validity of those attainments which command it.
George Henry Lewes
#12. The presence of many interacting influences, including the attainments of others, create further leeway in how one's performances and outcomes are cognitively appraised
Albert Bandura
#13. In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage- to know who we are and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum, an emptiness, and the most disquieting loneliness.
Alex Haley
#14. The church is ever in peril-and never more so than now-of the disaster which must follow when she allows men of distinction in the sphere of human attainments, who are unregenerate or unspiritual, to dictate as to what her beliefs shall be.
Lewis Sperry Chafer
#15. See what monkeys we are! Look, such is man! and at once all renown, all intelligence, all the attainments of the spirit, all progress towards the sublime, the great and the enduring in man fell away and became a monkey's trick!
Hermann Hesse
#16. We have found that when men and women are left free to find the places for which they are best fitted, some few of them will indeed attain less exalted stations than under a regime of privilege; but the vast multitude will rise to a higher level, to wider horizons, to worthier attainments.
Calvin Coolidge
#17. Ignorance is the root of everything that stands in the way of these attainments. Ignorance binds us to suffering; therefore ignorance has to be clearly identified.
Dalai Lama XIV
#18. He is a musical man, an Amateur, but might've been a Professional. He is an Artist, too; an Amateur, but might've been a Professional. He is a man of attainments and of captivating manners.
Charles Dickens
#19. To that movement, consecrated by religious principle, sustained by an awful sense of justice, and cheered by the brightest hopes of future good, all our powers, talents, and attainments are devoted.
George Ripley
#20. The secret of spiritual success is a hunger that persists ... It is an awful condition to be satisfied with one's spiritual attainments ... God was and is looking for hungry, thirsty people.
Smith Wigglesworth
#21. I am not convinced that either the position, rewards or achievements have been worth the cost. My personal and married life and child raising have surely suffered from the professional attainments I have achieved.
Joanne Simpson
#22. The ability to discriminate between that which is true and that which is false is one of the last attainments of the human mind.
James F. Cooper
#23. Make no display of your talents or attainments; for every one will clearly see, admire, and acknowledge them, so long as you cover them with the beautiful veil of modesty
Nathanael Emmons
#24. executives. View this report, titled A Comparison of the Career Attainments of Men and Women Healthcare Executives, December 2006, at
Nancy Borkowski
#25. Our attainments [in space] are a major element in the competition between the Soviet system and our own ... in this sense, [they] are part of the battle along the fluid front of the cold war.
James E. Webb
#26. All envy is proportionate to desire; we are uneasy at the attainments of another, according as we think our own happiness would be advanced by the addition of that which he withholds from us.
Samuel Johnson
#27. At the outstart of discussions of women's intellectual attainments, it is well to remember how few are the men of the first rank.
Anna Garlin Spencer
#28. Well, she asked him questions about his age and his attainments. The fact that he was a Catholic gave her pause, but when I explained to her that the present Pope was a well-meaning sort of chap, she said she was prepared to meet him halfway.
Elizabeth Cadell
#29. (I)t was by Cicero's attainments that that he'd gained special witness to the liberals' adjustment to a brush with actual equality.
Jonathan Lethem
#30. Few - very few - of our attainments are so profound that they are valid for always; even if they are so, they need adjustment, a straightening here, a loosening there, like an old garment to be fitted to the body ...
Freya Stark
#31. A scientist is happy, not in resting on his attainments but in the steady acquisition of fresh knowledge.
Max Planck
#32. Success and failure are largely self-defined in terms of personal standards. The higher the self-standards, the more likely will given attainments be viewed as failures, regardless of what others might think
Albert Bandura
#33. Even noteworthy performance attainments do not necessarily boost perceived self-efficacy
Albert Bandura
#34. Worldly ambition is founded on pride or envy, but emulation, or laudable ambition, is actually founded in humility; for it evidently implies that we have a low opinion of our present attainments, and think it necessary to be advanced.
Joseph Hall
#35. Life is not accomplishing some special work but attaining to a degree of consciousness and inner freedom which is beyond all works and attainments.
Thomas Merton
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