Top 15 Polignac Color Quotes

#1. Don't strive for somebody else's notion of perfection. It's an unattainable and ultimately ridiculous goal. Strive instead to be uniquely yourself and when in doubt listen to your gut, because it already knows what you want to become.

Meredith Vieira

Polignac Color Quotes #251725
#2. There is no higher or lower goal. There is only one goal, Self-Realization.

Meher Baba

Polignac Color Quotes #317031
#3. I feel like most actors just dig and dig and work and work in whatever way they do to try to do as much as they can to portray a character in the limited time they have to play it, whether it's six months or one month or one week of work, you know.

Katherine Waterston

Polignac Color Quotes #555042
#4. Muhammad preached his farewell sermon to the Muslim community. He reminded them to deal justly with one another, to treat women kindly, and to abandon the blood feuds and vendettas inspired by the spirit of jahiliyyah. Muslim must never fight against Muslim.

Karen Armstrong

Polignac Color Quotes #608008
#5. I revise like crazy. I start revising before the pen hits the paper.

John Dufresne

Polignac Color Quotes #900052
#6. A broad-backed ox can be driven straight on his road even by a small goad.


Polignac Color Quotes #953556
#7. If you are interested in ideas, radio is way more pure than television. You're not distracted by somebody's nose or hair or posture. You can really see how someone thinks and penetrate to the essence of who that person is.

Terry Gross

Polignac Color Quotes #1010975
#8. God gave me a voice to sing with, and when you have that, what other gimmick is there?

Whitney Houston

Polignac Color Quotes #1126956
#9. You been taking care of yourself a long time, Foxy. You must be fucking hungry for it. I bet you're drenched right now.

Sherilee Gray

Polignac Color Quotes #1372190
#10. The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.


Polignac Color Quotes #1386567
#11. The way we ended things was not uncommon for kids like us. She said we'd lost enough in our short lives to want to cauterize our wounds before they happened. We burned our connection closed before we felt the holes.

Joshilyn Jackson

Polignac Color Quotes #1550744
#12. Artists like Bach and Beethoven erected churches and temples on the heights. I only wanted ... to build dwellings for men in which they might feel happy and at home.

Edvard Grieg

Polignac Color Quotes #1559191
#13. When I see friends from school I think they've all grown old and I've stayed the same.

Steve Coogan

Polignac Color Quotes #1701232
#14. And to you, my dear visitors, I wish to speak of this youth, my brother, for there has been no appearance in my life more precious than this one, more prophetic and moving. My heart feels tender, and at this moment I am contemplating my whole life as if I were living it all anew ...

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Polignac Color Quotes #1762754
#15. A degree of culture, and assuredly a very high one, is attained when man rises above superstitions and religious notions and fears, and, for instance, no longer believes in guardian angels or in original sin, and has also ceased to talk of the salvation of his soul.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Polignac Color Quotes #1793205

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