Top 10 Posh Events Quotes

#1. The combination of economic and political power in the same hands is a sure recipe for tyranny.

Milton Friedman

Posh Events Quotes #176280
#2. I never stood a chance. He stole your heart first. -Marcus Hardy

Abbi Glines

Posh Events Quotes #358180
#3. If it's cool you're after, then you're knock-knock-knocking on the wrong door. My maximum ambition is to make it to normal.

Harry Bingham

Posh Events Quotes #604392
#4. You tell yourself that you're not auditioning but of course you work like crazy, and you prepare like mad. And you think, "Well, I won't get that job. But maybe they'll have another job sometime, and they'll remember that I was good."

Bill Nighy

Posh Events Quotes #827715
#5. For access to the church of God was open to the Gentiles who were to take the place left empty by the Jews.

John Calvin

Posh Events Quotes #942772
#6. Poetry is the way into a spiritual vision of society and the universe.

Camille Paglia

Posh Events Quotes #1201226
#7. If I am unable to make the gods above relent, I shall move hell.


Posh Events Quotes #1295369
#8. We cannot learn to love other tourists,-the laws of nature forbid it,-but, meditating soberly on the impossibility of their loving us, we may reach some common platform of tolerance, some common exchange of recognition and amenity.

Agnes Repplier

Posh Events Quotes #1387334
#9. The distinction between 'prejudice' and 'principle' is itself a matter of prejudice.

Laura Bohannan

Posh Events Quotes #1583555
#10. The main criterion for an award (of a research contract from the NCI) is the capacity to demonstrate the relevance of the project to the program's target. But the only sure way to prove this relevance is to have, in fact, already proved it.

June Goodfield

Posh Events Quotes #1854766

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