Top 12 Quaintness Quotes

#1. I suppose it's everyone's fate to be reduced to quaintness by those younger than themselves.

Margaret Atwood

Quaintness Quotes #519475
#2. philosophical writers after his time: nor again must his simplicity of thought and occasional quaintness be reproduced in the form of archaisms of language; and


Quaintness Quotes #575576
#3. There are areas of New England, plenty of them, with quaintness to spare, with color-changing leaves and folksy folks full of folksy homespun wisdom accompanied by folksy accents

A. Lee Martinez

Quaintness Quotes #646585
#4. The charm of Brittany is to be found in the people and in the churches. The former, with their peculiar costumes and their customs, are full of interest, and the latter are of remarkable beauty and quaintness.

Sabine Baring-Gould

Quaintness Quotes #928651
#5. must his simplicity of thought and occasional quaintness be reproduced in the form of archaisms of language; and that not only because the affectation of an archaic


Quaintness Quotes #1021295
#6. To them I must have seemed quaint, but I suppose it's everyone's fate to be reduced to quaintness by those younger than themselves. Unless there's blood on the floor, of course. War, pestilence, murder, any kind of ordeal or violence, that's what they respect. Blood means we were serious.

Margaret Atwood

Quaintness Quotes #1108204
#7. There is a certain majesty in simplicity which is far above all the quaintness of wit.

Alexander Pope

Quaintness Quotes #1334374
#8. The Air Corps ... does not, at this time, feel justified in obligating ... funds for basic jet propulsion research and experimentation.

George Brett

Quaintness Quotes #1305615
#9. Death may be inevitable, but love is not. Love, you have to choose. I'll begin with that. With Love.

Hillary Jordan

Quaintness Quotes #1442559
#10. I hardly ever watch my own work. I just end up picking myself apart! I can't even stand to hear myself on voicemail. the sound of my own voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The same goes for my records.

Grey DeLisle

Quaintness Quotes #1700246
#11. The man under the hedge, sir. He is a magician. Did you never hear that if you wake a magician before his time, you risk bringing his dreams out of his head into the world?

Susanna Clarke

Quaintness Quotes #1835211
#12. Hey, it's a party already," Trez called out as he and iAm arrived. "Oh, nice tux. Isn't that Tom Ford?"
"Or was it Dick Chrysler," Rhage interjected. "Harry GM - wait, that sounds dirty ... .

J.R. Ward

Quaintness Quotes #1876488

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