Top 19 Pythian Quotes

#1. When some one boasted that at the Pythian games he had vanquished men, Diogenes replied, Nay, I defeat men, you defeat slaves .


Pythian Quotes #859462
#2. The tighter your grip, the less you have to hold.
-The Pythian Scrolls

Aedan Byrnes

Pythian Quotes #864771
#3. Thing to act. Act with thought. -The Pythian Scrolls.
Through the Oracle's Mist

Aedan Byrnes

Pythian Quotes #1208368
#4. Life is not to be bought with heaps of gold;
Not all Apollo's Pythian treasures hold,
Or Troy once held, in peace and pride of sway,
Can bribe the poor possession of the day.


Pythian Quotes #1619853
#5. Genius, the Pythian of the beautiful, leaves its large truths a riddle to the dull.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

Pythian Quotes #365740
#6. E'll deal with it, because the good outweighs the bad.

E. Lockhart

Pythian Quotes #1851878
#7. That they dared make a town of this wet and sucking thing that vied with my foot for my boot at every step bespoke the glorious and yearning bullshit of men's souls.

Matthew Sharpe

Pythian Quotes #1780215
#8. The Bible describes everything, including you!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Pythian Quotes #1745519
#9. I watch my YouTube videos over and over.

Meek Mill

Pythian Quotes #1344692
#10. Everybody who's ever done anything bad to me, anything that ever went wrong, I try to take it out on somebody-every game. It's like when you see Michael Jordan's highlights and your hair sits up on your arms? I'm like that the whole game.

Jeremy Shockey

Pythian Quotes #947074
#11. I think sitting in the car with your parents and listening to music is an essential to growing up.

James Vincent McMorrow

Pythian Quotes #905530
#12. 'Dredd' was a weird little out-of-the-blue thing for me.

Lena Headey

Pythian Quotes #886114
#13. I'm going to create my own opportunities. If I can't find the roles I want, I'll just make them.

Aubrey Plaza

Pythian Quotes #706931
#14. I was happiest, frankly, when I had a day job and then I went and was in my band that I never, ever had dreams of making money, ever.

Sasha Frere-Jones

Pythian Quotes #581761
#15. I am a loyal American. I am extremely proud of the work I have done for the United States and for my country and her people. I expect to be treated as such by the representatives of my government and those who report its work.

Steven Hatfill

Pythian Quotes #354957
#16. If we really want to achieve true prayer, we must turn our backs upon everything temporal, everything external, everything that is not divine.

Johannes Tauler

Pythian Quotes #164268
#17. He goes his way. We travel a spiral. The quickest way is sometimes the longest.

Neil Gaiman

Pythian Quotes #119504
#18. Way back in 1755 Benjamin Franklin wrote, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." With

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Pythian Quotes #66075
#19. You were made for the place where your real # passion meets # compassion because there lies your real purpose.

Ann Voskamp

Pythian Quotes #2662

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