Top 6 Nosce Ipsum Quotes

#1. The difficulty with telling stories about real people is you have to find a way of mixing yourself into the matter.

Olivier Dahan

Nosce Ipsum Quotes #263379
#2. Even if you feed the cow cocoa you will not get chocolate.

Bill Vaughan

Nosce Ipsum Quotes #323732
#3. All grandeur, all power, and all subordination to authority rests on the executioner: he is the horror and the bond of human association. Remove this incomprehensible agent from the world and at that very moment order gives way to chaos, thrones topple and society disappears.

Joseph De Maistre

Nosce Ipsum Quotes #371357
#4. You can start now and make a new great ending.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Nosce Ipsum Quotes #652839
#5. The solitude of writing is also quite frightening. It's quite close to madness, one just disappears for a day and loses touch.

Nadine Gordimer

Nosce Ipsum Quotes #1078609
#6. There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle afer cycle, by force and bloodshed.

Mark Twain

Nosce Ipsum Quotes #1276051

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