Top 23 Overflowing Cup Quotes
#1. Don't be the person who has an overflowing cup of knowledge but an inactive state of action. That serves no-one, that serves no purpose.
Tony Curl
#2. Some of my colleagues want to be The Anchorman on the Mount. Others see themselves as the Ace Reporter. Because of 60 Minutes, there's a whole herd of them determined to be The Grand Inquisitor and a heady number want only to be The Friendliest Anchor on the Block. At least one wants to be Jesus.
Linda Ellerbee
#3. You seek up an emotion and your cup is overflowing,
you seek up an emotion sometimes your well is dry
Dave Matthews
#4. The cup of Ireland's misery has been overflowing for centuries and is not yet half full.
Boyle Roche
#5. Without a daily supply of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, no matter how much energy we get in the form of calories, our bodies and minds deteriorate because we are not able to fully replace the dying cells in our internal and external organs.
Paul Zane Pilzer
#6. Everything we go through, the good and the bad, make us who we are; why would I want to be anyone else?
P.A. Minyard
#7. Faith wouldn't be faith without having to trust what is unseen. That's difficult sometimes, and it's almost easier to put our trust in what is tangible. But God wants us to put one foot in front of the other and just step out on faith,
Rebecca St. James
#8. Once you're on stage you can't go back, even when things go wrong people expect you to stay there and entertain them. When all else fails, you've got to try tap dancing.
Angus Young
#9. The heart is as insatiable as the grave till Jesus enters it, and then it is a cup full to overflowing.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#10. I believe that you've had most of your important memories by the time you're thirty. After that, memory becomes water overflowing into an already full cup.
Douglas Coupland
#11. God is not a miser with his grace. Your cup may be low in cash or clout, but it is overflowing with mercy.
Max Lucado
#12. Fill the cup of happiness for others, and there will be enough overflowing to fill yours to the brim.
Rose Pastor Stokes
#13. When I took over, the economy had almost collapsed. I told Malawians we needed to pass through difficult times. Two days ago I even cut my own salary by 30% to show we are making sacrifices.
Joyce Banda
#14. The green appeal of solar sailing - traveling by light, once chemical propellants have done their dirty job of orbital insertion - ought to be powerful.
Thomas Mallon
#15. I don't like egocentricity, which is something that I have arduously battled in myself my entire life.
Wojciech Kurtyka
#16. It was the ultimate celestial orgasm and I felt like a cup overflowing with plenty. The pulse of God moving through me brought such intense pleasure that I felt I might burst like the ripest berry in the sun.
Linda Cull
#17. The beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.
Tom Robbins
#18. I would urge you to give priority to the search for God. Allow his spirit to permeate your being ... If you do not have a deep and patient faith in God, you will be powerless to face the delays, disappointments, and vicissitudes that inevitably come.
Martin Luther King Jr.
#19. You have to fill your cup. You then give away the overflowing, but you keep a cupful for yourself.
Wynonna Judd
#20. He (Larry Summers) can frame arguments with such force and conviction that people think he knows more than he does.
Ron Suskind
#21. I was afraid to watch 'Blade Runner' in the theater because I was afraid the movie would be better than what I myself had been able to imagine. In a way, I was right to be afraid, because even the first few minutes were better.
William Gibson
#22. To demand the art forms of yesterday in either word systems or art is a bourgeois failure.
Francis A. Schaeffer
#23. His absence from her for so many weeks had had such an effect upon him that his demands, his desires had grown; and only the night before, as his ship steamed, beneath summer stars, in sight of the Irish coast, he had felt all the force of his particular necessity. He
Henry James
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