Top 22 Quotes About A Volleyball Player

#1. When I tell people I'm going to the Olympics, they're like: 'What do you do, track and field? Pole vault? Are you a volleyball player?' No one ever guesses tae kwon do.

Diana Lopez

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #377080
#2. My dream was to be either a volleyball player or a veterinarian.

Gisele Bundchen

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1172425
#3. I'm not just a model who plays volleyball, or a volleyball player who supports herself modeling. I'm a female athlete personality.

Gabrielle Reece

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1283384
#4. I'm stuck babysitting turtle eggs while a volleyball player slash grease monkey slash aquarium volunteer tries to hit on me."
I'm not hitting on you," he protested.
Believe me, you'd know if I was hitting on you. You wouldn't be able to stop yourself from succumbing to my charms.

Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1446765
#5. I was a volleyball player as a kid. I played volleyball all the time.

Danny Strong

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #47809
#6. I wouldn't be the best offensive player if I didn't have a great setter. She serves me up nectar.

Misty May-Treanor

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1827083
#7. I'd grown up an athletic child, a competitive soccer player since age 4, with stints ranging from months to years in gymnastics, softball, volleyball.

V.E Schwab

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1606833
#8. Every player should take 5 minutes to themselves before practice and mentally lock into what needs to be done.

Jeff Boals

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1571663
#9. There was no 'I' in team, but there was meat in team. And we were all dead meat.

Jennifer Lane

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1447495
#10. After a while, your coaching development ceases to be about finding newer ways to organize practice. In other words, you soon stop collecting drills. Your development as a coach shifts to observing how great coaches teach, motivate, lead, and drive players to performances at higher and higher levels

Anson Dorrance

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #1164773
#11. When I was 14 or 15, I was a really good volleyball player, so I thought, 'Well, maybe I'll just get a scholarship to an Ivy League school through volleyball.' Then I quit when I decided to focus on theater.

Elizabeth Olsen

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #939640
#12. You have to learn every day. You can't be playing every day, but you can be practicing. If you cannot be practicing with a net and others daily, you still can be learning about the game by reading, watching and imaging. You must learn every day, if you want to be a real volleyball player. -

John Kessel

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #796360
#13. Good players win volleyball games for you, not tall players.

John Kessel

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #764347
#14. I would prefer to tell a young player what to do than how to do it.

Greg Chappell

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #603492
#15. Flo Hyman became America's best-known volleyball player with a faulty aorta, but she did not know it.

George Vecsey

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #595169
#16. Karch inspired his partners, his opponents and the world of volleyball players to be better than they were, to be great ... In the end, who could do more for a sport than that?

Mike Dodd

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #573799
#17. My mentality has always been, If I'm not the best at something, then I might as well be the best at something else. I realized that I wasn't going to be an Olympic volleyball player, but I knew I could model at that level.

Gigi Hadid

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #506602
#18. That concerns me. You're either getting better or you're getting worse. I don't think you stay the same in sports. If we want to achieve something special in the game, then these players have to recognize that they're responsible every day for getting better.

Russ Rose

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #283249
#19. Coaching is about finding a system that works for your players. There are some underlying principles which are applied in any coaching situation but it's about picking the lock to get this group of players to play the best volleyball they're capable of playing for a long period of time.

Hugh McCutcheon

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #254423
#20. Not everything you're going to do in volleyball - or in life, for that matter - is exciting or fully functional, but if you have the willpower to make each minute count, you'll benefit in some way. And it will make you a better player and a better person in the long run.

Karch Kiraly

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #237735
#21. Volleyball is not like a formula so we must give players some freedom.

Karch Kiraly

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #150718
#22. In tactics, no information is better than too much ... because at some point the players stop reading and stop thinking.

Giovanni Guidetti

Quotes About A Volleyball Player #137481

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