Top 23 Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes

#1. Her life was a series of zigzags. At nineteen, she was anxious.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1260581
#2. There's little enough joy, and far too much pain, in a world like this not to appreciate the beauty that comes your way. He

Kate Elliott

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1864044
#3. She hated cleaning up after making something.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1819560
#4. She had seen just now what she had only sensed before, that the whole world was ready to be their enemy, and suddenly what she and Carol had together seemed no longer love or anything happy but a monster between them, with each of them caught in a fist.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1744763
#5. What else mattered except being with Carol, anywhere, anyhow?

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1729174
#6. and a cut along one arm where she'd scraped it on a piece of sharp plaster. But otherwise ok. She smiled grimly. "I'm free," she whispered, as if not believing it. She jumped to her feet and threw her

Rayven T. Hill

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1709741
#7. I really think it would be cowardly to pull back and not challenge the status quo, when the status quo may not be the right way for the field to go.

Mehmet Oz

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1553043
#8. I'd had a little feeling of destiny. Because, you see, what I mean about affinities is true from friendships down to even the accidental glance at someone on the street-there's always a definite reason somewhere. I think even the poets would agree with me.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1453242
#9. She probably had all the time in the world, Therese thought, probably did nothing all day but what she felt like doing.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1386439
#10. It was the seventh or eighth floor, she couldn't remember which. A streetcar crawled past the front of the hotel, and people on the sidewalk moved in every direction, with legs on either side of them, and it crossed her mind to jump.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1377457
#11. At any rate, Therese thought, she was happier than she ever had been before. And why worry about defining everything?

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1363196
#12. How indifferent he was to Carol after all, Therese thought. She felt he didn't see her, as he sometimes hadn't seen figures in rock or cloud formations when she had tried to point them out to him.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1261207
#13. She thought of people she had seen holding hands in movies, and why shouldn't she and Carol?

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #57305
#14. I'm not melancholic,' she protested, but the thin ice was under her feet again, the uncertainties. or was it that she always wanted a little more than she had, no matter how much she had?

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1248535
#15. There is always some beauty in life. Look up ... and get on with it. Build you a rainbow. Do it yourself! If you can't do that, build your mind near one. Learn how to fly. Then ... soar a little.

J. California Cooper

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1168021
#16. Sheep are always looking for a new shepherd when the terrain gets rocky.

Karen Marie Moning

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1114129
#17. If you talk about someone behind their back, doesn't that mean you are in front of them?

Jordan Smith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #1099634
#18. And she did not have to ask if this was right, no one had to tell her, because this could not have been more right or perfect.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #788740
#19. Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?'
'Always,' Carol said, smiling, too.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #739507
#20. They roared into the Lincoln Tunnel. A wild, inexplicable excitement mounted in Therese as she stared through the windshield. She wished the tunnel might cave in and kill them both, that their bodies might be dragged out together. She felt Carol glancing at her from time to time.

Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #579741
#21. Carol was like a secret spreading through her.

Highsmith, Patricia

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #578527
#22. Oh, to be laughed at when I have the courage to speak my heart. I don't want to live in a world like this."
-from "Diary of My Sixteenth Year

Yasunari Kawabata

Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #292733
#23. Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that


Patricia Highsmith Price Of Salt Quotes #265030

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