Top 7 Punishmen Quotes

#1. An orator is the worse person to tell a plain fact.

Maria Edgeworth

Punishmen Quotes #92467
#2. Whether you're choosing for yourself or for a character - or for a child - names have baggage of their own.

Nick Harkaway

Punishmen Quotes #843362
#3. Even if you are strange, you may not be able to deny that we all live in the same home that we call Earth. So let us love her.

Debasish Mridha

Punishmen Quotes #1038170
#4. He may be old now, but he is still a hero in their eyes

Loretta Livingstone

Punishmen Quotes #1292273
#5. As I touched the beast I remembered how, even on that long-ago night, I could feel a tremendous thing moving in the depths below me, something vast and white and singing.

Lauren Groff

Punishmen Quotes #1311239
#6. Functional societies need algorithms which reward us for being of service to those who need it most. Instead we have algorithms which reward us for being of service to those who need it least

Heather Marsh

Punishmen Quotes #1506321
#7. For their menstrual cycle, women subconsciously want to punish men.

Daya Kudari

Punishmen Quotes #1755416

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