Top 16 Nexxus Quotes

#1. I was 26 when I went to my first acting class. I'm naturally quite shy. I'm a quite private person. There's this really strange acting class in New York called Black Nexxus. For someone who's slightly shy or self-conscious, it's the most frightening thing you can do.

Hannah Ware

Nexxus Quotes #1920
#2. If you understood everything I said, you'd be me

Miles Davis

Nexxus Quotes #70587
#3. People should be more concerned with the return of their principal than the return on their principal.

Will Rogers

Nexxus Quotes #369092
#4. It was one of the great chances in my life to become a Dumont actor.

Leon Askin

Nexxus Quotes #791541
#5. These [religious ideas] are given out as teachings, are not precipitates of experience or end-results of thinking: they are illusions, fullfilments of the oldest, strongest and most urgent wishes of mankind.

Sigmund Freud

Nexxus Quotes #805089
#6. And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows!

Audrey Hepburn

Nexxus Quotes #806399
#7. My parents were born in 1912; they graduated from college into the Depression. They kept notebooks of every nickel they spent, and these habits of frugality from having grown up so poor never left them.

Roz Chast

Nexxus Quotes #1050672
#8. He might fight under my badge, Bet'anya, but you're the only one he would die for.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Nexxus Quotes #1057330
#9. If we eliminate the pressure to pass, what delicious and devastating opportunities for transformation might we create?

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore

Nexxus Quotes #1085807
#10. You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better. By becoming a little better each and every day, over a period of time, you will become a lot better.

John Wooden

Nexxus Quotes #1113376
#11. They say, he must had an angel, cuss look how death missed his ass. Unbreakable, what you thought they'd call me Mr. Glass?

Kanye West

Nexxus Quotes #1162307
#12. When an apologist attempts to be autonomous in his reasoned argumentation he indicates that he considers God to be less certain than his own existence and that he places greater credence in his independent reasoning than in God's Word.

Greg L. Bahnsen

Nexxus Quotes #1248443
#13. I come fresh from the street, fast on my feet, kind a lean and lazy; not much meat on my bones, and a whole lot alone, and more than a little bit crazy. The old six string was all I had to keep my belly still, and for each full hour lesson I gave I got a crisp ten dollar bill.

Harry Chapin

Nexxus Quotes #1323162
#14. America can well expect to develop a goodly amount of composers for she has a goodly number of people.

John Philip Sousa

Nexxus Quotes #1508626
#15. It was my opinion (then and now) that two people who love each other need not necessarily have the same dreams and aspirations, but they damn well ought to share the same nightmares.

Richard Russo

Nexxus Quotes #1689651
#16. Who isn't a fan of Jeff Bridges? And he is such a unique character. I can't think of anybody who's quite like him. He was a lot of fun to be around, just personally.

Marisa Miller

Nexxus Quotes #1709242

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