Top 16 Physical Injury Quotes

#1. Physical injury carries with it the fallout of mental injury, the damage never being equal to the traumatic event. E does not equal MC2 in this particular case. The logic of emotion carries no logic and hurt is an emotional value. I'm unsure what that value equals.

Carla R. Herrera

Physical Injury Quotes #696802
#2. It wasn't a fear associated with physical injury, but the prospect of real pain. A world where love and trust and kindness and intimacy were options. A world that, once she was inevitably forced to leave it again, would only exacerbate the loneliness and darkness of her reality.

Lindsay J. Pryor

Physical Injury Quotes #839825
#3. Threatening the playable character with physical injury will make platform puzzles easier.

Kirejan Javier

Physical Injury Quotes #1025318
#4. There are much more terrible things than physical injury.

J.K. Rowling

Physical Injury Quotes #1250806
#5. Most Amazonians don't want to give others the power to threaten them with physical injury if they don't do as they are told. Maybe we should better be asking what it says about ourselves that we feel this attitude needs any sort of explanation.

David Graeber

Physical Injury Quotes #1336719
#6. A negative outlook is more of a handicap than any physical injury.

Christopher Paolini

Physical Injury Quotes #1431018
#7. I must have physical exercise, or my temper'll certainly be ruined.

Leo Tolstoy

Physical Injury Quotes #121170
#8. No man or woman alive, magical or not, has ever escaped some form of injury, whether physical, mental, or emotional. To hurt is as human as to breathe.

J.K. Rowling

Physical Injury Quotes #225686
#9. Grave emotional injury might somehow have triggered a physical response, so that

John Connolly

Physical Injury Quotes #472450
#10. Because of old sports injuries, yoga has become a physical lifesaver.

Erica Tazel

Physical Injury Quotes #938347
#11. It is not only that we want to bring about an easy labor, without risking injury to the mother or the child; we must go further. We must understand that childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical, achievement ... The birth of a child is the ultimate perfection of human love.

Grantly Dick-Read

Physical Injury Quotes #1074003
#12. The possibility of injury or death was a strong attraction: as the online world became more and more pre-edited and slicked up, and as even its so-called reality sites raised questions about authenticity in the minds of the viewers, the rough, unpolished physical world was taking on a mystic allure.

Margaret Atwood

Physical Injury Quotes #1206173
#13. Enduring comprises a strong activity of the soul, namely, a vigorous grasping of and clinging to the good; and only from this stout-hearted activity can the strength to support the physical and spiritual suffering of injury and death be nourished.

Josef Pieper

Physical Injury Quotes #1254681
#14. I think all musicians have at one time or another experienced one physical problem or another. I have had tendinitis a couple of times, so I try to be really careful. It takes patience and persistence to overcome injury.

Yo-Yo Ma

Physical Injury Quotes #1333194
#15. No class in physical therapy school prepared me to counsel a patient dealing with a life-changing injury.

Adele Levine

Physical Injury Quotes #1749740
#16. That's when I wanted to cut. I cut to quiet the cacophony. I cut to end this abstracted agony, to reel my selves back to one present and physical whole, whose blood was the proof of her tangibility.

Caroline Kettlewell

Physical Injury Quotes #1786902

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