Top 9 Purities Supplement Quotes

#1. It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others.

Dalai Lama XIV

Purities Supplement Quotes #546610
#2. Wherever you are on Earth, there is more life present than in the rest of the known universe.

Robin Ince

Purities Supplement Quotes #631319
#3. Don't look at the present storm, but look to the Son coming.

Anthony Liccione

Purities Supplement Quotes #698335
#4. I'm tired of giving my best and not having it be good enough.

Jack Nicklaus

Purities Supplement Quotes #1163060
#5. I don't want to spend my whole life talking about the promised land without ever getting there. I want to live in it.

Joyce Meyer

Purities Supplement Quotes #1353820
#6. If I'm given an opportunity to do something, I do it. Or else I fool around with it.

William Shatner

Purities Supplement Quotes #1437966
#7. Your weakness can be turned to strength for God's glory.

T. B. Joshua

Purities Supplement Quotes #1639836
#8. In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, out of the nothing came the Word and the Word was power. Every utterance of the Word gave form to the Void, starting with beings to utter the Word. There was no Adam, no Eve, and no need. What Man named was.

Thomm Quackenbush

Purities Supplement Quotes #1764664
#9. The choices that bedevil the writer bedevil the translator ten times over.

Margaret Atwood

Purities Supplement Quotes #1828452

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