Top 40 Philosopher Nietzsche Quotes
#1. In the interview, Roger reflected how the German philosopher Nietzsche said a man can undergo torture if he knows the why of his life. But I, here at Dachau, learned something far greater. I learned to know the Who of my life. He was enough to sustain me then, and is enough to sustain me still
Ken Dignan
#2. Nietzsche ... has caused [philosophers] so much confusion.
Hannah Arendt
#3. I am a disciple of the philosopher Dionysus, and I would prefer to be even a satyr than a saint.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#4. To live alone one must be either a beast or a god, says Aristotle. Leaving out the third case: one must be both - a philosopher.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#5. All sciences are now under the obligation to prepare the ground for the future task of the philosopher, which is to solve the problem of value, to determine the true hierarchy of values.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#6. How I understand the philosopher - as a terrible explosive, endangering everthing ... my concept of the philosopher is worlds removed from any concept that would include even a Kant, not to speak of academic "ruminants" and other professors of philosophy ...
Friedrich Nietzsche
#7. The philosopher is lacking who interprets the deed and does not merely transpose it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#8. Nietzsche claimed that a philosopher's system of thought always arises from his autobiography, and I believe that to be true for all therapists - in fact, for anyone who thinks about thought. At a conference approximately
Irvin D. Yalom
#9. I would love to meet a philosopher like Nietzsche on a train or boat and to talk with him all night. Incidentally, I don't consider his philosophy long-lived. It is not so much persuasive as full of bravura.
Anton Chekhov
#10. Their [philosophers] thinking is, in fact, far less a discovery than a re-recognizing, a remembering, a return and a home-coming to a far-off, ancient common-household of the soul, out of which those ideas formerly grew: philosophizing is so far a kind of atavism of the highest order.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#11. Socrates ... is the first philosopher of life [Lebensphilosoph], ... Thinking serves life, while among all previous philosophers life had served thought and knowledge ... Thus Socratic philosophy is absolutely practical: it is hostile to all knowledge unconnected to ethical implications.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#12. Nothing stands so much in the way of the production and propagation of the great philosopher by nature as does the bad philosopher who works for the state.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#13. This is the fundamental idea of culture, insofar as it sets but one task for each of us: to further the production of the philosopher, of the artist, and of the saint within us and outside us, and thereby to work at the consummation of nature.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#14. What does a philosopher demand of himself, first and last? To overcome his time in himself, to become timeless.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#15. The philosopher seeks to hear within himself the echoes of the world of symphony and to re-project them in the form if concepts
Friedrich Nietzsche
#17. What the philosopher is seeking is not truth, but rather the metamorphosis of the world into man.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#18. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote that when you look into the darkness of the abyss the abyss looks into you. Probably no other line or thought more inspires or informs my work.
Michael Connelly
#19. Perhaps no philosopher is more correct than the cynic. The happiness of the animal, that thorough cynic, is the living proof of cynicism.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#21. Nietzsche, an infinitely harder and more courageous intellect, was incapable of any such confusion of ideas; he seldom allowed sentimentality to turn him from the glaring fact.
H.L. Mencken
#22. Can an ass be tragic?
To perish under a burden that one can neither bear nor cast off? The case of the philosopher.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#23. So far there has been no philosopher in whose hands philosophy has not grown into an apology for knowledge; on this point, at least, every one is an optimist, that the greatest usefulness must be ascribed to knowledge. They are all tyrannized over by logic, and this is optimism in its essence.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#24. There is a point in every philosophy at which the "conviction" of the philosopher appears on the scene; or, to put it in the words of an ancient mystery: adventavit asinus, / pulcher et fortissimus. (Translation: The ass arrives, beautiful and most brave.)
Friedrich Nietzsche
#25. I do not know what the spirit of a philosopher could more wish to be than a good dancer. For the dance is his ideal, also his fine art, finally also the only kind of piety he knows, his 'divine service.'
Friedrich Nietzsche
#26. You're not very good at being contemplative," Milo said. "You always sound like some bad caricature of a philosopher, like those fortune cookies with 'Confucius say' or the Nietzsche guy from Mystery Men that's always saying 'when you walk on the ground, the ground walks on you.
Amanda Hocking
#27. It was modesty that invented the word "philosopher" in Greece and left the magnificent overweening presumption in calling oneselfwise to the actors of the spirit
the modesty of such monsters of pride and sovereignty as Pythagoras, as Plato.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#28. Philosophers are in the habit of setting themselves before life and experience.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#29. All that philosophers have handled for millennia has been conceptual mummies; nothing actual has ever escaped from their hands alive.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#30. I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more to be than a good dancer.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#31. In the philosopher, on the contrary, there is absolutely nothing impersonal; and above all, his morality furnishes a decided and decisive testimony as to WHO HE IS, - that is to say, in what order the deepest impulses of his nature stand to each other.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#32. What verse is for the poet, dialectical thinking is for the philosopher. He grasps for it in order to get hold of his own enchantment, in order to perpetuate it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#33. The really royal calling of the philosopher (as expressed by Alcuin the Anglo-Saxon): To correct what is wrong, and strengthen the right, and raise what is holy.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#34. If you wish to understand a philosopher, do not ask what he says, but find out what he wants
Friedrich Nietzsche
#35. Like the famous mad philosopher said, when you stare into the void, the void stares also; but if you cast into the void, you get a type conversion error. (Which just goes to show Nietzsche wasn't a C++ programmer.)
Charles Stross
#37. What I understand by "philosopher": a terrible explosive in the presence of which everything is in danger.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#38. I have never come across someone who could inspire more respect than the Greek philosophers.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#39. Thus the man who is responsive to artistic stimuli reacts to the reality of dreams as does the philosopher to the reality of existence; he observes closely, and he enjoys his observation: for it is out of these images that he interprets life, out of these processes that he trains himself for life.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#40. Aristotle says that in order to live alone one must either be an animal or a god. The third alternative is lacking. A man must be both; a philosopher.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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