Top 8 Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes

#1. Unemployment is a great tragedy. The man who goes about hopelessly seeking work in order to earn bread for his children is a living reproach to civilization.

Carlos Saavedra Lamas

Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #849394
#2. I find overtime exciting. You don't have time to think about anything.

Jean-Sebastien Giguere

Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #999808
#3. Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of those who obey.

Denis Diderot

Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #1039643
#4. Despereaux," she whispered.
And then she shouted it, "Despereaux!"
Reader, nothing is sweeter in this sad world than the sound of someone you love calling your name.

Kate DiCamillo

Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #1121499
#5. Sometimes the people who touch our lives the most are only passing through.

Maggie James

Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #1147121
#6. Coat to a seamstress in Vegas who specialized in fabric manipulation for magicians. I thought for certain her topit would


Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #1367074
#7. I have never developed indigestion from eating my words.

Winston Churchill

Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #1508230
#8. There is no greater responsibility resting upon peoples and governments everywhere than to make sure that enduring peace will this time - at long last - be established and maintained.

Cordell Hull

Nicholas Nickleby Madeline Bray Quotes #1876596

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