Top 5 Palitaw Sa Quotes

#1. Each time you walk down the aisle of your Home Depot or Walgreens, try to remember that behind every label and package is someone's heart and soul, and that efforts in man-years or decades are behind each product.

Clifford Spiro

Palitaw Sa Quotes #981900
#2. I have always been psychic. The walls of any room I walk into talk to me.

Ethel Waters

Palitaw Sa Quotes #1103945
#3. The greatest prison where most people live is the fear of what other people think and say

Osunsakin Adewale

Palitaw Sa Quotes #1156912
#4. Watchin' and listenin' is the thing at present; not talking.

C.S. Lewis

Palitaw Sa Quotes #1423712
#5. Not the way it's supposed to be. Evil is exactly that - a fundamental and troubling departure from goodness. The Bible uses the word evil to describe anything that violates God's moral will.

Randy Alcorn

Palitaw Sa Quotes #1568935

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