Top 70 Quotes About Alfred The Great

#1. Alfred Nobel's discoveries are characteristic; powerful explosives can help men perform admirable tasks. They are also a means to terrible destruction in the hands of the great criminals who lead peoples to war.

Pierre Curie

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1404511
#2. It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, And see the great Achilles whom we knew.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1470502
#3. It becomes no man to nurse despair, but, in the teeth of clenched antagonisms, to follow up the worthiest till he die.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1470359
#4. I have a great need to learn what the norm is by dealing with what is not the norm ... with the grotesque and the fantastic.

Alfred Brendel

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1469101
#5. I desire to leave to the men that come after me a remembrance of me in good works.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1461235
#6. Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1457435
#7. The great achievements of the past were the adventures of the past. Only the adventurous can understand the greatness of the past.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1452454
#8. Ah, what shall I be at fifty,
should nature keep me alive,
if I find the world so bitter
when I am but twenty-five?

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1442380
#9. Hemorrhoids can bleed, typically after a bowel movement, producing blood-streaked stool or toilet paper, .. The blood may turn water in the toilet bowl red. However, the amount of blood is usually small, and hemorrhoids rarely lead to severe blood loss or anemia.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1434258
#10. As he journeyed alone toward the monster that is death, we could do nothing to help him, nor the others still alive; all the words of strength on our lips melted away, our love not great enough to bind them to life, and our hope not enough to will them to live.

Alfred Nestor

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1471269
#11. One God, one law, one element,
And one far-off divine event,
To which the whole creation moves.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1392906
#12. A life that moves to gracious ends
Thro' troops of unrecording friends,
A deedful life, a silent voice.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1340732
#13. There are a lot of photographers who have influenced me; some of the great ones, like Herb Ritts, Helmut Newton, and [Alfred] Stieglitz. I draw from all of them. You're supposed to steal from the good ones.

Leonard Nimoy

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1337285
#14. Science moves, but slowly, slowly, creeping on from point to point.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1321632
#15. I have always felt it a great privilege to be in the theater, and I am grateful to all the playwrights who have given me so many wonderful roles. It's a terrifying business, but it has its compensations. Where else could I have found someone who for 50 years has given me sheer enchantment?

Alfred Lunt

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1269119
#16. We must produce a great age, or see the collapse of the upward striving of our race.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1234109
#17. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that the people who really enjoy chess are the dubs and the duffers, experts who have resigned their ambitions, those who play only for pastime, and, of course, the great fraternity of the kibbitzers.

Alfred Kreymborg

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1204476
#18. The way in which the persecution of Galileo has been remembered is a tribute to the quiet commencement of the most intimate change in outlook which the human race had yet encountered. Since a babe was born in a manger, it may be doubted whether so great a thing has happened with so little stir

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1186800
#19. I hold with Henry George, that at the back of every great social evil will be found a great political wrong.

Alfred Russel Wallace

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1613433
#20. For man is man and master of his fate.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1847734
#21. For the unquiet heart and brain,
A use in measured language lies.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1774296
#22. It would be great if companies could just magically know what I'm looking for on their website or what I'm coming to the website for.

Alfred Lin

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1746208
#23. The ideas of Freud were popularized by people who only imperfectly understood them, who were incapable of the great effort required to grasp them in their relationship to larger truths, and who therefore assigned to them a prominence out of all proportion to their true importance.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1738181
#24. He promoted the education of the parish clergy and wrote: He seems to me a very foolish man, and very wretched, who will not increase his understanding while he is in the world, and ever wish and long to reach that endless life where all shall be made clear.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1720229
#25. I'm not qualified to do anything else. So there better be another job. I'm kind of stuck now. I'm enjoying my life and I'm enjoying my work, and I'm enjoying the fact that the work I'm doing is garnering some interest and that's great. I just hope that it continues.

Alfred Molina

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1670264
#26. The finest piece of mechanism in all the universe is the brain of man. The wise person develops his brain, and opens his mind to the genius and spirit of the world's great ideas. He will feel inspired with the purest and noblest thoughts that have ever animated the spirit of humanity.

Alfred Armand Montapert

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1669980
#27. What is a great life? It is the dreams of youth realised in old age.

Alfred De Vigny

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1636773
#28. The greater the man the greater the courtesy.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1184172
#29. I falter where I firmly trod, And falling with my weight of cares Upon the great world's altar-stairs That slope thro' darkness up to God, I stretch lame hands of faith, and grope, And gather dust and chaff, and call To what I feel is Lord of all, And faintly trust the larger hope.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1611769
#30. Sleep sweetly, tender heart, in peace;Sleep, holy spirit, blessed soul,While the stars burn, the moons increase,And the great ages onward roll. Sleep till the end, true soul and sweet. Nothing comes to thee new or strange. Sleep full of rest from head to feet;Lie still, dry dust, secure of change.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1539053
#31. Food over flame burns, food over heat cooks

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1528367
#32. When I get home after being away for work, my wife always stuffs the fridge with loads of what she calls 'nibbles' - all the great things you can eat straight from the fridge, like chunks of cheese, slices of ham, bowls of hummus.

Alfred Molina

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1519739
#33. It must be admitted that there is a degree of instability which is inconsistent with civilization. But, on the whole, the great ages have been unstable ages.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1517338
#34. The last great Englishman is low.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1516367
#35. Time [is] flowing in the middle of the night.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1504637
#36. To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script.

Alfred Hitchcock

Quotes About Alfred The Great #371078
#37. I embrace the purpose of God and the doom assigned.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #575166
#38. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #573956
#39. I am a part of all whom I have met.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #572009
#40. He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #524387
#41. The worst is over without a doubt.

Alfred P. Sloan

Quotes About Alfred The Great #514016
#42. Great horror stories of books and movies have seemingly come from some aspect of real-life events, and human behavior. This is evident as far back as Alfred Hitchcock's movie, Psycho. The movie was based on a serial killer named, Ed Gein in Wisconsin.

Chris Mentillo

Quotes About Alfred The Great #494788
#43. All things have rest: why should we toil alone, We only toil, who are the first of things.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #493990
#44. When the Sun Clearest shineth Serenest in the heaven, Quickly are obscured All over the earth Other stars.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #487696
#45. It is one of the triumphs of human wit ... to conquer by humility and submissiveness ... to make oneself small in order to appear great ... such ... are often the expedients of the neurotic.

Alfred Adler

Quotes About Alfred The Great #592485
#46. It is one of the great joys of home ownership to fire a pistol in one's own bedroom

Alfred Jarry

Quotes About Alfred The Great #344741
#47. No period of history has ever been great or ever can be that does not act on some sort of high, idealistic motives, and idealism in our time has been shoved aside, and we are paying the penalty for it.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #242087
#48. My favorite quote...from Alfred Hitchcock, of all people...

"A great story is life with the dull parts taken out.

Richard W. Perhacs

Quotes About Alfred The Great #233942
#49. Death is really a great blessing for humanity, without it there could be no real progress. People who lived for ever would not only hamper and discourage the young, but they would themselves lack sufficient stimulus to be creative.

Alfred Adler

Quotes About Alfred The Great #205456
#50. Each generation has its few great mathematicians, and mathematics would not even notice the absence of the others. They are useful as teachers, and their research harms no one, but it is of no importance at all. A mathematician is great or he is nothing.

Alfred Adler

Quotes About Alfred The Great #195383
#51. The study of mathematics is apt to commence in disappointment ... We are told that by its aid the stars are weighed and the billions of molecules in a drop of water are counted. Yet, like the ghost of Hamlet's father, this great science eludes the efforts of our mental weapons to grasp it.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #151457
#52. And I think it's because good cons are all based on the victim's need, and the successful con artist is the one, I guess, who can exploit that. I remember reading something about this, that one of the great traits of confidence tricksters is the level that they flatter their victim.

Alfred Molina

Quotes About Alfred The Great #134655
#53. It is easy to believe that life is long and one's gifts are vast
easy at the beginning, that is. But the limits of life grow more evident; it becomes clear that great work can be done rarely, if at all.

Alfred Adler

Quotes About Alfred The Great #131326
#54. I consider Christianity to be one of the great disasters of the human race ... It would be impossible to imagine anything more un - Christianlike than theology.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #928550
#55. The events I sought were never as great as I needed them to be.

Alfred De Vigny

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1127452
#56. Doom very evenly! Do not doom one doom to the rich; another to the poor! Nor doom one doom to your friend; another to your foe!

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1098947
#57. Other nations of different habits are not enemies: they are godsends. Men require of their neighbours something sufficiently akin to be understood, something sufficiently different to provoke attention, and something great enough to command admiration. We must not expect, however, all the virtues.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1055846
#58. Every man, for the sake of the great blessed Mother in Heaven, and for the love of his own little mother on earth, should handle all womankind gently, and hold them in all Honor.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1046809
#59. A great soul craves occupations and recognizes obligations more in harmony with the true nobility of human nature.

Alfred Wesley Wishart

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1022677
#60. And having those mystical elements you see in Asian cinema and certainly Asian martial arts cinema, it's something that we wanted to begin to introduce - the idea of spirituality and the idea of there being something else out in the world besides people who are great fighters.

Alfred Gough

Quotes About Alfred The Great #1001930
#61. O hard, when love and duty clash!

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #998612
#62. The vow that binds too quickly snaps itself.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #936834
#63. I think of great masters, like [Alfred] Hitchcock, for example, who works absolutely within this sensational realm. You feel like you can always tell what temperature a room is in a Hitchcock film because the people feel alive, they don't feel like they're just being filmed on a stage.

Tilda Swinton

Quotes About Alfred The Great #83387
#64. Master Alfred de Musset says great artists have no country. They have also no world! They belong to the space, to the universe, to anything infinite!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About Alfred The Great #925647
#65. Racial history is therefore natural history and the mysticism of the soul at one and the same time; but the history of the religion of the blood, conversely, is the great world story of the rise and downfall of peoples, their heroes and thinkers, their inventors and artists.

Alfred Rosenberg

Quotes About Alfred The Great #924863
#66. The great geniuses are those who have kept their childlike spirit and have added to it breadth of vision and experience.

Alfred Stieglitz

Quotes About Alfred The Great #922144
#67. The monument of a great man is not of granite or marble or bronze. It consists of his goodness, his deeds, his love and his compassion.

Alfred Armand Montapert

Quotes About Alfred The Great #921519
#68. Don't dodge difficulties; meet them, greet them, beat them. All great men have been through the wringer.

Alfred Armand Montapert

Quotes About Alfred The Great #915907
#69. All the youth now in England of free men, who are rich enough to be able to devote themselves to it, be set to learn as long as they are not fit for any other occupation, until they are able to read English writing well.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #833906
#70. The saddest thing about any man is that he be ignorant, and the most exciting thing is that he knows.

Alfred The Great

Quotes About Alfred The Great #616487

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