Top 32 Oh Brother Movie Quotes

#1. If we wish to express anger fully, the first step is to divorce the other person from any responsibility for our anger.

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #962063
#2. Galileo did not want to agree. He never wanted to agree; agreeing was something other people did, with him, after they had disagreed.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1858439
#3. If film critics could destroy a movie, Michael Bay and Adam Sandler would be working at Starbucks. If film critics could make a movie a hit, the Dardenne brothers would be courted by every studio in town.

Alonso Duralde

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1846580
#4. I don't think every movie should be in 3D. I hope the Coen brothers don't do their next movie in 3D. I don't think they have any plans to.

Rob Letterman

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1836168
#5. Sorrow is a stone that crushes a single bearer to the ground, while two are able to carry it with ease.

Philip James Bailey

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1688991
#6. I actually enjoy working with green screen, because I can imagine all that stuff happening, and I really cut my teeth on a movie I made called "Adaptation" where I had to imagine four-page dialogue scenes with my twin brother, who was nothing more than a tennis ball and a gas stand.

Nicolas Cage

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1597692
#7. I love pre-code movies. Some of my favorites are movies with Warren William and there is an MGM film called "Skyscraper Souls" which is the best Warner Brothers movie that MGM ever made.

Mike Royer

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1592867
#8. You cry at a movie but not about your brother?

Shelly Laurenston

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1470261
#9. The Brothers Grimm came along and I was so desperate for work ... Actually I've got to say that I like the movie, I won't apologize for it.

Terry Gilliam

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1431185
#10. I don't know of an actor that the Coen brothers would come to and say, "Hey, I've got a movie for you to be in, if you want to do it," that would say, "No." That's the truth.

George Clooney

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1266126
#11. Asian horror is really setting a trend. The Pang brothers are from Hong Kong, so they just bring a whole different sensibility to a horror movie. In Hong Kong, they're actually doing stuff that's very artistic and pushing boundaries.

Kristen Stewart

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1123321
#12. I was watching TV one day, and there was this open casting call for extras, and my brother says, 'You wanna try out for this movie?' and I said, 'No, I'm okay.' And then he said, 'Do you wanna be on a DVD?' And I said, 'I wanna be on a DVD!,' so I tried out.

CJ Adams

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1119564
#13. I used to watch 'Coming to America' every day after school. I have full-on long-running inside jokes with friends and family about different scenes in that movie alone. Also, my brother and I loved 'The Golden Child,' so, yeah: I was a huge fan of Eddie Murphy growing up.

Gabourey Sidibe

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1097291
#14. My brother Robert wanted to act from a very early age, and there was always a part of me that said we couldn't have two actors in the family because our parents would go mental. So I became a runner for the Robert Stigwood Organisation and, one way or another, worked my way up to movie publicist.

Philip Glenister

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1083957
#15. The president has the right to select who he wants for the Supreme Court. He doesn't have to get it cleared from Congress, Senate or anybody ... No president before this has come under this kind of scrutiny ... before the committee hearings even begin.

Montel Williams

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #1031341
#16. There was a movie called 'Hawk the Slayer' when I was a kid. I think only three people saw it, but me and my brother saw it. I remember when I was a kid thinking that's kind of cool. It was just this sort of action adventure-y sort of thing.

Sean Maguire

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #982806
#17. Oh, absolutely. James Caan was the first movie star I'd ever met, much less worked with. He was an important person to me and my brothers and Wes. Bottle Rocket was the first movie for all of us. As you know, back then, [Caan] was having some career changes, I think.

Luke Wilson

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #35858
#18. Having grown up Protestant, I was unfamiliar with St. Francis. Then I watched the movie 'Brother Sun, Sister Moon' ... I just became fascinated with the character of St. Francis. What I saw in that movie was a man who had fallen in love with God, someone for whom God was everything.

Rich Mullins

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #860628
#19. The pickings are pretty slim when you have to play the part of a housewife who doesn't go out of her apartment because she's afraid she's going to get mugged, or a woman who turns into her brother, who is a murderer.

Shirley Maclaine

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #858673
#20. Exalt the Cross! God has hung the destiny of the race upon it. Other things we may do in the realm of ethics, and on the lines of philanthropic reforms; but our main duty converges into setting that one glorious beacon of salvation, Calvary's Cross, before the gaze of every immortal soul.

Theodore L. Cuyler

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #794911
#21. I watched 'Billy Madison' maybe 80 times. It's my favourite movie. Watched it, like, a million times. My brother and sister watched it with me all the time.

Ansel Elgort

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #792710
#22. I'm an only child, and after making the movie [Yours, Mine and Ours], I know it would be awesome to have 17 brothers and sisters in real life.

Miranda Cosgrove

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #760202
#23. The family that raised me are awesome people and they are my mother and my father and my brother and my sister. I've never viewed them as these "strangers" that took over. It's never been this crazy, dramatic, Lifetime-movie situation. It's been chill.

Angel Olsen

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #654242
#24. Like I said, Kenzie. Everything ends. I'm not afraid to die," you say with a wan smile. "I just hope I'm smart enough to stay dead.

Victoria Schwab

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #641706
#25. In the darkest moments you are my brightest light.

Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #628067
#26. I got tackled once in a movie theater. I was with my mom and brother, and then suddenly I got hit from behind and sort of sprawled out on the candy counter.

Scott Wolf

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #614881
#27. When I was eight years old I went to visit my brother who was working on a movie of the week with my mother and I saw how much fun he was having and I decided I wanted to try it too.

Mackenzie Astin

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #611155
#28. Reading haiku is as much an art as writing it. The reader needs to pause and listen to the silences, to feel the spaces between the words, and to journey into the depths of many multi-colored worlds.

Harley King

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #436367
#29. I made my name and reputation DJing in hip-hop clubs in New York. 'Celebrity DJ' is a term that I hated. To me a celebrity DJ is someone that's on 'Big Brother' or in some kind of B-movie who gets a gig to DJ even though they're not talented enough to do it.

Mark Ronson

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #406918
#30. Whether a studio partner is 50/50 with us, or we do 100%, or we do 75% or 90% and for the most part they just distribute, whether that's Warner Brothers or now Universal, it's always a unique situation. Every movie is almost like a start up company.

Thomas Tull

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #306160
#31. If Sean's voice is layers of wood, and Mina Ma's is the voice a copper pot, then Mathew Mercer's is the voice of a wild animal. I suddenly think of a movie Ammara and I loved when we were little, and I think of Scar, the lion who murdered his brother to become king. That kind of voice.

Sangu Mandanna

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #252773
#32. My brother and I spent our childhood in movie theaters screaming. I decided early on that that was the epitome of entertainment. I'm always trying for that same level of adrenaline in my books.

Tess Gerritsen

Oh Brother Movie Quotes #149307

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