Top 30 Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes

#1. You don't need to provide answers to question like "why were you born?". Be committed to what excites you and what excites you will provide the answers!

Israelmore Ayivor

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #358555
#2. Even when I knew people were cheating me, what was important was how I behaved, because I have to answer to God. I can't be responsible for other people's actions: They will have to answer to God themselves

Muhammad Ali

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #567265
#3. You are only responsible for your actions, and your response to other people's actions.


Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #545461
#4. Never accept the blame for what evil people do. We are all responsible for our own actions.

Patricia Briggs

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #520981
#5. We are responsible for our actions. But we must battle for sufficient time in our own lives to bring value to our existence.

Fennel Hudson

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #507357
#6. When nothing is done, nothing is won!

Israelmore Ayivor

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #495303
#7. The world is changeable, and its ability to change is so fragile that a single person can be responsible for it.

A.J. Darkholme

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #448591
#8. Personal Responsibility is an act of being responsible for results and consequences of your decisions, actions and in-actions in a given situation or circumstance.

Sunday Adelaja

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #443367
#9. No matter how long it takes, the United States will find and bring to justice the terrorists who are responsible for Kayla's captivity and death, iSIL is a hateful and abhorrent terrorist group whose actions stand in stark contrast to the spirit of people like Kayla.

Barack Obama

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #427068
#10. We become equally responsible for the actions of others the instant we become conscious of what they are doing wrong but remain silent because we think it is right.

Suzy Kassem

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #401547
#11. We are not responsible for our feelings, as we are for our principles and actions ... Our care, then, should be to look to our principles, and to avoid all anxiety about our emotions. Their nature can never be wrong where our course of action is right, and for their degree we are not responsible.

Harriet Martineau

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #393779
#12. The binding factor between knowing something and doing it is "passion". When your passion is concentrated in what you know, your work output will bind well.

Israelmore Ayivor

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #387201
#13. I learned that in the end, only I was responsible for my actions.

Juliet Marillier

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #378264
#14. You and you alone are responsible for taking actions to create the life of your dreams. Nobody else can (or will) do it for you.

Jack Canfield

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #376919
#15. I don't know that I believe that God is in control of everything that happens. As a Jew, I believe that we have free will and we are responsible for our actions. But I guess it's something I'm still probing.

David Gregory

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #367099
#16. this book itself is not a book on what people at the top do or should do. It is addressed to everyone who, as a knowledge worker, is responsible for actions and decisions which are meant to contribute to the performance capacity of his organization.

Peter F. Drucker

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #9048
#17. Many people hold me ultimately responsible toward the actions and reputation of the global football community. I cannot monitor everyone all of the time.

Sepp Blatter

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #345561
#18. Anything that lifts responsibility for our actions is addictive, I've found. So really, looking back, I'd have to say that was not the hard moment. The tough bit is always later, when you're held responsible for yourself again, and your life is expected to go on.

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #313491
#19. Love always and be responsible for your own happiness and actions

Margo Vader

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #287970
#20. Every person must stand up and be accountable, but be responsible for their actions.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #250953
#21. Free will. It sucks because it means we're responsible for our actions. There is no destiny, just difficult decisions.

Shannon Delany

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #236840
#22. Your responsibility is to not question God's actions or what looks like a lack of action. Your obligation is to count on God's character.

Jim George

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #232648
#23. We are responsible for actions performed in response to circumstances for which we are not responsible.

Allan Massie

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #200511
#24. You're shirtless with the world's sweetest baby cuddled on those muscles. Put a shirt on, you beast, or I can't be held responsible for my actions.

Christina Lauren

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #176381
#25. If you do not know what you feel, then it is difficult to choose love; it is better to fall. Then you do not have to be responsible for your actions.

Bell Hooks

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #172032
#26. The essence in obedience consists in the fact that a person comes to view himself as an instrument for carrying out another person's wishes and he therefore no longer regards himself as responsible for his actions.

Stanley Milgram

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #142313
#27. Because your master doesn't control you anymore. He hasn't for years. You're a free bird, Lucky. You are responsible for all your actions now.

Jim Tan

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #107251
#28. Anarchists have a 'bad name' in the media, not because they can point to one indiscriminate massacre by anarchists--there have been none--but because the one thing holders of power fear is that they personally should be held responsible for their own actions

Stuart Christie

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #70806
#29. Problems or successes, they all are the results of our own actions. Karma. The philosophy of action is that no one else is the giver of peace or happiness. One's own karma, one's own actions are responsible to come to bring either happiness or success or whatever.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #22898
#30. No one can lead our lives for us. We are responsible for our actions. So people-especially the younger generation
need to be very careful especially where safe sex is concerned.

Salman Ahmad

Not Responsible For Others Actions Quotes #9137

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