Top 19 Quotes About At Risk Students

#1. But sitting out tests that have proven essential in lifting the achievement of at-risk students is shortsighted, if not selfish.


Quotes About At Risk Students #315922
#2. After 'Blankets,' I was sick of drawing myself and doing this autobiographical, mundane, Midwestern sort of comics. I wanted to create something bigger than myself and outside myself.

Craig Thompson

Quotes About At Risk Students #976644
#3. If schools continue to follow an outdated educational model focusing on preparation for an industrialized workforce, they run the risk of becoming irrelevant to our students and communities.

Eric C. Sheninger

Quotes About At Risk Students #1861282
#4. Few academics and high school history teachers want to risk their careers by suggesting to their students that the father of their country worked the same day job as Donald Trump. Washington was a land developer, often described as the richest of his generation.

Rinker Buck

Quotes About At Risk Students #1853432
#5. My name's been on this check for a week now.

Larry Bird

Quotes About At Risk Students #1848731
#6. If you go to an elite school where the other students in your class are all really brilliant, you run the risk of mistakenly believing yourself to not be a good student.

Malcolm Gladwell

Quotes About At Risk Students #1783673
#7. We don't give federal grants to tobacco companies to teach students 'low-risk' forms of smoking on the grounds that 'kids are going to smoke anyway.' We shouldn't be giving federal grants to groups that sell contraception, to teach kids to use contraception.

Jennifer Morse

Quotes About At Risk Students #1607220
#8. If you work around at-risk teen students, actually tell them you love them and have faith in their success. No one tells them that. No one.

Ace Antonio Hall

Quotes About At Risk Students #1239285
#9. I strongly urge students to learn to take risks, to be bold, to let their genius convert that fear into power and brilliance.

Robert Kiyosaki

Quotes About At Risk Students #1175378
#10. Carrying on as usual carries enormous risks, condemning today's students to a world of constant insecurity and frequent catastrophes.

William H. Calvin

Quotes About At Risk Students #1101238
#11. Be yourself's best friend

Shaun Robinson

Quotes About At Risk Students #1092162
#12. By the time they get to 6th grade honor roll students won't risk making a mistake, and sometimes to be successful, you have to risk making mistakes.

E.L. Konigsburg

Quotes About At Risk Students #885965
#13. More and more students are playing it safe and not taking any risks. You might not succeed, but that's just part of the game.

Walter Munk

Quotes About At Risk Students #802808
#14. She's made for wrapping around you.

Mathias Malzieu

Quotes About At Risk Students #773333
#15. It is essential that we develop a learning space where failure is positive, as it is a catalyst for growth and change. Students need to recognize that taking a risk and not succeeding does not mean they are failing: It means they need to try another way. After

Starr Sackstein

Quotes About At Risk Students #749767
#16. When does loyalty become martyrdom?

Robert Charles Wilson

Quotes About At Risk Students #467554
#17. Business schools are failing to teach the students about the risks of market failures. We need to include some material on market failures in the core of curriculum.

Pankaj Ghemawat

Quotes About At Risk Students #450678
#18. The coppery stink of blood combined with the sickly sweet smell of rotting leaves, and the result was not pleasant.

Graeme Reynolds

Quotes About At Risk Students #298878
#19. Usually they're carried away by people who are assertive and domineering. The risk with our students is that they're very good at getting their way. But that doesn't mean they're going the right way." If

Susan Cain

Quotes About At Risk Students #225592

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