Top 71 Patricia Wrede Quotes

#1. My mother taught me to be polite to dragons. Particularly polite, I mean; she taught me to be ordinary polite to everyone ... but dragons are a special case. -Daystar (Talking to Dragons)

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1230021
#2. Humility is as good for the soul as it is for the memory

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1481589
#3. Seriously, if you really, truly don't understand basic terminology (which was at least half my problem with the adult-level "beginner" books), the children's section is the place to go.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1395760
#4. In fact, "talent" is as common as mud; what's rare is the motivation to sit down and actually do something with one's talent, the discipline to do it regularly, and the persistence to stick with it until it's finished.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1374606
#5. No proper princess would come out looking for dragons," Woraug objected.
"Well I'm not a proper princess then!" Cimorene snapped. "I make cherries jubillee and I volunteer for dragons, and I conjugate Latin verbs
or at least I would if anyone would let me. So there!

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1348156
#6. In short, if we wish to see anything sensible done about the situation, we will clearly have to do it ourselves.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1345557
#7. Oliver has stated many times his dislike of hearing advice from his younger sister, so it is his own fault if he has not got sense enough to see which way the wind is blowing.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1250356
#8. She probably enjoys cutting up everyone's happiness. Not to mention cutting up other parts of people; given her penchant for poisoning people and turning them into beech trees, I fail to see how she has reached thirty without leaving a trail of bodies behind her.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1247238
#9. Tell the story you want to tell, and let it be as long as it needs to be. Worry about marketing it later.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1242630
#10. I see you've decided to take my advice after all, Richard." Lady Wendall's amused voice said from somewhere above and behind him. "Marrying your ward is *exactly* the sort of usual scandal I had in mind: I wonder it didn't occur to me before.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1494761
#11. Fee, fie, foe, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread." Ballimore shook her head. "Nonsense, dear. It's just Princess Cimorene and the King of the Enchanted Forest." "And neither of us is English," Cimorene added. The

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1225909
#12. If you want to build a car, you don't slap a bunch of iron ore, some sand, a rubber tree, and a couple of cows together and call it good

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1154764
#13. Cecy, I do think it is unfair. People in novels are fainting all the time, and I never can, no matter how badly I need to.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1146759
#14. Buckets,' said Cimorene. 'Lots of buckets, and soap, and lemon juice. Where do you keep your buckets, Mendanbar?'
'Around somewhere,' Mendanbar said vaguely.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1078643
#15. So, in a fit of pique, I came up with the silliest thing I could think of, and handed the book in under the title Bowling for Dragons

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1065235
#16. I'd rather be eaten by a dragon.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1038192
#17. After this, anything might happen. Anything at all. - The End, Mairelon the Magician 1

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1001873
#18. The ceremony went by in a blur, but Mendanbar was pretty sure he hadn't made any mistakes because suddenly he was kissing Cimorene and everyone was cheering. He felt like cheering himself, except he would have had to stop kissing Cimorene.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #992396
#19. Well, of all the bacon-brained, sapskulled, squirish, buffle-headed nodcocks!

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1680386
#20. Except you.
The revelation was so blindingly sudden the words almost slipped out, and she had to bit her tongue and look away. pg 391, A Matter of Magic

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1848202
#21. The efficiency of the cleaning solution in liquefying wizards suggested the operation of an antithetical principal,which-"
"Did you have to get him started?" Cimorene asked reproachfully.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1824010
#22. But the most important thing of all, to which she kept returning like a tongue probing a sore tooth, was the realization that she had fallen in love with her gaurdian.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1798512
#23. She lived here for a while until she couldn't stand having strangers stand outside and shout, "Rachel! Rachel, send down your chair" any longer.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1776907
#24. He doesn't seem very impressed," Cimorene commented in some amusement.
"Why should he be?" Kazul said.
"Well, you're a dragon," Cimorene answered, a little taken aback.
"What difference does that make to a cat?

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1725230
#25. Thank God! he said, and kissed her.
Kissing Mairelon was much nicer than anything she had ever dared to imagine, despite the headache.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1720794
#26. It took us most of the morning to put together the letter she sent to the Frontier Management Department, and I learned a lot about how to be frigidly polite and still leave somebody feeling like they'd been spanked.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1703970
#27. The young man is currently standing in the hallway, dripping on the handmade silk rug that the Emperor of the Indies presented to His Majesty's grandmother. He is insisting on speaking with His Majesty."
"It's a very ugly rug," Mendanbar said. "That's why we put it in the entry hall.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1693999
#28. Tis my will that thou and he shall die by my hand. Thou hast but to choose the manner of thy death." "Old age," Cimorene said promptly. "Mock

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #991864
#29. You can't force folks to have good sense, even if they're family. Maybe especially then.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1673360
#30. Brant's an idealist, and he's competent. There are few more dangerous combinations in this world ... Heroes are even more dangerous than idealists.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1669957
#31. Always be polite to a dragon. It's harder than it sounds. Dragon etiquette is incredibly complicated, and if you make a mistake, the dragon eats you.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1639495
#32. Sometimes, though, you have to do things for family, even if you'd rather not.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1597284
#33. That is certainly one way to look at the matter. There are others.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1595858
#34. Out here, it's better safe than sorry, because generally speaking, too much of the time sorry means you're dead.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1594683
#35. Murphy is a writer's best friend, but you have to keep an eye on him, or he'll steal the silver.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1594201
#36. May you and your triple cursed wash water turn purple with orange spots and fall down a bottomless pit!

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #1527065
#37. One of the things everybody seems to want to ask writers is, "Where do you get your ideas?" When people ask me this, my usual response is, "Ideas are the easy part. The hard part is writing them down.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #204522
#38. Of course it doesn't make sense." Lady Wendall said. "The rules of society rarely do.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #342966
#39. I'm not going to dress in velvet robes with ermine trim when I'm spending the day hanging pictures and cleaning out the attic in the South Tower, no matter how much Willin would like it, Mendanbar said firmly.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #323971
#40. If you brought me out driving just so you could insult me-"
"Oh, not just to insult you.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #320137
#41. If you're going to be rude, do it for a reason and get something from it.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #292997
#42. William didn't look like he'd be difficult about anything - he was thin and sandy-haired and already wore eyeglasses like his father. Most of the time he didn't say much. But when he was curious about something, he was stubborner than a bear after a honeycomb.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #259715
#43. It's a hard thing to risk what you know and are sure of, just for the possibility of something better. Even when it's a pretty strong possibility, and something that's a whole lot better.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #246278
#44. Kim was more than a little inclined to snarl at him, but in the past few days she had learned that snarling at Mairelon did little good. He simply smiled and corrected her grammar.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #245107

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #221124
#46. I am determined to have the headache Thursday, if I have to hit myself with a rock to do it.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #405744
#47. How can you know it's the best, if you don't learn about anything else?

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #186326
#48. Rennie didn't quite dare to answer back, but she looked a whole book and a couple of extra chapters.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #175893
#49. I'm sorry. I'm used to people objecting to things because they think I can't do them or shouldn't do them. It didn't occur to me that you might have a real reason.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #148143
#50. One of the previous Kings of the Enchanted Forest had been very fond of sweeping up and down staircases in a long velvet robe and his best crown, so he had added stairs wherever he thought there was room

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #80096
#51. News of Daniel's disappearance does not alarm me as it might have done a week ago. Given recent events, very little alarms me as it might have done a week ago. I feel as if my supply of alarm has been exhausted, at least temporarily.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #69409
#52. Sometimes I couldn't help thinking that the unluckiest thing about being the thirteenth child was having all those older brothers and sisters telling me what to do.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #65752
#53. Allowing anyone, even Mairelon, not only to come close to her, but to circle her waist with his arms brought back old fears, though she had to admit that the sensation was pleasurable on those rare occasions when she could relax enough to enjoy it.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #48451
#54. Men can be such provoking creatures. One would think the entire world and everything in it were made only for their enjoyment and approval.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #40929
#55. In a lot of ways I was a generation ahead of my generation; I had a working mother wheneveryone else's mother was staying at home.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #758387
#56. She said that time and death are the greatest enemies all of us must face, and the only weapon stronger than they are is love.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #980239
#57. Nothing you will object to, James replied in a soothing tone. I cannot think how he came to imagine that he would know what I might or might not object to.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #956078
#58. Come one, come all! Prepare to be amazed by the one, the only - Mairelon the Magician!

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #929365
#59. Winter was usually the slow season at the menagerie, with so many of the animals hibernating, but that year I was busier than a hen with a double set of chicks.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #861649
#60. Starting is good. You can't get anywhere at all if you never start.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #805683
#61. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and gave me a sidelong look, the one that meant he was so sure you were wrong that he could just wait and let you find out for yourself the hard way.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #802271
#62. Many, if not most, of the best and most lasting children's books have multiple levels, some of which are not fully accessible to their most likely readers ... at least, not on their first read-through at age eight or ten or fifteen.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #799091
#63. Anyone who is known as the Mysterious Marquis ought to have far more interesting reasons for his behavior than a stupid dispute with Sir Hilary.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #759556
#64. Very well. You may help me to exterminate the society of wizards.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #32478
#65. He wasn't a medical doctor, just educated all the way up as far as you can get.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #756088
#66. I most certainly can deny it. Of course, if I did, I'd be lying. Mairelon

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #714057
#67. There is nothing that is quite so reassuring in an awkward situation as knowing that one is well turned-out, and while I hope I am not so fainthearted as to require such stratagems, I am not so foolish as to overlook their value.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #688752
#68. If a beauty like Letitia Tarnower couldn't interest Mairelon, and a brilliant wizard like Renee D'Auber hadn't attracted him in all the years they'd known one another, what chance did she, Kim, have?

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #669272
#69. She who laughs last may not invariably laugh best, but she does laugh.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #654839
#70. And on top of everything, Mairelon hadn't even said she looked nice.

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #596295
#71. You're always in the kitchen," Alianora said when she poked her head through the door a moment later. "Or the library. Don't you ever do anything but cook and read?

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia Wrede Quotes #589354

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