Top 12 Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes

#1. I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content
in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12-13


Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #566618
#2. Cord put his hat on and pulled it low, hiding his eyes. 'Grown man walks around with his eyes shut tight, he shouldn't be surprised if he bumps into something he didn't see. You aren't trying to convince anybody of anything they don't want to believe.

Ellen O'Connell

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #22807
#3. As he walked along the crowded streets, he almost wished for the old days, and carelessly wondered how many men he had killed here.

Jose Antonio Villareal

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #196825
#4. If you get something for nothing, part of you may be pleased, but part of you moves your hand to give something back.

Jonathan Haidt

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #296053
#5. There can be no doubt that the transportation sector is the most critical sector of our economy.

Robert Brady

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #403648
#6. When I was a teenager, you couldn't get straight pants. Then in '76, when punk started to hit, it was a revelation that you could find straight pants again.

Denis Leary

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #527609
#7. Will any of those men under you ever really understand all this? They're professional cynics, and it's too late for them. Why do you want to go back with them? So you can keep up with the Joneses? To buy a gyro just like the Smith has? To listen to music with your pocketbook instead of your glands?

Ray Bradbury

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #580193
#8. There's a layer of satisfaction that I get from cooking that is more than the work itself. I think when you're too competitive sometimes you can lose the joy of what you do.

Paul Rankin

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #608211
#9. Pen, ink, and paper and a sitting posture are great helps to attention and thinking.

David McCullough

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #907415
#10. He is a man-beast, carnivore incarnate, motivated by carnal avarice and wearing only the mask of civility.

She could sip from that cup.

It is his presumption that deters her: his belief that he has already caught Maud in his paw.

Emmanuelle De Maupassant

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #988133
#11. No wishes are silly, no dreams remain dreams, for those committed to clear and definitive goals.

Maximillian Degenerez

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #1428995
#12. The Jewish people, ever since David slew Goliath, have never considered youth as a barrier to leadership.

John F. Kennedy

Philippians 4 12 13 Quotes #1659995

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