Top 60 Poetry Is An Art Quotes

#1. Poetry is an art, and chief of the fine art; the easiest to dabble in, the hardest in which to reach true excellence.

Edmund Clarence Stedman

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #276781
#2. Poetry is an art practiced with the terribly plastic material of human language.

Carl Sandburg

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #259390
#3. I'm not really quiet or shy. Ask any of my friends! But I always ground my poetry in life itself. Poetry is an art of language, though, so I am always aware of every word's meaning, or multiple meanings.

Anne Stevenson

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1429965
#4. Poetry is an art of expressing the unknown music of our inner feelings and emotions in our known language.

Debasish Mridha

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1348070
#5. Poetry is an art spoken, as if sung, in relation to other human beings.

David Biespiel

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1332072
#6. Poetry is an art, the easiest to dabble in, but the hardest to reach true excellence.

J. G. Stedman

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1258543
#7. Poetry helps deliver messages. Poetry is an art; play with the words, the rhymes and your emotions. Experiment; discover yourself. This is exactly what I expect from you. Be creative, let the words guide you, never hold back, write as it comes, and edit later.

Jude Ouvrard

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1101794
#8. Poetry is an art of economy.

Matthew Shenoda

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #719360
#9. Poetry is an art that uses words to paint vivid pictures of perceptions and emotions.

Debasish Mridha

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #548162
#10. Poetry is an art of telling the poet's own truth my bending and twisting it with his or her own emotional bulldozer.

Debasish Mridha

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #294806
#11. Songwriting is an art distinct from poetry.

Nick Hornby

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1369339
#12. Why is it that all those who have become eminent in philosophy, politics, poetry, or the arts are clearly of an atrabilious temperament and some of them to such an extent as to be affected by diseases caused by black bile?


Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1023529
#13. Poetry is a niche genre, sure, but it has a way of opening people up. It opens me up. As with music and art, poetry is an essential human art and discussing its genesis, fruition and prose with somebody legitimately interested is intensely rewarding.

Nicholas Trandahl

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1358729
#14. The arts (painting, poetry, etc.) are not just these. Eating, drinking, walking are also arts; every act is an art.

Cesar Vallejo

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1330943
#15. You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear thorough the search.

Rick Riordan

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1322383
#16. Works of art are of an infinite solitude, and no means of approach is so useless as criticism. Only love can touch and hold them and be fair to them.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1308090
#17. I am an artist, you understand? For me, a picture is like poetry. When you make art, this is not coming from an intellectual place. It's coming from the deep side of your unconscious, your soul.

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1284948
#18. I don't think rap really fits in to 'American Idol' in the sense that I believe rap is an art form in itself more akin to poetry, more akin to drama, if you will.

Nigel Lythgoe

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1264495
#19. Art is a distinct form of human communication. Art interprets experience, sensation, and feelings. An artistic work translates our mental images and allows other people to understand what we feel; art conveys our happiness, sadness, hopes, doubts, anxieties, fears, desires, and ineffable longings.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1201852
#20. An art is a poetry but only a few can read it.

Debasish Mridha

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1125268
#21. I have always disliked the idea of an arts ghetto in which poetry is kept on a life-support system.

Tony Harrison

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1070699
#22. Either there is a God, and that God the perfect heart of truth and loveliness, or all poetry and art is but an unsown, unplanted, rootless flower, crowning a somewhat symmetrical heap of stones.

George MacDonald

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1055182
#23. Art is a jealous mistress; and if a man have a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy, he makes a bad husband and an ill provider.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1735448
#24. The arts are not just a nice thing to have or to do if there is free time or if one can afford it. Rather, paintings and poetry, music and fashion, design and dialogue, they all define who we are as a people and provide an account of our history for the next generation.

Michelle Obama

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1381743
#25. Everything here is a small offense and not of value as art or confession. It is not a whim. It is an attempt to peel another putrid skin.

Patti Smith

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1413992
#26. An intelligent man, a man who has a little meditative consciousness, can make his life a beautiful piece of art, can make it so full of love and full of music and full of poetry and full of dance that there are no limitations for it. Life is not hard. It is man's stupidity that makes it hard.


Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1419563
#27. Calligraphy may well be simply an artistic version of another form, that is the ideograms which make up the poem, but then not only does it reflect the character and temperament of the artist but ... also betrays his heart rate, his breathing.

Dai Sijie

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1430709
#28. Art, if one employs this term in the broad sense that includes poetry within its realm, is an art of creation laden with ideals, located at the very core of the life of a people, defining the spiritual and moral shape of that life.

Ivan Turgenev

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1471602
#29. The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality.

T. S. Eliot

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1507174
#30. A life is not sufficiently elevated for poetry, unless, of course, the life has been made into an art.

Mark Strand

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1617373
#31. The idea of a detached art, of poetry as a charm which exists only to distract our leisure, is a decadent idea and an unmistakable symptom of our power to castrate.

Antonin Artaud

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1619265
#32. Poetry is news brought to the mountains by a unicorn and an echo.

Czeslaw Milosz

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1663782
#33. Poetry is not an art, it's a symptom.

Michele Brenton

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1670063
#34. Nature is an outcry, unpolished truth; the art - a euphemism - tamed wilderness.

Dejan Stojanovic

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1670908
#35. Perfection seems sterile; it is final, no mystery in it; it's a product of an assembly line.

Dejan Stojanovic

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1681169
#36. Who speaks of art speaks of poetry. There is not art without a poetic aim. There is a species of emotion particular to painting. There is an effect that results from a certain arrangement of colors, of lights, of shadows. It is this that one calls the music of painting

Edouard Vuillard

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #430388
#37. Poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality.

Andrei Tarkovsky

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #44187
#38. The attempt to divide art and politics is a bourgeois which says good poetry, art, cannot be political, but since everything is ... political, even an artist or work that claims not to have any politics is making a political statement by that act.

Amiri Baraka

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #113269
#39. It seems an odd idea to my students that poetry, like all art, leads us away from itself, back to the world in which we live. It furnishes the vision. It shows with intense clarity what is already there.

Helen Bevington

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #130896
#40. A particular ikon an aid to devotion may be itself a word of art, but that is logically accidental; its artistic merits will not make it a better ... ikon. They may make it a worse one.

C.S. Lewis

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #130922
#41. Writing is also an art.

Marc Mullo

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #153914
#42. Age in itself gives substance - what has lasted becomes a thing worth keeping. An older poem's increasing strangeness of language is part of its beauty, in the same way that the cracks and darkening of an old painting become part of its luminosity in the viewer's mind.

Jane Hirshfield

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #282480
#43. The power of verse stems from an indefinable harmony between when it says and what it is.

Paul Valery

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #317954
#44. Creativity is contagious. And so is banality. Criticism is an art in itself. Don't let the dullness around destroy the creativity within. T.S. Eliot said, "honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry." Good to remember ...

Elif Shafak

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #335849
#45. I feel the only thing you can do about life is to preserve it, by art if you're an artist, by children if you're not.

Philip Larkin

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #366976
#46. Poetry is not the record of an event: it is an event.

Robert Lowell

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #370808
#47. The medium of poetry is a human body: the column of air inside the chest, shaped into signifying sounds in the larynx and the mouth. In this sense, poetry is just as physical or bodily an art as dancing.

Robert Pinsky

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #372482
#48. So poetry, which is in Oxford made An art, in London only is a trade.

John Dryden

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #424772
#49. But all art is sensual and poetry particularly so. It is directly, that is, of the senses, and since the senses do not exist without an object for their employment all art is necessarily objective. It doesn't declaim or explain, it presents.

William Carlos Williams

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #1004935
#50. Reading haiku is as much an art as writing it. The reader needs to pause and listen to the silences, to feel the spaces between the words, and to journey into the depths of many multi-colored worlds.

Harley King

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #436367
#51. Science and art, or by the same token, poetry and prose differ from one another like a journey and an excursion. The purpose of the journey is its goal, the purpose of an excursion is the process.

Franz Grillparzer

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #511220
#52. The work of great poetry is to aid us to become free artists ourselves ... The art of reading poetry is an authentic training in the augmentation of consciousness, perhaps the most authentic of healthy modes.

Harold Bloom

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #520565
#53. Poetry is not an end in itself but in the service of life; of what use are poems, or any other works of art, unless to enable human lives to be lived with insight of a deeper kind, with more sensitive feelings, more intense sense of the beautiful, with deeper understanding?

Kathleen Raine

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #522593
#54. Science is continually correcting what it has said. Fertile corrections ... science is a ladder ... poetry is a winged flight ... An artistic masterpiece exists for all time ... Dante does not efface Homer.

Victor Hugo

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #525949
#55. Poetic effect is the peculiar effect of an utterance which achieves most of its relevance through a wide array of weak implicatures..

Dan Sperber

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #531744
#56. Religion is hard work. Its insights are not self-evident and have to be cultivated in the same way as an appreciation of art, music, or poetry must be developed.

Karen Armstrong

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #545879
#57. In addition, I think religion has a chance of a look-in whenever the mind craves solace in music or poetry
in any form of art at all. Personally, I think it is an art, the greatest one; an extension of the communication all the other arts attempt.

Dodie Smith

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #734220
#58. Poetry is a verdict rather than an intention.

Leonard Cohen

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #749313
#59. Complexity is not an aesthetic criterion. It is a quality associated only with division and organization of labor.

Christopher Caudwell

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #888008
#60. Poetry is a very complex art ... It is an art of pure sound bound in through an art of arbitrary and conventional symbols.

Ezra Pound

Poetry Is An Art Quotes #971452

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