Top 54 Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes

#1. I don't like to be alone, but I do cherish the moments that I'm alone with a good book.

Vin Scully

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #387450
#2. I go too long without picking up a good book, I feel like I've done nothing useful with my life.

Jane Austen

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #254710
#3. Thomas Mann used to write education novels and now you can write an education memoir, and there are all these memoirs coming out now about people's relationships with books. Like anything else, these can be good or bad. The genre doesn't make it good or bad, it's the execution.

Marco Roth

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #257254
#4. Like your mouth has the gift of reading and I'm your favorite book. Find your favorite page in the soft spot between my legs and read it carefully. Fluently. Vividly. Don't you dare leave a single word untouched. And I swear my ending will be so good.

Rupi Kaur

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #272621
#5. Master storytellers like Jeffrey Archer and Arthur Hailey use simple language. But they manage to grab the attention of the readers right from page one. I'll consider myself a good storyteller the day people believe it's OK to be late for work or postpone deadlines just to finish reading my book.

Ashwin Sanghi

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #273538
#6. Peeing is like a good book in that it is very, very hard to stop once you start.

John Green

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #291264
#7. Reading, as it turned out, is the easy part. Finding a good book is the real challenge. It's a crapshoot. It's like trying to pick stocks or find an intelligent politician.

Doug Robinson

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #293289
#8. I don't like the idea of a book being a test or being used for a test. The way - in my opinion - to make good readers is to let kids choose their own books and not test them.


Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #304673
#9. Life's like the piano and the violin, it's about how smart you could play the melodies to make a good harmony.

Lucy 'Aisy

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #318175
#10. It's like saving up that perfect comeback you read in a book or heard on TV - it always sounds good in your head, but it never quite fits in real life.

Rysa Walker

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #347542
#11. It was a good moment, the kind you would like to press between the pages of a book, or hide in your sock drawer, so you could touch it again.

Rick Bragg

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #348113
#12. One battle doesn't make a campagin, but critics treat one book, good or bad, like a whole war.

Ernest Hemingway,

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #350611
#13. Wouldn't it be totally wrong and irresponsible of someone like the Apostle John, and especially the Apostle Paul, not to include any mention of hell or eternal torment in their books? And even moreso in the book of Acts, where the Good News is being proclaimed to Jew and Gentile alike?

Julie Ferwerda

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #356940
#14. It's all still about having a good story. You have to have a good story as your anchor, as your main focus. So for me, personally, I just like to concentrate on writing the best book I can, and if there's other stuff that goes along with it, that's awesome, as long as the story is central.

Rick Riordan

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #377216
#15. No matter how good a story is, if you're at a newsstand and you see a lot of comic books, you don't know how good the story is unless you read it. But you can spot the artwork instantly, and you know whether you like the artwork, whether it grabs you or not.

Stan Lee

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #254644
#16. I left drama school to do 'The Book Thief' - it was a real trip going straight from school kind of right into it, but I feel like the momentum of being in school put me in a good mindset as far as going into it as a learning experience.

Ben Schnetzer

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #398520
#17. To me, all the juice of a book is in an unpublished manuscript, and the published book is like a dead tree - just good for cutting up and building your house with.

Christina Stead

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #402362
#18. He was someone whom everyone admired and liked but whom nobody knew. He was like a book that you could feel good holding, that you could talk about without ever having read, that you could recommend.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #406545
#19. I feel there's nothing like a good classic book, except possibly its movie version.

George Kohlman

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #499475
#20. I like nothing better in this world than a good clean book, brother.

Anthony Burgess

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #651530
#21. There is nothing like a good negative review to sell a book.

Hugh Barbour

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #1045141
#22. I honestly believe there is absolutely nothing like going to bed with a good #book; or a friend who's #read one.

Phyllis Diller

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #1137075
#23. But the Good Book said a lot of things. Like 'love thy neighbor' and ' do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. If nothing else, wasn't the message of the Good Book to live and let live? So how could the Crosses call themselves 'God's chosen' and still treat us the way they did?

Malorie Blackman

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #1176821
#24. Nora, I believe life's like a good book. Time makes up the pages that will be your story. Every time your life changes, you start a new chapter. To me, there's nothing more depressing than someone getting to the end of their days and realizing they've only written one long, boring passage.

Elizabeth Isaacs

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #1249266
#25. JACK KIRBY is also the central personage of this novel because this is not a good novel. This is a seriously mixed-up book with a central personage who never appears. The plot, like life, resolves into nothing and features emotional suffering without meaning.

Jarett Kobek

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #1289609
#26. There's nothing I like better than a good book discussion with someone who can hold up his end of the argument.

Stephen King

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #1373425
#27. She lifted the book to her nose. A book had a smell more soothing than any of Mrs. Hawkins's herbs. There was nothing like a good story to take her out of a world she didn't much like.

Cindy Thomson

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #1674380
#28. I had so much fun writing this book and I want readers to have fun also. A Passion for Prying is a feel-good, fun read. It's like eating a delicious, sinful hot fudge sundae--pure fun and indulgence.

Nancy Mangano

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #150945
#29. Like many self-help books, The Deepest Blue is full of horrifyingly simplistic language and some admittedly good advice. Somehow the women in the book learn to say: That's my depression talking. It's not "me."
As if we could scrape the color off the iris and still see.

Maggie Nelson

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #15932
#30. In a sense, the artwork is the most important thing in getting somebody to buy a book. The person probably won't buy a book if he doesn't like the artwork. Once you buy it for the artwork, you hope that the story will also be good.

Stan Lee

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #30304
#31. With fiction, it could be about anything. It just has to be good writing, like Maria Semple's "Where'd You Go, Bernadette," which I read recently. I want to forget I have a book in my hand.

Cheryl Strayed

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #39349
#32. My second book, Follow Me Down had some success, got good critical notices, went into a second printing and things like that, but Shiloh was by far the most successful of those first five novels.

Shelby Foote

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #51260
#33. Nothing prevents boredom like a good book.

Dav Pilkey

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #63746
#34. A good book is like a seed: it produces fruit that has in it seed for more fruit. It is not a picture on the wall; it is a window that invies us to wider horizons.

Warren W. Wiersbe

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #63898
#35. A good argument, like a good dialogue, is always a proof of life, but I'd much rather go and read a book.

Ali Smith

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #66110
#36. I think we all like to get away from our troubles and worries with a good book.

Linda Lael Miller

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #72569
#37. I like the book my bloody life because it tell what gange related do and what makeks them feel bad

Sanchez Raymundo

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #93298
#38. Reading a book is like going on a great journey. You don't know what'll happen, but something is bound to change. And for me, that change has always been good.

Shannon Hale

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #94723
#39. I think I wrote 'The Trysting Place' in about three weeks. But it was inexperience that made me have to do that. I didn't feel good about the book all the time I was writing it. It felt a bit like wading through molasses.

Mary Balogh

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #108399
#40. When you're an established name, you know that a children's book will have a pretty good chance of getting picked up. Like Madonna. It's not that I had this great idea. Actually, in my case, it was a great idea.

Jo Nesbo

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #112937
#41. A book without potty humor is like a banana split without hot fudge. It can still be good, I suppose, but you kinda get the feeling that something is missing.

Dav Pilkey

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #116630
#42. It's like reading a good book. The kind where you don't want to skip pages to see what happens at the end. Each moment is a story in itself.

Renee Carlino

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #11476
#43. Life is like a good book... some chapters engaging, some funny, some sad and some challenging...However, its all left to the design of fate in which order they are arranged...

Nirmala Kasinathan

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #157539
#44. I think I have a good rapport with the people I work with and that really helps. If you like working with people and you always have a good time and you always do good work, then they're going to book you again. I like doing what I do.

Kate Moss

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #177363
#45. A good book is like a stream, with which we can flow slowly, playfully, it lets us savor the joy of weaving the magic of lovely thoughts, revealing the secrets of life with beautiful words.

Balroop Singh

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #183503
#46. Discovery a good book is like finding a great treasure.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #187143
#47. I haven't had a chance to pick up a good book in a long time, because I've been either reading scripts or learning them or writing them. And so, by the time the day is done, I usually just want to click on The Bachelor and fall asleep. But I gravitate toward biographies and things like that.

Justin Theroux

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #189769
#48. I like how a book feels when I turn the pages, and how the ink smells - almost like something good to eat.

Sharon M. Draper

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #194483
#49. I never plan ahead, with the exception of the Amber books which had to proceed in sequence. But I don't really like to know what I'm going to be working on a year in advance. So I just sign blank contracts for books and whatever strikes me as a good idea is what I write about.

Roger Zelazny

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #197091
#50. A good book ought to have something simple about it. And, like Eve, it ought to come from somewhere near the third rib: there ought to be a heart beating in it. A story that's all forehead doesn't amount to much.

Christopher Morley

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #207217
#51. A person might see that I've blurbed a certain book and decide they want nothing to do with it! Like, 'If that reprobate Toews likes it, forget it!' So, it's a crapshoot. But it feels good to be able to praise a book that I love or that has been written by a new writer.

Miriam Toews

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #222181
#52. I write my own stories. I like telling stories to little children. I think the good thing about stories is they carry you to another place which you've never been. And you feel like you're just enveloped by the book and the characters.

Georgie Henley

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #238428
#53. No use, no use!' said the King. 'She runs so fearfully quick. You might as well try to catch a Bandersnatch! But I'll make a memorandum about her, if you like-she's a dear good creature,' he repeated softly to himself, as he opened his memorandum-book. 'Do you spell "creature" with a double "e"?

Lewis Carroll

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #238660
#54. He was a book I wanted to read. The mystery between his pages called to me like a really good sale at the mall.

Cambria Hebert

Nothing Like A Good Book Quotes #242740

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