Top 5 Prasher Point Quotes

#1. We're beginning to realize that drowsiness or sleep deprivation, fatigue, is beginning to outstrip alcohol as a cause of accidents in transportation, particularly on the highway

William C. Dement

Prasher Point Quotes #124835
#2. Whatever I fed to his mind, thinking it was nutrition was, in fact, poison. No matter how much a person likes or craves sugar, he should not be raised on the diet of only sugar ~ Rudransh Kashyap

Kirtida Gautam

Prasher Point Quotes #165544
#3. Scientific discovery is not valuable unless it has commercial value.

John A. McDougall

Prasher Point Quotes #333895
#4. Don't worry about locating your purpose. If you are seeking after God, your purpose will locate you.

Tony Evans

Prasher Point Quotes #1006735
#5. American power in the world relies on these ideals of openness and critical debate.

Joseph Nye

Prasher Point Quotes #1417690

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