Top 6 Oggun Owo Quotes

#1. My aunt took me to see 'Salad Days' when I was seven. This story of a magic piano that infects everyone who hears it infected me, too. It was a Road to Damascus moment in my life.

Cameron Mackintosh

Oggun Owo Quotes #51336
#2. Everybody is a candle, true. But not everybody is lit.

Harbhajan Singh

Oggun Owo Quotes #364791
#3. How do we know that anything really exists, that anything is really the way it seems ot us through our senses?

Rene Descartes

Oggun Owo Quotes #445142

Seanan McGuire

Oggun Owo Quotes #781311
#5. Absolutely nothing visible to the eye provides a reason for or even evidence of those terrifying shifts which can in a matter of moments reconstitute a simple path into an extremely complicated one.

Mark Z. Danielewski

Oggun Owo Quotes #1301718
#6. It's so hard for me to kind of fall in love with comedy, but if something comes my way ... I mean, I loved 'Weird,' I thought that was a really fun character.

Aaron Paul

Oggun Owo Quotes #1737948

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