Top 23 Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes

#1. My sisters are amazing. My sister is my business partner, my twin. She's an amazing producer, writer. You know, we're just grinding and trying to make my mother proud as well as God.

Tasha Smith

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #823976
#2. For till the thunder and trumpet be,
Soul may divide from body, but not we
One from another

Algernon Charles Swinburne

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1859139
#3. Oh sister," Jackal mocked, pretending to wipe away a tear. "Listen to you, sounding just like a real vampire. I'm so proud.

Julie Kagawa

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1684830
#4. My brothers were my idols. I've always looked up to them and was proud to be their baby sister. I felt like they gave me some cool points, too.

Shelley Hennig

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1375307
#5. Advertisements may be evaluated scientifically; they cannot be created scientifically.

Leo Bogart

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1321602
#6. I'm proud of being a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister, and a lover and a friend We're all God's children.

Whitney Houston

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1316152
#7. I called up and said, 'Dad, I won a MacArthur.' My father goes: 'I always thought your sister would win that,' and I said, 'Dad, just say congratulations and keep your private thoughts private.' At that point he laughed, then burst into tears, and it was obvious that he was so happy and proud.

Bonnie Bassler

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1304218
#8. In a way, I was incrediibly proud of her (not that I had any intention of letting it show while I was beating the crap out of her).

Meg Cabot

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1242127
#9. Finally getting that sex change? I'm proud of you, brother. I mean, sister.

Lili Wilkinson

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1141756
#10. I am proud that I am a good mother to my children, a good daughter to my mother, a good sister to my sis (Ashley Judd) and a good wife to my new husband.

Wynonna Judd

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #1119634
#11. It is an ever-growing belief with me that truth cannot be found by violent means.

Mahatma Gandhi

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #982635
#12. I'd rather give her new ones, for I think she is a little bit proud and might not like old things. If she was my sister it would do, because sisters don't mind, but she isn't, and that makes it bad, you see. I know how I can manage beautifully; I'll adopt her! and Rose looked quite radiant with

Louisa May Alcott

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #846878
#13. My Dad, a small-town lawyer, was also named Paul. Until we lost him when I was 16, he was a gentle presence in my life. I like to think he'd be proud of me and my sister and brothers, because I'm sure proud of him and of where I come from, Janesville, Wisconsin.

Paul Ryan

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #4600
#14. I got kicked out of a club for sticking up for my sister. And I got into a fight that was basically hair pulling and rolling around on the gym floor. The fights make me sound like a hell-raiser, but I'm not proud of them.

Nadine Velazquez

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #756373
#15. Nature is not our mother: Nature is our sister. We can be proud of her beauty, since we have the same father; but she has no authority over us; we have to admire, but not to imitate.

G.K. Chesterton

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #484826
#16. My sister Jennifer is an Emmy winning journalist and mother of three amazing girls. She brings an exceptional dedication to her job, her family, and her community, and has been a role model of mine for many, many years. I'm extremely proud of her.

Ron Livingston

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #427370
#17. Do your job and demand your compensation - but in that order.

Cary Grant

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #305619
#18. Black people don't know what white people are talking about when they talk about a Sister Souljah moment. I tell them it's the moment you meet a proud, beautiful black woman you can never forget.

Sister Souljah

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #290590
#19. Every time I look into the mirror, I want to see a man whose mother, sister, wife and daughter are proud to call their own.

Farhan Akhtar

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #255727
#20. AIDS can destroy a family if you let it, but luckily for my sister and me, Mom taught us to keep going. Don't give up, be proud of who you are, and never feel sorry for yourself.

Ryan White

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #228618
#21. Airport Cars UK are always helpful and on time when we go on holiday. They have also done themselves proud with the executive people carriers at my sister-in-law's wedding

Shane Richie

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #121816
#22. As a child, I never heard one woman say to me, "I love my body". Not my mother, my elder sister, my best friend. No one woman has ever said, "I am so proud of my body." So I make sure to say it to Mia , because a positive physical outlook has to start at an early age.

Kate Winslet

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #71998
#23. Your teacher might be a child who takes you by the hand and asks you a question that you hadn't considered before, and your answer to the child is your answer to yourself.

Wayne W. Dyer

Proud Of My Little Sister Quotes #64032

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