Top 100 Natural Order Quotes
#1. Of course, even though Peter and I have had our disagreements, we share a bond I'd defend to the death if needs be. If all goes according to the natural order of things, siblings will know us longer than our parents, longer than our spouses and friends. Lord Westdale to Duncan
Kieran Kramer
#2. Divinity is not something supernatural that ever and again invades the natural order in a crashing miracle. Divinity is not in some remote heaven, seated on a throne. Divinity is love ... Wherever goodness, beauty, truth, love, are-there is the divine.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
#3. Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
C.S. Lewis
#4. I think being ambitious, successful, powerful, making a lot of money - I don't care what color you are as a woman; it's difficult to find a mate. I think the natural order is that men want to be providers.
Stephanie Allain
#5. Grace does not work like a penny in a slot machine. Grace will move you only when you want it to move you, and only when you let it move you. The supernatural order supposes the freedom of the natural order, but it does not destroy it.
Fulton J. Sheen
#6. Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
Do Justice
Learn from the World Community
Nurture People
Cherish the Natural Order
Non-Conform Freely.
Doris Janzen Longacre
#7. We must never forget that we are cosmic revolutionaries, not stooges conscripted to advance a natural order that kills everybody.
Alan Harrington
#8. Relaxation means releasing all concern and tension and letting the natural order of life flow through one's being.
Donald Curtis
#9. I think a tragedy is something where the natural order of things is completely interrupted and doesn't right itself.
Patrick Marber
#10. They have to stick their instruments in. They have to leave their mark. They can't just watch. They can't just appreciate. They can't just fit into the natural order. They have to make something unnatural happen. That is the scientist's job,
Michael Crichton
#11. Everyone is aware that most of the built environment today lacks a natural order, an order which presents itself very strongly in places that were built centuries ago.
Christopher Alexander
#12. It seemed to me that one should make an effort to banish artificial classifications from chemistry and begin to assign to each element the place it must occupy in the natural order by comparing it in succession to others ...
Andre-Marie Ampere
#13. They've flipped the natural order on us, boy. Better to die than live. Better to give up than fight. Better to hide than face. They know the way to break us is to kill us first here.
Rick Yancey
#14. We could go so far as to say that it is the human condition to be grotesque, since the human animal is the one that does not fit in, the freak of nature who has no place in the natural order and is capable of re-combining nature's products into hideous new forms.
Mark Fisher
#15. Deafness produces bizarre effects, reversing the natural order of things; the interchange of letters is the conversation of the deaf, and the only link with society. I would be in despair, for instance, over seeing you speak, but, instead, I am only too happy to hear you write.
Lord Chesterfield
#16. ("It is a blessing to die in the natural order." - Sofia Gelman.)
Boris Fishman
#17. Works for me. For the ones we love, today we're allies. Tomorrow we resume our natural order of mortal enemies. Gentlemen, and I use that term loosely for all of us, have we an accord? (Acheron)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
#18. No matter how many times I break...I will repair.
No matter how many times I tear...I will sew."
-From "Towards Peace in a More Natural Order
Isabel Marcheselli
#19. For most of my life, the world shrank and technology progressed; this was the natural order of things. Few of us clocked on that "the natural order of things" is entirely man-made, and that a world that kept expanding as technology regressed was not only possible but waiting in the wings.
David Mitchell
#20. No one ever wrote a story yet without some real emotional drive behind it
and I have not that drive except where violations of the natural order ... defiances and evasions of time, space, and cosmic law ... are concerned.
H.P. Lovecraft
#21. Tisiphone: the avenger (voice of revenge)
"Women guardians of the natural order"
Think of the morning dream with ghosts
Why draw the widow's card and wear the gorgeous
Queen of Swords crown
Hoa Nguyen
#22. When one is a child, the disposition of objects, tables and chairs and doors, seems part of the natural order: a house-move lets in chaos - as it does for a dog.
Elizabeth Bowen
#23. It is sad and oddly comforting once you realize that chaos is the natural order
Rickey Russell
#24. Why fight the natural order of things?"
"I guess becomes some things are worth it.
Paula Stokes
#25. A way of life that keeps saying 'Around the next corner, above the next step,' works against the natural order of things and makes it so difficult to be happy and good.
Benjamin Hoff
#26. The Cabal mocks the natural order. For its minions, death is just a pause between duties.
#27. In most relationships, one partner has more control than the other. It was just the natural order of things. Perfect balance was a hard thing to find.
Harlan Coben
#28. Why do certain people try to go against the natural order of things, which is to fight for survival whatever happens?
Paulo Coelho
#29. Slavery is not penal in character and planned by that law which commands the preservation of the natural order and forbids disturbance.
Saint Augustine
#30. We dispute the arbitrary distribution of power and wealth, which is claimed as the natural order, but which is in fact not natural at all but rather artificially created and sustained by ancient privileges.
Kate Elliott
#31. If you dare to create something and put it out there, after all, then it may accidentally stir up a response. That's the natural order of life: the eternal inhale and exhale of action and reaction. But you are definitely not in charge of the reaction - even when that reaction is flat-out bizarre.
Elizabeth Gilbert
#32. To overcome the intelligent by folly is contrary to the natural order of things; to overcome the foolish by intelligence is in accord with the natural order. To overcome the intelligent by intelligence, however, is a matter of opportunity.
Zhuge Liang
#33. Simple acceptance Like waves belong on water We are as we are There is no need to be more than what is. In fact, that is impossible by definition. We can feel good about being part of the natural order of things and simply accept that we are worthy as we are.
Karl Grass
#34. It soon transpired, however, that the unicorn only approached youthful maidens, paying absolutely no attention to older ones. Being a wise creature, the unicorn indubitably knows that remaining too long in the state of maidenhood is suspicious and counter to the natural order. Physiologus
Andrzej Sapkowski
#35. Windows of opportunity open and then close. By staying in the present, handling what's in front of us, and riding the wave of opportunity when it comes, we follow the natural order of things.
Dan Millman
#36. In the strict sense of the term, a true democracy has never existed, and never will exist. It is against natural order that the great number should govern and that the few should be governed.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
#37. God's love is just like the sun, constant and shining for us all. And just as the earth rotates around the sun, it is the natural order for us to move away for a season, and then to return closer, but always within the appropriate time.
Betty Eadie
#38. The image gets built one way or another ... it doesn't get done by following the natural order of things, but arises instead from an order that you have in your mind.
Jean Helion
#39. I always felt mean, jogging back over the logging road,As if I had broken the natural order of things in that swampland;Disturbed some rhythm, old and of vast importance,By pulling off flesh from the living planet;As if I had committed, against the whole scheme of life, a desecration.
Theodore Roethke
#40. There is no 'natural' order, only the way things are.
Hanna Rosin
#41. The loss of innocence is inevitable, but the death of innocence disturbs the natural order. The death of innocence causes an imbalance and initiates an internal war that manifests differently in each individual, but almost always includes anger, withdrawal and severe depression.
B.G. Bowers
#42. God is part of the universe, master architect but not master magician. In this conception, miracles do not represent, as they traditionally have, "the intervention of God in the natural order" or "the suspension of the natural order."10
Terryl L. Givens
#43. 'Frankenstein' was all about the idea that, through electricity and the destruction of night, man creating light and darkness, we took on god-like powers and then abused them like gods, and we are only men. That's a story about man making a man in his own image. The inversion of natural order.
Benedict Cumberbatch
#44. I have a kind of respect
a worshipful attitude, even
for nature and the natural order and the cosmos and the seasons ...
Sidney Poitier
#45. Because a human being is endowed with empathy, he violates the natural order if he does not reach out to those who need care. Responding to this empathy, one is in harmony with the order of things, with dharma; otherwise, one is not.
Dayananda Saraswati
#46. There are no whys or hows when it comes to the natural order of things. It just is.
Julie Kagawa
#47. Science makes people reach selflessly for truth and objectivity; it teaches people to accept reality, with wonder and admiration, not to mention the deep awe and joy that the natural order of things brings to the true scientist.
Lise Meitner
#48. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy.
Julia Cameron
#49. They're mocking us," I said. "Nonsense. We just fucked so hard we broke your bed. They wish they were us. The natural order of sexual status has been restored.
Kylie Scott
#50. I shot her because she had just killed my best friend and my worst enemy with a single hand -grenade.
This episode made me sorry to be alive , made me envy stones.
I would rather have been a stone at the service of the Natural Order
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
#51. I realize the odds, and science, are against me. But science is not the total answer; this I know, this I have learned in my lifetime. And that leaves me with the belief that miracles, no matter how inexplicable or unbelievable, are real and can occur without regard to the natural order of things.
Nicholas Sparks
#52. It went against the natural order of things. Parents give; they do not receive. "Mom,
Kathleen Irene Paterka
#53. What happened?"
"I tried to be somebody different from who I am and it didn't work out."
"The world ain't set up that way. Folks say we oughta be better than we are, but deep down they just want us to stay in our places. With our own kind.
Messes up the natural order, otherwise.
Carolee Dean
#54. It was as if the universe pointed us in the direction of each other, because that was the natural order of things.
Chrissy Moon
#55. That's all about the natural order of things, the idea of nature protecting children but also children protecting nature.
Hugh Jackman
#56. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you can only tinker with the natural order of things for so long before nature gets the last laugh.
Chris Dietzel
#57. When the ship goes down, the waves very quickly roll over the top of it, and attention shifts elsewhere. It's just the natural order of things in TV - in life - and is as it should be.
Hugh Laurie
#58. When feet doesn't want to hold you, you climb with your head. Maybe it isn't the natural order of things, but isn't it better to walk with your head than to think with your feet, as it happens so frequently?
Rene Daumal
#59. Death, of course, is not a failure. Death is normal. Death may be the enemy, but it is also the natural order of things.
Atul Gawande
#60. Such killings were part of the natural order of things, an inevitable consequence of belonging to a royal household.
Gustave Flaubert
#61. I think it was David Hume who put it slightly vulgarly, this was again about the virgin birth I think. Which is more likely ... that the whole natural order is suspended or that a Jewish minx should tell a lie?
Christopher Hitchens
#62. Idleness would have seemed not only a sign of moral decay, but an affront to the natural order of things.
Diana Gabaldon
#63. Equality is not in the natural order of things, and the crusade to make everyone equal in every respect (except before the law) is certain to have disastrous consequences.
Murray Rothbard
#64. Why do we experience beauty as transcendent yet somehow impermanent and corrupted, and suffering as somehow wrong, rather than simply a part of the natural order?
David Skeel
#65. Once upon a time, growing up male gave little boys a sense of certainty about the natural order of things. We had short hair, wore pants, and played baseball. Girls had long hair, wore skirts, and, no matter how hard they tried, always threw a baseball just like a girl.
Kenneth R. Miller
#66. There is a tendency in things to right themselves, and the war or revolution or bankruptcy that shatters rotten system, allows things to take a new and natural order.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#67. They had grown up to believe that the natural order of things was for one's home to be a place of freedom and space far removed from the complexities and restrictions of human societies. We
Kobie Kruger
#68. In order to live a fully human life we require not only control of our bodies (though control is a prerequisite); we must touch the unity and resonance of our physicality, our bond with the natural order, the corporeal grounds of our intelligence.
Adrienne Rich
#69. With the cruel natural order that had made me simultaneously undesirable to men and unable to feel complete without one.
Hillary Jordan
#70. The universe has a place and purpose for everything and everyone. sometimes we cannot know what that place is. or what the purpose of everything that happens to us will be. that is why we must allow the natural order of things to occur.
Jessica Brody
#71. Compassion has no place in the natural order of the world which operates on the basis of necessity. Compassion opposes this order and is therefore best thought of as being in some way supernatural.
John Berger
#72. Life itself is too great a miracle for us to make so much fuss about potty little reversals of what we pompously assume to be the natural order.
Robertson Davies
#73. Many upscale American parents somehow think jobs like their own are part of the nation's natural order. They are not. In Europe, they have already discovered that, and many there have accepted the new small-growth, small-jobs reality. Will we?
Daniel Henninger
#74. With children use force; with men reason; such is the natural order of things. The wise man requires no law.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
#75. After all, death and life are just two phases of the natural order of things. It seems silly to embrace birth and fear death.
Fiona Paul
#76. The natural order of life is not the thinking and imagination, but living in the moment, with absolute trust.
Roshan Sharma
#77. Angels belong to a uniquely different dimension of creation which we, limited to the natural order, can scarcely comprehend.
Billy Graham
#78. That so many of them were African American, many of them my grandmother's age, struck me as simply a part of the natural order of things: growing up in Hampton, the face of science was brown like mine. My
Margot Lee Shetterly
#79. But there is one place where a person can make choices that will lead in a small way toward greater sanity in dealing with the natural order. That place is the private garden.
Allen Lacy
#80. Theism pushes the quest for intelligibility outside the world. If God exists, he is not part of the natural order but a free agent not governed by natural laws. He may act partly by creating a natural order, but whatever he does directly cannot be part of that order.
Thomas Nagel
#81. I am sick of atrocities, though these are now the natural order of our world. And I would still like to act!
Imre Kertesz
#82. My work since the late '80s specifically questioned what was presented as the 'natural' order of things in the history of post-war-N.Y. painting.
Deborah Kass
#83. People tend to invert the most natural order of life, which is to move before things happen, instead of expecting things to happen to move.
Robin Sacredfire
#84. The history of harmony is the history of the development of the human ear, which has gradually assimilated, in their natural order, the successive intervals of the harmonic series.
Nadia Boulanger
#85. There has to be some way this won't end in tragedy. Why can't Romeo and Juliet live happily ever after? It's as if the universe won't abide such a strong connection in such a disconnected world, as if our connection defies the natural order.
Kitty Thomas
#87. Everybody steals from everybody, Addie. That's the natural order of things. I
Amanda Lance
#88. Most people don't realize that when we violate the natural order of things when we pollute the air, when we pollute the water, we are destroying mother nature and that's a violent act. If we don't first and foremost come to some peaceful terms, none of us are going to be able to survive.
Cathy Hughes
#89. The second Mrs. Helstone, inversing the natural order of insect existence, would have fluttered through the honeymoon a bright, admired butterfly, and crawled the rest of her days a sordid trampled worm.
Charlotte Bronte
#90. All sudden and violent changes, whatever their causes or character, must tend to decrease the respect for status quo as a natural order of things.
Gunnar Myrdal
#91. The natural order will emerge only if we let go of the fear of the disorder, we trust each other.
Judith Malina
#92. Does anyone truly understand females? ... Their behavior is opposite of everything in the natural order and flies in the face of logic.
Mary Lydon Simonsen
#93. The Great Change is when humankind accepts its role as part of the natural order of the universe instead of its role as a cancer
Dan Simmons
#94. It's more work to create poverty, disease and disharmony than it is to create health, harmony and abundance, because perfect health, harmony and abundance are the natural order of things.
Robert Anthony
#95. Life has a balance and natural order. I'm not fighting the flow anymore. My career right now is very up. It's happening naturally and it's happening well.
Irene Cara
#96. Is not man himself the most unsettled of all the creatures of the earth? What is this trembling sensation that is intensified with each ascending step in the natural order?
Ugo Betti
#97. Human beings are what I think of as "biomythic" animals: we're controlled largely by the stories we tell. When we get the story wrong, we get out of harmony with the rest of the natural order.
Sam Keen
#98. In a culture dominated, if not by violence, then certainly by overheated reports of it dished out by a ratings-starved news media, it reassured her that the love of peace and natural order was still extant in the human soul.
Nevada Barr
#99. Slavery always has, and always will produce insurrections wherever it exists, because it is a violation of the natural order of things ...
Angelina Grimke
#100. I am inherently a little brother - that's just my nature. It has to do with my sister being very strong and wanting to protect me. It's the natural order of things.
Jake Gyllenhaal
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