Top 34 Que Sera Quotes

#1. If you were a country," I said, "what would your national anthem be?"
I meant a pre-existing song
"What a Wonderful World" or "Que Sera, Sera" or something to make it a joke, like "Hey Ya!" ("I would like, more than anything else, for my nation to be shaken like a Polaroid picture.")

David Levithan

Que Sera Quotes #339464
#2. No. N-O. It might be an unfamiliar word to you, so look it up. It comes after M--and right before I go get my sword.

Ella Summers

Que Sera Quotes #1367745
#3. She asked me what type of contraceptive I use.
Underwear. Keeping it on prevents pregnancy.

Melina Marchetta

Que Sera Quotes #1033851
#4. The body never lies. It's your spiritual tuning fork.

Sera J. Beak

Que Sera Quotes #1050749
#5. We are not here to match and homogenize and agree on every point. One size of spirituality does not fit all. We are here to be our divine selves, boldly, passionately, respectfully, to the absolute best of our ability - and this, this is more than enough.

Sera Break

Que Sera Quotes #1057958
#6. He pressed a soft kiss down on the skin. I melted into a pool of desire, concealing it behind a demure smile. For such an innocent gesture, it overflowed with eroticism. My imagination was already running naked. I meant wild. My fully clothed imagination ran wild.

Sera Bright

Que Sera Quotes #1127062
#7. You're not," Jonas said, "a freak."
"Says the psychic and the vampire," Sera said. "Forgive me if I don't take your word for it. You two are not exactly the experts on normal.

Jen Meyers

Que Sera Quotes #1142274
#8. Mr. Carter cleared his throat. "Soy sauce." He deadpanned. "Really, Sera?

Flora Roberts

Que Sera Quotes #1245079
#9. The work of a lifetime, the process of individuation, is widening of that spotlight so much that everything is illuminated and you are conscious of and can see your All.

Sera J. Beak

Que Sera Quotes #1345309
#10. I'm not brainwashed." I wish everyone would stop using that word to describe me.
"That's exactly what someone who's been brainwashed would say.

Jessica Brody

Que Sera Quotes #1009759
#11. Mincemeat!" Dak said. "Yes, Sera, you're brilliant! So am I, by the way. We're still waiting on Riq.

Jennifer A. Nielsen

Que Sera Quotes #1368272
#12. In some very rare cases, an opposite-sex pair was born, and they always mated one another. Disturbing as it might sound, when it did happen, the offspring were invariably gifted. Sera and Trace's sons were noted psych-scientists.

Belinda McBride

Que Sera Quotes #1373285
#13. You're a dirty bastard"
"Are you complaining?"

Moira Rogers

Que Sera Quotes #1412711
#14. How intensely do I want to exist?

Sera J. Beak

Que Sera Quotes #1468887
#15. So, besides Ava being lost in a swamp full of homicidal maniacs, and Astrid swimming off to meet the king of homicidal maniacs, what other insurmountable problems are we facing tonight?
- Sera

Jennifer Donnelly

Que Sera Quotes #1507184
#16. Wow," Luke said. "I'm amazing!"
Sera smiled. "I think amazing is a bit strong, don't you?" She looked at Jonas.
"A bit," Jonas said, a smile playing on his lips.

Jen Meyers

Que Sera Quotes #1557525
#17. You're the love of my life, and the bane of my existence." Sera stopped midstride and wrinkled her brow.
"What's bane?" Jack opened his mouth. Mary Jane cut him off. "It's a piece of candy," she said. "Yeah," said Jack, "a little sour and tough to swallow.

Randall Kenneth Drake

Que Sera Quotes #1618553
#18. You should really be more careful who you let put their hands on you. A silky male voice hummed as hot, minty breath wafted around her ear and danced slowly across her nose. Sera inhaled deeply, her skin prickled with goose bumps.

Flora Roberts

Que Sera Quotes #1751414
#19. We all need to believe in something. It gives us a reason to get up in the morning. Something to fight for.

Jessica Brody

Que Sera Quotes #1008452
#20. Careful there, Sera. When you're upset, your wall cracks. I'm getting a whiff of your magic." He inhaled long and deep. "Mmm. Delicious." He shot her a roguish smile. Which she ignored. Or pretended to, anyway.

Ella Summers

Que Sera Quotes #958659
#21. Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra
trafitto da un raggio di sole:
ed e subito sera
Everyone stands alone at the heart of the world,
pierced by a ray of sunlight,
and suddenly it's evening

Salvatore Quasimodo

Que Sera Quotes #917949
#22. You are Perfection and Imperfection's Love Child.

Sera Beak

Que Sera Quotes #883056
#23. What would come, would come ... and you would have to meet it, when it did.

J.K. Rowling

Que Sera Quotes #695218
#24. he'd reached his car, turned to look at her. "Don't look at me like that, Sera. It's not fair." He looked away and took a breath, shaking his head slightly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean...It's just too much for me. You're too much.

Jen Meyers

Que Sera Quotes #684331
#25. Compared to me, everyone has normal relationships.'
Sera laughed. 'Right. Especially me. I'm the queen of normal relationships. The merman I love is about to marry someone else. We have to pretend to hate each other. And his future wife is trying to kill me. Totally normal.

Jennifer Donnelly

Que Sera Quotes #632366
#26. My sense of self has expanded and contracted like a schizophrenic accordion. I have questioned everything, and I have felt nothing. I have told the universe to f**k off, and I have fallen down weeping at its compassionate response.

Sera J. Beak

Que Sera Quotes #591450
#27. Wh-wh-what's hap-pening t-t-to me?" Dak said.
"Oh," Sera said softly. "You've just had a Remnant.

Jennifer A. Nielsen

Que Sera Quotes #588093
#28. I am no longer hesitant.
I am ready.
I am fearless.

Jessica Brody

Que Sera Quotes #581935
#29. A rabble-rouser from the UN high commission for refugees ... the former magi who resigned in protest against purification ... plus a girl ... and a dog.

Mamoru Oshii

Que Sera Quotes #366444
#30. And I would rather be alive, be real, be increasingly conscious of all that I am, than move around this planet all mechanical and unconscious.

Sera J. Beak

Que Sera Quotes #363326
#31. I'm sorry, Sera. I never understood before. Not really."
"I wish you didn't have to understand now.

Jennifer A. Nielsen

Que Sera Quotes #354917
#32. You can't bluff your way past everyone."
"You mean about filleting that guy?" Sera returned.
"Who said I was bluffing?

Erin Kellison

Que Sera Quotes #295927
#33. Seated atop the creature was a mermaid. She carried a crossbow. A sword hung from her hip. Her coppery hair, cut short, was angled over her forehead and cheekbones. Her green eyes blazed with fury.
'Go, Sera!' Becca shouted. 'Take back your throne!

Jennifer Donnelly

Que Sera Quotes #144163
#34. I've had my past lives read, my aura tuned, my chakras aligned, my spirit guides channeled, my palms interpreted, and my kundalini awakened.

Sera J. Beak

Que Sera Quotes #15880

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