Top 6 Pagini Albe Quotes

#1. Public opinion aside, it will be up to the future pope to continue John Paul II's journey to sainthood. Many of the late pope's followers believe he is already there.

Chris Matthews

Pagini Albe Quotes #14040
#2. One of the great threats to our national security is social cohesion. If people no longer believe that you can start out anywhere and end up at the top successfully in America, that the American dream is part of the past, I think that erodes a sense of belief and confidence in our nation.

Joel Klein

Pagini Albe Quotes #146648
#3. It's never too late to learn how to love.

Elizabeth Bourgeret

Pagini Albe Quotes #561141
#4. We have been so busy perfecting the means of travel that we have forgotten where we wanted to go.

Arthur M. Young

Pagini Albe Quotes #670639
#5. We are the same. There is no difference anywhere in the world. People are people. They laugh, cry, feel, and love, and music seems to be the commons denomination that brings us all together. Music cuts through all boundaries and goes right to the soul.

Willie Nelson

Pagini Albe Quotes #826918
#6. If you hear a C-major chord with an equal temperament, you've heard it a million times before and your brain accepts it. But if you hear a chord that you've never heard before, you're like, "huh."

Aphex Twin

Pagini Albe Quotes #1383484

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