Top 14 Newsworld Quotes

#1. In our lifetime those who kill the newsworld hands them stardom and these are the ways on which I was raised. - Morrissey, The Last of the Famous International Playboys

Maureen Johnson

Newsworld Quotes #1215003
#2. We become slaves the moment we hand the keys to the definition of reality entirely over to someone else, whether it is a business, an economic theory, a political party, the White House, Newsworld or CNN.

B.W. Powe

Newsworld Quotes #1773316
#3. The secret of success is this: there is no secret of success.

Elbert Hubbard

Newsworld Quotes #49019
#4. The film business is absurd. Stars don't last very long. It's much more interesting to be a proper actor.

Tom Courtenay

Newsworld Quotes #111630
#5. Florida sea captains might place a pineapple at the front door of their house to let everyone know that they had returned from a sea voyage and that the home was open to visitors. Many

James Kaserman

Newsworld Quotes #252231
#6. Any civilization where the main symbol of religious veneration is a tool of execution is a bad place to have children.

Charles Stross

Newsworld Quotes #299058
#7. Without goodness a man cannot endure adversity for long, nor can he enjoy prosperity for long. The good man is naturally at ease with goodness. The wise man cultivates goodness for its advantage.


Newsworld Quotes #487209
#8. Good sex isn't just fun, it keeps us sane and happy. Having sex with someone makes us feel wanted, alive and potent

Alain De Botton

Newsworld Quotes #589854
#9. They may have forgotten how badly they treated you, or they may pretend that they have forgotten. But watch: They will come back to you.

Maya Angelou

Newsworld Quotes #778619
#10. You know my father's favorite game? Come here and pull my finger.

Bill Cosby

Newsworld Quotes #801310
#11. For better or worse, I'm interested in just about everything: every different type of music I can imagine. I can never see a reason to choose just one type of music at the exclusion of everything else. Different types of music are capable of being rewarding in different kinds of ways.


Newsworld Quotes #861820
#12. Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Newsworld Quotes #1175241
#13. Make evil intelligible, justice desirable, sorrow endurable, and love possible. My hero taught me that, and for once, I don't mean Batman.

Victor Giannini

Newsworld Quotes #1456678
#14. You mean something happened to him? Her voice faded off into sort of a sad whisper, like a mortician asking for a down payment.

Raymond Chandler

Newsworld Quotes #1622401

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