Top 100 Packer Quotes
#1. Not eating meat really keeps me trim ... meat, and what's usually served with it, is a big calorie packer.
Olivia Wilde
#2. Big money, big Liberal Party politics and big media are trying to get rid of us, of course, by letting Packer take over Fairfax - a media-only company. But we're hanging in there and doing the best job we can for our readers while we can.
Margo Kingston
#3. I used to be an over-packer! It took me a while to be smart about what I brought with me. I used to tour with a huge bag full of clothes and another one full of shoes because I wanted to have choices. And I ended up wearing the same pair of shoes all the time!
Juliana Hatfield
#4. I am fat and flabby and that Dr. J. I. Packer is right when he says, "Here then is the root cause of our moral flabbiness; we have neglected God's Law."3
Alistair Begg
#5. I've always been a Packer, always will be a Packer.
Brett Favre
#6. I'm a very good packer, but I probably take too much in the way of toiletries. You only really need a toothbrush, as most places you go to have a bar of soap and some shampoo.
Laurence Fox
#7. The talent of a meat packer, the morals of a money changer, and the manners of an undertaker.
William Allen White
#8. But to call God "almighty" does cause problems for some. J.I. Packer says, "Men treat God's sovereignty as a theme for controversy, but in Scripture it is a matter of worship.
Raymond F. Cannata
#9. Days like this. i look at you and feel electric. tell me you don't feel it too._Eric Packer
Don DeLillo
#10. Marry me. You can have all the money and credit cards you want, and the glory of being Mrs Packer, but you've got to let me do what I want.
James Packer
#11. Beauties" by Anton Chekhov, "The Doll's House" by Katherine Mansfield, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" by J. D. Salinger, "Brownies" or "Drinking Coffee Elsewhere" both by ZZ Packer, "In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried" by Amy Hempel, "Fat" by Raymond Carver, "Indian Camp
Gabrielle Zevin
#12. Sex finds us. sex sees through us. that's why it's so shattering. it strips us of appearances._Eric Packer
Don DeLillo
#13. I'm a terrible packer. I don't pack lots and lots because I think I'll wear everything, I pack a lot because I never know what I'm going to need. I always go over the weight limit.
Kit Harington
#14. I am definitely not a light packer. My thought is you never know what the weather will be like or what you will feel like wearing that day, so I always have multiple bags with me - even for a two-day trip.
Russell Westbrook
#15. The essential psychological requirement of a free society is the willingness on the part of the individual to accept responsibility for his life. - Edith Packer
When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny.
Thomas Paine
#16. You know, even though I feel that I can still play the game, God has made the answer clear to me. Retirement is now. I have to retire as a Green Bay Packer.
Donald Driver
#17. Of Drs. Clowney, Packer, Sproul, Norman L. Geisler, Harold W. Hoehner, Donald E. Hoke, Roger R. Nicole, and Earl D. Radmacher labored very hard around the clock to prepare a statement that might receive the approval of a great majority of the participants. Very special attention
R.C. Sproul
#18. J. I. Packer has written, "The repentance that Christ requires of His people consists in a settled refusal to set any limit to the claims which He may make on their lives."17
John F. MacArthur Jr.
#20. Cricket the world over, I don't think, will ever know how different things would be without Kerry Packer.
Tony Greig
#21. City squares are planned absences - they're defined, first of all, by what they're not [George Packer, "History: Influence on Humanity"].
Catie Marron
#22. Fear is a cheap emotion, but I'm not going to tell you there's nothing to be frightened of. If Alfred Packer's cannibalism victims woke up the morning of their deaths humming "Don't Worry, Be Happy," they were mistaken.
Mark Darrah
#23. He wasn't very lovable but he was bloody efficient. (Packer talking about Genghis Khan)
Kerry Packer
#24. I'm a pretty organised packer, laying out everything beforehand, as I don't like to take extra stuff. I've got a good eye for judging how much I can stuff into one suitcase. I've often not brought the right items, but I'd never avoided a chance to shop, unlike most men.
Kyle MacLachlan
#25. She was a voice with a body as afterthought, a wry smile that sailed through heavy traffic. Give her a history and she'd disappear.
Eric Packer about Vija Kinski
Don DeLillo
#26. How many times do two people have to fuck before one of them deserves to die? _Eric Packer
Don DeLillo
#27. I look at you. i know what you are. you are sloppy-bodied, smelly and wet. a woman who was born to sit trapped in a chair while a man tells her how much she excites him. _Eric Packer
Don DeLillo
#28. I've always said I never want to wear another uniform. I've always said that I owe it to the fans to retire as a Packer. I feel like I can still play, but if I can't play for my organization, then I can't play for anyone else.
Donald Driver
#29. It is vital that parents have the courage to speak up and intervene before Satan succeeds. President Boyd K. Packer has taught that when morality is involved, we have both the right and the obligation to raise a warning voice.
Larry R. Lawrence
#30. This is the woman you are inside the life. looking at you, what? i'm more excited than i've been since the first burning nights of adolescent frenzy. excited and confused. i look at you and feel an erection stirring even as the situation argues strenuously against it. _Eric Packer
Don DeLillo
#31. I want to eat lunch. you want to eat lunch. we're people in the world. we need to eat and talk._Eric Packer
Don DeLillo
#33. J. I. Packer says, "Knowing God is more than knowing about Him; it is a matter of dealing with Him as He opens up to you, and being dealt with by Him as He takes knowledge of you."1
Billy Humphrey
#34. I'm the only man with a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl ring who doesn't wear it. I'm a Green Bay Packer.
Herb Adderley
#35. I'm an over-packer 100 percent. I can't do it; I physically can't under-pack.
Hayley Hasselhoff
#36. I would caution anyone who thinks the solution is to get out to realize that Iraq will be our problem, whether we're there or not, for years to come. It will not be Vietnam; it will not let us go home and lick our wounds.
George Packer
#37. I hope to be judged as good a man as my father. Before I hear those words "well done" from my Heavenly Father, I hope to first hear them from my mortal father.
Boyd K. Packer
#38. One of the many divine qualities of the Bible is that it does not yield its secrets to the irreverent and the censorious.
J.I. Packer
#39. Holiness is the object of our new creation. We are born again so that we may grow up into Christlikeness.
J.I. Packer
#40. In truth we are not separate from each other or from the world, from the whole earth, the sun or moon or billions of stars, not separate from the entire universe. Listening silently in quiet wonderment, without knowing anything, there is just one mysteriously palpitating aliveness.
Toni Packer
#41. The Life of true holiness is rooted in the soil of awed adoration
J.I. Packer
#42. As a kid, I saw that Dad lost a lot of money in casinos, and I didn't understand that. I thought this must be a great business. At the same time, I saw when I was with him - and I was with him a lot of the time - that this was a really cool business, and it was fun and glamorous.
James Packer
#43. Part of the answer to the question that life's roller-coaster ride repeatedly raises, why has this happened to me? is always: it is moral training and discipline, planned by my Heavenly Father to help me forward along the path of Chrislike virtue.
J.I. Packer
#44. A testimony is a testimony, and it should be respected, whether it is small or large.
Boyd K. Packer
#45. A wise man had said that your Christian life is like a three-legged stool. The legs are doctrine, experience and practice, which is obedience; and you, will not stay upright unless all three are there. In recent years many Christians have not kept these three together.
J.I. Packer
#46. How can we turn our knowledge about God into knowledge of God? The rule for doing this is simple but demanding. It is that we turn each Truth that we learn about God into matter for meditation before God, leading to prayer and praise to God.
J.I. Packer
#47. In other words, Foxx represented what Sarah Palin (speaking at a campaign fundraiser in Greensboro three weeks before the election) called "the real America," by which she did not mean fallow farms and disability checks and crack.
George Packer
#48. Somewhere there is a message in the protest of the man who said, "You can't tell me that worry doesn't help. The things I worry about never happen."
Boyd K. Packer
#49. God is triune; there are within the Godhead three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the work of salvation is one in which all three act together, the Father purposing redemption, the Son securing it and the Spirit applying it.
J.I. Packer
#50. Stop viewing China like it's the Cold War. Start viewing them as a modern member of the industrialized world.
James Packer
#51. This is what all the work of grace aims at - an ever deeper knowledge of God, and an ever closer fellowship with him. Grace is God drawing us sinners closer and closer to himself.
J.I. Packer
#52. The word discipline sometimes touches a slightly rebellious chord in our natures. Remember that it comes from the word disciple.
Boyd K. Packer
#53. I do not think it pleases the Lord when we worry because we think we never do enough or that what we do is never good enough.
Boyd K. Packer
#54. If it was your fault, then you weren't powerless
you weren't at the mercy of stuff just happening."
"Your always going to be at thee mercy of stuff just happening, no matter what.
Ann Packer
#55. The idea that all are children of God is not found in the Bible anywhere.
J.I. Packer
#56. Our purpose is to produce students who have that rare and precious combination of a superb secular education, complemented by faith in the Lord, a knowledge of the doctrines He has revealed, and a testimony that they are true.
Boyd K. Packer
#57. We have recognized that the world is changing. How your children are behaving, how their friends are behaving. What they consume and what they watch.
James Packer
#58. You may in time of trouble think that you are not worth saving because you have made mistakes, big or little, and you think you are now lost. That is never true! Only repentance can heal what hurts. But repentancecan heal what hurts, no matter what it is.
Boyd K. Packer
#59. Our high and privileged calling is to do the will of God in the power of God for the glory of God.
J.I. Packer
#60. A testimony of the hope of redemption is something which cannot be measured or counted. Jesus Christ is the source of that hope.
Boyd K. Packer
#61. Peace can be settled in the heart of each who turns to the scriptures and unlocks the promises of protection and redemption that are taught therein.
Boyd K. Packer
#62. The weaker we feel, the harder we lean. And the harder we lean, the stronger we grow spiritually, even while our bodies waste away.
J.I. Packer
#63. My father used to think the word 'legend' was tossed around far too often. I want to say today that in the opinion of his family, my father was a legend.
James Packer
#64. However common irreverence and profanity become, they are nonetheless wrong
Boyd K. Packer
#65. Throughout your life there may be times when you have gone places you never should have gone and done things you never should have done. If you will turn away from sin, you will be able one day to know the peace that comes from following the pathway of complete repentance.
Boyd K. Packer
#66. As signs of inadequacy and weakness, they look on wealth as a source of stability and strength. Our proud hearts shrink from weakness, real or fancied, in all its forms, as we have already noted, and they embrace whatever looks like strength, including the goal and the reality of affluence. The
J.I. Packer
#67. Young men speak about the future because they have no past, and old men speak of the past because they have no future.
Boyd K. Packer
#68. The Trinity is the basis of the gospel, and the gospel is a declaration of the Trinity in action.
J.I. Packer
#69. We need to make sure we have the best people we can in our operations, and that is a constant challenge. There is always room to improve.
James Packer
#70. Prayer to God as Father is for Christians only.
J.I. Packer
#71. To mend our own relationship with God, regaining God's favor after having once lost it, is beyond the power of any one of us. And one must see and bow to this before one can share the biblical faith in God's grace.
J.I. Packer
#72. We are only living truly human lives just so far as we are labouring to keep God's commandments; no further.
J.I. Packer
#73. Many humanists in the West are stirred by a sense of outrage at what professed Christians, past and present, have done; and this makes them see their humanism as a kind of crusade, with the killing of Christianity as its prime goal.
J.I. Packer
#74. If [we] have a good, miserable day once in a while, or several in a row, stand steady and face them. Things will straighten out. There is great purpose in our struggle in life.
Boyd K. Packer
#75. I think it may be even a bigger story than the internet. You know, it's like saying, 'how big a deal is the internet?' The Chinese middle-class is going to change the world.
James Packer
#76. The problem came down to this: Americans, who had invented the modern assembly line, the skyscraper, the airplane, and the integrated circuit, no longer believed in the future.
George Packer
#77. There is unspeakable comfort in knowing that God is constantly taking knowledge of me in love and watching over me for my good.
J.I. Packer
#78. People can make a real difference. One person at a time, one job at a time, one life at a time.
James Packer
#79. The Roman Empire, born out the Roman Republic, with its ideas of democracy among a certain group of wealthy men (no vote for men without land -as with our Founding Fathers- and certainly no vote for women and slaves. Why are democracies built on top of one form of slavery or another?)
Tina Packer
#80. Wherever Christianity has produced what historians call a 'popular piety' claiming to be part of the national heritage, anti-Christian reaction among the intelligentsia has followed.
J.I. Packer
#81. Our best works are shot through with sin and contain something for which we need to be forgiven.
J.I. Packer
#82. Meaning bad isn't the issue. Meaning you do what you do. Not without consequences for other people, of course, sometimes very grave ones. But it's not very helpful to regard your choices as a series of right or wrong moves. They don't define you as much as you define them
Ann Packer
#83. I agree completely with my son James when he says 'Internet is like electricity. The latter lights up everything, while the former lights up knowledge'.
Kerry Packer
#84. Certainly true worship invigorates, but to plan invigoration is not necessarily to order worship.
J.I. Packer
#85. Only when you know how to die can you know how to live.
J.I. Packer
#86. Most of what we acquire materially is found to not be worth what we must pay spiritually.
Boyd K. Packer
#87. Pelagianism is the natural heresy of zealous Christians who are not interested in theology.
J.I. Packer
#88. [O]nce demagogy and falsehoods become routine, there isn't much for the political journalist to do except handicap the race and report on the candidate's mood.
George Packer
#89. We are human beings, not 'students' and 'teacher,' coming together and questioning, looking together, not having made up our minds about what we're looking at, but starting afresh.
Toni Packer
#90. Even when we cannot see the why and wherefore of God's dealings, we know that there is love in and behind them, and so we can rejoice always.
J.I. Packer
#91. Rarely does this world look as if a beneficent Providence were running it.
J.I. Packer
#92. New Testament writers do not tell me why God chose to save me. They only tell me to be thankful that He did.
J.I. Packer
#93. There is, however, equally great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for some unfathomable reason, he wants me as his friend, and desires to be my friend, and has given his Son to die for me in order to realize this purpose.
J.I. Packer
#94. Character is destiny, and politicians usually get the scandals they deserve, with a sense of inevitability about them.
George Packer
#95. Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected.
Boyd K. Packer
#96. If you are burdened with depressing feelings of guilt or disappointment, of failure or shame, there is a cure.
Boyd K. Packer
#97. Inherent in the ordination to be bishop is both the right and the obligation to be directed by inspiration.
Boyd K. Packer
#98. Our are speculations are not the measure of our God.
J.I. Packer
#99. The fruit of wisdom is Christlikeness, peace, humility and love. And, the root of it is faith in Christ as the manifested wisdom of God
J.I. Packer
#100. Thiel concluded that "greed is far preferable to envy: It is less destructive (I'd rather live in a society where people don't share than in one where they try to take what belongs to everybody else) and it is more honest.
George Packer
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