Top 10 Overshare Synonym Quotes

#1. In this town of towheaded drunks, [his daughter] would bear the weight of her difference, doled out in murmurs, taunts, and shoves. But now it occurred to Victor that she would suffer more than he ever had because, unlike him, she had been loved, and her punishment would come as a surprise.

Anya Ulinich

Overshare Synonym Quotes #120330
#2. Before you can cry to God and seek him God must come to you and must have found you,

Martin Luther

Overshare Synonym Quotes #377202
#3. It seems we would rather have a past filled with great scientists than just great artists and writers who could dream up these wonderful and awe-inspiring creations. It's a strange irony: we're spending our time trying to find the truth in our past, but creating myths of ourselves in the present.

Aditya Iyengar

Overshare Synonym Quotes #418394
#4. I had other priorities in the sixties than military service.

Dick Cheney

Overshare Synonym Quotes #637577
#5. I presented my feminine side with flowers. She cut
the stems and placed them gently down my throat.
And these tu lips might soon eclipse your brightest

Saul Williams

Overshare Synonym Quotes #916926
#6. Eyes And Heart Are Too Compatible To Each Other. Through Our Eyes, We Capture Moments And Through Our Heart We Relive Those Moments ...

Muhammad Imran Hasan

Overshare Synonym Quotes #1149130
#7. Part of the reason why I want to write these books is to make everybody realize that we're all fantastic.

Sara Alexi in interview with Dario Ciriello

Sara Alexi

Overshare Synonym Quotes #1284888
#8. Our environmental problems originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as the central nervous system or the brain of nature. We're not the brain, we are a cancer on nature.

David Foreman

Overshare Synonym Quotes #1445846
#9. I think there's nothing better than seeing a three-chord straight up rock 'n' roll band in your face with sweaty music and three minute good songs.

Joan Jett

Overshare Synonym Quotes #1646993
#10. Hopefully I can go back and forth from the United States to Asia. I feel joint productions could be the way of the future. I'll need a private plane to charter the international waters!

Godfrey Gao

Overshare Synonym Quotes #1746160

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