Top 100 Quotes About Adrian Ivashkov
#1. Sitting beside Abe was Adrian Ivashkov
my more-or-less boyfriend. Adrian was a royal Moroi
and another spirit user like Lissa. He'd been crazy about me (and often just crazy) ever since we first met
Richelle Mead
#2. An image of Sydney's face appeared in my mind's eye, calm and lovely.
I believe in you.
My anxiety faded.
I took a deep breath and met the gazes of all those watching me in the room.
Who was I to do this?
I was Adrian Ivashkov.
And I was about to kick some ass.
Richelle Mead
#3. Rose once told me "If your eyes weren't open, you wouldn't know the difference between dreaming and waking."
Adrian Ivashkov to Sydney Sage
Richelle Mead
#4. I like you being the sinner you are. -Adrian Ivashkov
Richelle Mead
#5. But I didn't know about the other story."
"What other story?"
"About how you and Adrian Ivashkov are - "
"No, whatever you heard it's not true."
"But it was really romantic"
"Then it's definitely not true.
Richelle Mead
#6. Anyone who takes a hit for Adrian Ivashkov deserves some credit.
Richelle Mead
#7. You can think whatever you want, do whatever you want ... I'm going to just go on loving you, even if it's hopeless. - Adrian Ivashkov
Richelle Mead
#8. All the while, my mind reeled with what had happened.
I have a hickey. I let Adrian Ivashkov give me a hickey.
Richelle Mead
#9. Keep it. I think I've got something else to help center my life. - Adrian Ivashkov
Richelle Mead
#10. Do you know where to find a party or something?"
"I'm Adrian Ivashkov," I declared. "The parties find me.
Richelle Mead
#11. Well, I'm supposed to be crazy, right? And there isn't much I wouldn't do for you. The stupider the better.
- Adrian Ivashkov
Richelle Mead
#12. In fact I was fairly certain there was no one in the entire world quite like Adrian Ivashkov.
Richelle Mead
#13. Sorry, Sage. Last I checked, you aren't an expert in
social matters ... "
"At least I take action. You? You let the world go by
without you. You have no spine. You don't fight back."
"You don't know the first thing about me, Adrian Ivashkov. I fight back plenty.
Richelle Mead
#14. How was it that Adrian Ivashkov, who never seemed to take anything seriously was the only one among these "responsible" people who paid attention to such small details? How was he the only one to really understand the magnitude of what I was feeling?
Richelle Mead
#15. Aw you'd never hurt me. My face is too pretty. -Adrian Ivashkov
Richelle Mead
#16. I decided the Alchemists needed an entire department devoted to handling Adrian Ivashkov.
Richelle Mead
#17. I loved you! I loved you and you destroyed me. You took my heart and ripped it up. You might as well have staked me! I. Loved. You. And you used me the whole time. (Adrian Ivashkov)
Richelle Mead
#18. It's Adrian Ivashkov logic. Don't try to understand it. Just roll with it.
Richelle Mead
#19. She continue kissing me with that ferocity, so much so that her lips lightly scraped my teeth. It was only a few drops, but as the sweet metallic taste of her blood touched my tongue, a blinding ecstasy flooded my body.
Richelle Mead
#20. Takes a lot of tries before you hit perfection." He paused to reconsider that. "Well, except for my parents. They got it on the first try." (Adrian)
Richelle Mead
#21. You're a terrible liar, boy," Rand called after us.
"Is he right?" I asked quietly, once we'd put some distance between the guest cabin and us.
"That I'm a terrible liar? No. I'm a fantastic liar.
Richelle Mead
#22. What do you think Dimitri? Is this a good idea, Dimitri? Please give us your blessing so that we can fall down and worship you, Dimitri.
Richelle Mead
#23. He always got this glint in his eyes when he complimented my looks, like he was seeing so much more than just my actual appearance.
Richelle Mead
#24. Oh, and I'm also happy to watch our darling little love child dragon while you're in St. Louis.
Richelle Mead
#25. Why not see which is brighter: your aura or the sun?
Richelle Mead
#26. Do you want me to call you Celery Stick instead of Cupcake or Honey-Pie? It just doesn't inspire the same warm and fuzzy feelings.
Richelle Mead
#27. Nothing he said could change what I think of you. I've had my mind made up about you for a long time ... and it's all good.
Richelle Mead
#28. But when I touch you, your aura ... it smolders. The colors deepen, it burns more intensely, the purple increases. Why? Why, Sydney?" He used that hand to pull me closer. "Why do you react that way if I don't mean anything to you?" There was a desperation in his voice, and it was legitimate.
Richelle Mead
#29. Half condemn him and write him off as useless like him dad. The other half just shrug and indulge him and say, 'Well, that's Adrian.
Richelle Mead
#30. You're a terrible liar, Sage, but I'm still touched you'd attempt it for my
sake. A for effort.
Richelle Mead
#31. The tension between us kicked up a notch, and I realized that along with our bodies being nearer, so were our lips.
Richelle Mead
#32. Right. As opposed to your cradle-robbing mentor. I don't really see you making much progress with him.
Richelle Mead
#33. What is it with you and girls, Adrian, dear? Why do they either mean nothing to you or everything? It's always an extreme."
"Because I don't do things in halves, mom. Especially when it comes to love.
Richelle Mead
#34. I think Adrian really likes you. Like, in a wanting-to-be-serious way."
I shook my head and stepped back. "Nope. He likes me in a wanting-to-get-the-clothes-off-the-cute-dhampir way.
Richelle Mead
#35. Who knows more about male weakness: you or me? Use my knowledge, Sage.
Richelle Mead
#36. You make learning fun. Like a children's book or after school special. Tell me about your ... um, Athenian women.
Richelle Mead
#37. Is she for real?" He paused and reconsidered. "Are you for real? Spells? Magic? I mean, don't get me wrong. I drink blood and control people's minds. But I've never heard of anything like this.
Richelle Mead
#38. I need you," said Lissa.
"I hear that from women a lot," said Adrian.
Richelle Mead
#39. Well, you can think what you want, so long as you remember - no matter how ordinary things seem between us - I'm still here, still in love with you, and care about you more than any other guy, evil or otherwise, ever will.
Richelle Mead
#40. He almosted smiled. "There you go again. Why? Why do yo keep helping me?"
There were a million answers on my lips, everything from It's the right thing to do to I don't know. Instead, I said, "Because I want to.
Richelle Mead
#41. I could see her toughening up, working hard to put all those emotions away because she thought that's what it meant to
be strong. I wanted to tell her that strength wasn't about hiding your feelings, that it was okay for her to feel this way after what she'd been through.
Richelle Mead
#42. The ghost of a smile flickered across his lips. 'You're always the voice of reason. Just try listening to yourself once in a while.
Richelle Mead
#43. Besides, when not hard at work with this research, I'm actually conducting a side experiment on how cigarettes and gin increase charisma. As you might guess, the results are looking very promising.
Richelle Mead
#44. I followed along because really, it was hard to say no to Dimitri Belikov about anything.
Richelle Mead
#45. He was too perfect, despite being one of the most imperfect people I knew.
Richelle Mead
#46. Sydney spent a lot of time on my bed these days.
Unfortunately, it wasn't with me.
Richelle Mead
#47. You, know I'm the Queen's favorite great nephew, Well, yeah I'm her only great nephew, but that's not important, I'd still be her favorite ...
Richelle Mead
#48. You got me a 'congratulations on getting
out of re-education' gift?
Richelle Mead
#49. Not true," said Adrian. "All guys mean the same thing when they want to 'get to know a girl better.' You're a wellbred young lady, so I understand why you'd be too innocent to understand. Good thing you've got me here to interpret.
Richelle Mead
#50. Can't you get me some swank bachelor's pad like Keith has downtown so I can party with all the rich vacationers? Drinking alone is sad and pathetic. I need people. Even human people.
Richelle Mead
#51. You're presumptuous and arrogant and a whole lot of other things if you think I've changed my mind."
"You see, that's just it." There he was again, moving into my space. "I think you like the 'other things.
Richelle Mead
#52. Did Belikov bend the rules of time and space to get here so fast? He can do that, right?
Richelle Mead
#53. Something clenched in my chest, and for a moment, the whole world narrowed down to the green of his eyes.
Richelle Mead
#54. Look, Rose. You don't have to keep up with the hard-to-get thing. You already got me.
Richelle Mead
#55. I brought my lips down to hers, and it was like everything that had ever happened to me had simply been a warm-up for this moment, that this was where my life truly began.
Richelle Mead
#56. Whether it's simply some fierce animal
joining of mates or a sublime merging
of souls, she is mine, and I am hers.
Richelle Mead
#57. Everything's about my personal entertainment. The world is my stage. Keep it up- you're becoming a star performer in the show.
Richelle Mead
#58. I just rely on natural talent," said Adrian, strolling up to the start of the Dragon's Lair. "When you have such a wealth of it to draw from, the danger comes from having too much.
Richelle Mead
#59. Are you some kind of mutant human? Like a fire user? And I use mutant as a compliment, you know. I wouldn't think less of you.
Richelle Mead
#60. He shook his head in mock sympathy. I tell you, Sage. Sometimes I think I am the one who needs to take out the restraining order on you.
Richelle Mead
#61. Sure," said Adrian. "I bet going in there and kicking down the door will change their minds. Take Rose with you, and you guys'll make a really good impression.
Richelle Mead
#62. But once in a while ... I don't know. I feel so close, Rose. So close to the edge. Like if I allow myself one small misstep, I'll plunge away and never come back. It's like I'll lose myself.
Richelle Mead
#63. This was the last thing I expected. You destroy my life and then feed me some inspiratonal philosophy.
Richelle Mead
#64. And besides . . . I don't want to leave you. Er, you guys."
He smiled, and it lit up his whole face. "Well, 'we' are certainly happy to hear that. Oh, and I'm also happy to watch our darling little love child dragon while you're in St. Louis."
I grinned back.
Richelle Mead
#65. Really, Sage? A date?"
I sighed. "Yes, Adrian. A date."
"A real date. Not, like, doing homework together," he added.
"I mean like where you go out to a movie or something. And a
movie that's not part of a school assignment. Or about something boring."
"A real date.
Richelle Mead
#66. Who's she? Just another Ivashkov. There are tons of them. Probably because all the guys like Adrian and have all sorts of illegitimate children." "Adrian doesn't have any children." "That we know of.
Richelle Mead
He gave me the same wordless look he always did when I asked that question.
Richelle Mead
#68. Easy there, Sage. I'm no gun-toting crazy guy. Crazy, yes. But not the rest.
Richelle Mead
#69. Adrian, we hashed this out! Everything's gone perfectly until now. Why would you even think about deviating from the plan?'
'Um, because that's how we roll?
Richelle Mead
#70. You've asked me out tons of times."
"Not really. I've made inappropriate suggestions and frequently pushed for nudity. But I've never asked you out on a real date.
Richelle Mead
#71. Sage?" Adrian lightly touched my arm, and I jumped at the feel of his fingertips against my skin. "You okay?"
"I don't know," I said softly. "I just thought of something crazy."
"Welcome to my world.
Richelle Mead
#72. He shook his head. "No. Because there's no one else out there who understands you like I do."
I waited for more. "That's it? You're not going to elaborate on what that means?"
Those green eyes held me. "I don't think I need to.
Richelle Mead
#73. They're waiting for you. Go on in." Adrian leaned close to Keith's ear and spoke in an ominous voice. "If.You.Dare." He poked Keith's shoulder and gave a "Muhahaha" kind of monster laugh.
Richelle Mead
#74. I'm going to just go on loving you, even if it's hopeless. -Adrian-
Richelle Mead
#75. I love you, and beneath all that logic, calculation, and superstition, I know you love me too.
Richelle Mead
#76. My cigarettes and I are going outside. At least they show me respect.
Richelle Mead
#77. Adrian rolled his eyes. I'm kind of surprised to find you lecturing about underage girls.
Richelle Mead
#78. I realized I'm in love. It's always been right in front of me.
Richelle Mead
#79. So far I'm not seeing a lot of difference between me and a carnival con-man.
Richelle Mead
#80. Rose and Dimitri moved almost as one entity, like a matched pair of wolfes or lions, both wary and deadly as they studied their surroundings, taking no detail or person for granted.
Richelle Mead
#81. What was that you showed Sonya?"
Dimitri suddenly joined Rose on the screen. She shot him an amused look. "Easy, comrade. You'll get your chance to lecture them too."
"Geez," said Adrian. "How many other people are there lurking off-screen?
Richelle Mead
#82. You're a solid person, Sage. You're easy on the eyes, if a little skinny, and your ability to memorize useless information is going to totally hook in some guy.
Richelle Mead
#83. Different time, different place," I said. "Things can change. People can change.
Richelle Mead
#84. We all screw up. Everyone makes mistakes. That's what she did. It was bad judgment, that's all. You don't cut off the people you love for mistakes like that.
Richelle Mead
#85. My boyfriend was insanely sexy, vampire or not, and I couldn't keep my hands off him.
Richelle Mead
#87. Adrian stood there leaning against the doorframe, watching me with his heart in his eyes. In my chest, my own heart was breaking. On my cheek, the lily reminded me who I was.
Richelle Mead
#88. But what are loyalty and caring really worth?"
"To me? Everything.
Richelle Mead
#89. Under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.
Richelle Mead
#90. Adrian: "But what are loyal and caring really worth?"
Sydney: "To me? Everything.
Richelle Mead
#91. I wanted to bring Lissa back, and I wanted to return to Adrian's arms again, return to his lips and all this life ...
Hathaway! Good God, do I have to hose you down?
Richelle Mead
#92. Jailbait," he declared, leaping up. "You're a saint. A goddess, even.
Richelle Mead
#93. Did you just use juxtaposition in a sentence?"
"Yes, Sage" he said patiently. "We use it all the time with art, ... That, and I know how to use a dictionary
Richelle Mead
#94. Damn, you have no idea what I have been through today."
"Actually I have a pretty good idea.
Richelle Mead
#95. Speaking of Sonya ... I was thinking of something earlier. Something Wolfe said."
"Why, Adrian. Were you paying attention after all?"
"Don't start,Sage," he warned.(p 211)
Richelle Mead
#97. What's this? It looks like a lily."
"It is," he said. "No offense, but this lily is
kind of more badass than yours. If the Alchemists
want to buy the rights to this and
start using it, I'm willing to negotiate.
Richelle Mead
#99. Oh ... Adrian, I've got one more favor to ask you. A big one."
"Fondue?" he asked hopefully.
Richelle Mead
#100. What's going on?' he asked, looking from face to face. 'I was having a good dream.'
'I need you,' said Lissa.
'I hear that from women a lot,' said Adrian.
Christian made a gagging sound, but the faintest glimmer of a smile crossed Eddie's lips, despite his otherwise tough guardian-stance.
Richelle Mead
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